Best okroshka? There is one here! The most delicious and simple recipes for okroshka on sour cream, kvass, mineral water, kefir


Okroshka is the most frequent guest on the table in the spring and summer.

The cold dish is remarkably refreshing, gives vitamins and delights with unusual tastes. Recipes okroshka actually a huge amount.

Choose the best?

The best okroshka - general principles of cooking

Cucumbers are a constant and constant ingredient in the popular soup. They can be added in unlimited quantities, but still it is better to maintain an equal amount between all components. This will make the taste of okroshka more harmonious.

What else is laid:

• Sausages. By tradition, they go boiled and without fat. You can add any other meat products.

• Eggs. Used frequently, pre-boiled. They are never added in raw form.

• Radish. It doesn’t go to all recipes, but we give the soup a special flavor.

• Potatoes. Used boiled, often exclude it.

• Greenery. Be sure to onion, for taste you can throw dill, parsley.

Okroshka has a lot of fill options. It is prepared from kefir, sour cream, mineral water, whey, and kvass. To brighten the taste, add salt, pepper, lemon or other acid. They use okroshka only in cold form, otherwise the soup loses its taste.

The best okroshka on kefir with mineral water

According to many, to make a tasty cold soup, you do not need kvass. For this beloved and best okroshka, they use ordinary kefir and sparkling mineral water.


• 2 potatoes;

• 3 eggs;

• 8 radishes;

• cucumbers 2 pieces;

• 0.25 kg of cooked sausage;

• kefir 700 ml;

• mineral water as much;

• different greens


1. Boil chicken eggs and washed potato tubers, let cool well. Then they need to be cleaned, cut into cubes half a centimeter.

2. We also cut the cucumbers and radishes, and then send them to the potatoes.

3. We throw the sausage, which we crumble the same.

4. We take green onions, parsley, dill, in general, various greens at our discretion. We sort it out, rinse, shake off the drops of water and cut.

5. Mix kefir with salt, pour into a saucepan.

6. Pour in portions and directly in the plates dilute with sparkling water. You can add lemon juice to taste.

Okroshka simple on kvass

An ancient recipe for a simple okroshka on kvass, which has a traditional taste. Kvass is used bread, it is better to take homemade and sour, it will turn out tastier.


• 0.3 kg of boiled potatoes;

• 0.2 kg of cooked sausage;

• 0.3 kg of fresh cucumbers;

• radishes 0.2 kg;

• 4 boiled eggs;

• 0.15 kg of green onions;

• a glass of sour cream;

• 2 liters of kvass;

• fresh greens.


1. Dice potatoes and eggs.

2. We also cut the recipe sausage, transfer to the total mass.

3. Cut the ends of the cucumbers, cut into small strips, or use a coarse grater.

4. Add the radish.

5. We throw greens.

6. All mix and fill with kvass, salt.

7. We are waiting for the dissolution of salt and put in plates. Add portioned sour cream.

8. If you plan to use okroshka right away, you can just stir the sour cream immediately in a saucepan with kvass and other ingredients.

The easiest okrosha recipe for whey

For the simplest okroshka recipe, you don’t even need potatoes, which reduces the preparation time of the soup. Milk whey is used as a fill, which must be well cooled.


• 1 liter of serum;

• three eggs;

• two cucumbers;

• 0.2 liters of sour cream;

• 8 radishes;

• 0.2 kg of any sausage;

• one bunch of onions;

• one bunch of dill;

• half a lemon.


1. Immediately chop the washed onion and dill. Throw the greens into the pan, add a teaspoon of juice, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and grind everything together with your hands.

2. We cut the eggs cooked in advance and chilled, we throw them to the greens.

3. Wash the cucumbers with radishes, remove all the tails and tips, chop and send to the pan.

4. Next we throw the chopped sausage.

5. We spread the sour cream and stir, we get a delicious salad.

6. We take out the whey, pour and stir. We try on salt. Bring to the desired taste and immediately send the soup to the table.

Best Chicken Okroshka

This recipe is really worthy of the title of the best okroshka, as it allows you to cook the most healthy soup. No chemistry in the form of sausage, chicken meat is used from meat products.


• 0.4 kg of breast;

• two cucumbers;

• three eggs;

• two potatoes;

• a lot of greenery;

• 700 ml of kefir;

• half a liter of purified water;

• one lemon.


1. Fill the breast with water so that the liquid slightly covers the chicken. Boil for 20 minutes. We throw salt, pepper, bay leaf and cook another 10 minutes. Cool, cut arbitrarily, but the pieces should be small.

2. We clean and cut the boiled eggs, transfer to the chicken.

3. Next we send shredded cucumbers with chopped greens.

4. We cut boiled potatoes or do without it. We shift to cold soup.

5. Pour kefir and water into the soup, salt. Stir well, the grains dissolve in a cold liquid for a long time. We try on salt.

6. Rinse the lemon, cut in half and squeeze a little juice, bring the acid to the desired taste.

7. Send to cool or immediately put in plates and serve.

Okroshka simple with sorrel

A variant of a simple okroshka with a sour taste that gives sorrel. You need young and tender leaves, it is better to cut and remove the stems immediately. Pouring for such a cold soup is prepared on kefir with ordinary water. You can use mineral water. Boiled potatoes can be thrown at will for satiety.


• sorrel big bunch;

• one bunch of onions;

• two cucumbers;

• three eggs;

• six radishes;

• 0.8 l of kefir;

• 0.4 l of water;

• sausages or boiled meat about 200 grams.


1. Fresh my cucumbers, cut, throw in a pan.

2. Add chopped eggs and greens.

3. Next to the okroshka we throw sorrel. It should be cut as small as possible so that the acid in the soup is evenly distributed.

4. Take the sausage (boiled meat), cut and throw into the future soup.

5. We wash the radish, cut the ends from two sides, cut into small and thin plates. Add to the pan to the rest of the ingredients.

6. Kefir is combined with water, salt and beat until smooth with a spoon. We taste it, if there is not enough acid, then you can pour a little lemon.

7. Pour the kefir mixture into cold soup, stir and let stand for at least half an hour in the refrigerator.

The easiest okroshka recipe for sour cream with water

In the simplest okroshka recipe there is neither kvass, nor kefir, nor whey. All she needs is sour cream and any acid. The recipe goes for lemon juice, but it can be replaced with dry lemon, apple cider vinegar.


• a glass of sour cream;

• one liter of water;

• three cucumbers;

• four potato tubers;

• one small lemon;

• 0.2 kg of sausage;

• 8-10 pieces of radish;

• four eggs;

• greenery.


1. Prescription potatoes and eggs should be cooked in advance. Everything is cooled and cut into ordinary cubes. Throw in a pan or in a tureen.

2. Add the greens.

3. Throw the sausage.

4. Cucumbers along with radishes should be cut into thin slices so that there is no difficulty with chewing. Also sent to the pot with cold soup.

5. Put the sour cream, stir, you can immediately add salt.

6. Fill with prescription water. We let the tastes combine, for this we stir the soup with a large spoon for a couple of minutes. We appreciate the taste.

7. Kislim soup with lemon juice. Or pour apple cider vinegar. You can add citric acid, but it is better to dilute it separately in a glass and often try okroshka when adding.

The best beetroot okroshka

To make the best beetroot okroshka, you will need homemade kvass cooked on black bread. In order not to delay the preparation of cold soup, you can boil beets with potatoes in advance.


• 1 beetroot;

• 2-3 medium-sized cucumbers;

• 2 potatoes;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 300 grams of boiled sausage;

• 0.15 kg of green onions;

• 4 eggs;

• 1.5 liters of kvass;

• 150 ml sour cream;

• citric acid, salt.


1. We clean the boiled beets and simply rub with large chips.

2. You can also grate cucumbers. Or cut into small and thin strips. We send to the pot for beets.

3. We cut the eggs and boiled potatoes into cubes, transfer them to cold soup.

4. Add the sausage, cut into small pieces.

5. Throw chopped herbs and feather onions.

6. Now salt, add a little diluted citric acid and pour in the kvass.

7. Stir the beetroot okroshka and pour into plates.

8. On top, put portionwise on a spoonful of sour cream. We offer lemon and salt for cold soup.

Okroshka simple on meat with vinegar

To prepare a simple okroshka, you will need meat, it is better to use lean slices of veal or pork. Fat and fat in a cold soup are difficult to digest. In addition, many people do not like the taste of frozen fat.


• 0.5 kg of meat;

• 4 potatoes;

• 300 ml sour cream;

• 4 eggs;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 1 bunch of onions;

• 3 cucumbers;

• vinegar, salt;

• 12-15 radishes.


1. Boil the meat until cooked. We use broth for soups, sauces and other dishes. Cool, send for an hour in the freezer. The piece will become denser, it will be easier to cut into cubes.

2. Cucumbers with radishes are well washed, let dry. Then cut into thin slices. You can cubes, straws, plates, but not thick.

3. Boiled potatoes also need to be cut, the skin must be removed.

4. We sort out a bunch of dill and green onions, immediately pinch off the damage. Rinse, shake off drops of water and chop finely.

5. We clean the boiled eggs, cut arbitrarily, but not very large.

6. Stir everything with sour cream, salt.

7. Add 1.5-2 liters of ice water. The thickness of the cold soup is adjustable to your taste.

8. Now pour the vinegar into a pleasantly sour taste. We let it brew for half an hour in the refrigerator and can be served.

The best okroshka - useful tips and tricks

• In okroshka you can add not only cucumbers, but also fresh tomatoes. We take dense, but ripe and juicy tomatoes, remove the skin from them and cut into pieces. Then we prepare cold soup according to any of the recipes, by the way, cucumbers can not be ruled out.

• Okroshka suggests the presence of a large amount of greenery, and the more diverse it is, the tastier it will turn out. We throw parsley, dill, different types of onions, a little basil, cilantro to our taste and get drunk on the wonderful aroma.

• Instead of kefir, cold soup can be poured with yogurt or fermented baked milk. If the fermented milk drink is thick, then before that it must be thoroughly whipped with a spoon or diluted with a small amount of water.

• In order not to wait for the soup to cool, use ice-cold liquid. The remaining ingredients can also be kept in the refrigerator until cooked.

• Okroshka can be cooked not only with boiled sausage or meat. Cold soups are equally tasty with smoked meat products. It is better to use low-fat varieties of sausages, to remove skin and films from meat and chicken.


Watch the video: Traditional Russian Cold Soup Recipe "Okroshka" Weird and Bizarre but SO GOOD! (July 2024).