Buckwheat - medicinal properties and application in medicine


Buckwheat - general description

Buckwheat is an annual plant, received from the people's lips the name black rice or black wheat. Externally, buckwheat can be identified by its characteristic features - a reddish stalk, branching leaves, white or pinkish flowers collected in a brush. Buckwheat can reach a height of 1.5 meters; it exudes a pleasant honey aroma. The plant blooms in July, but fully ripens only in August.

Buckwheat contains a large number of useful trace elements and vitamins: vegetable protein, rutin, vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, and useful acids.

Buckwheat - types and places of growth

Buckwheat is planted as an agricultural crop, its use is widespread in Belarus, Ukraine, throughout the European part of Russia.

Buckwheat - healing properties

Folk healers have long discovered the healing properties of buckwheat and use them to tone the body and fight serious ailments.

With the help of "black rice" they treat diathesis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, cough, and other inflammatory ailments. Buckwheat is useful for older people, for the comfortable state of children, the powder from the fruits of the plant, which is created by grinding the product, is relevant. The plant is used in cases where it is necessary to quickly put on the feet of a person weakened after a serious illness.

Buckwheat has an important effect on blood vessels, it is advised to take it for the prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, with vasospasm and fragility of capillaries.

The plant is an antiseptic, its leaves are applied to festering wounds, which quickly heal under the influence of the beneficial components of buckwheat.

Buckwheat - dosage forms

As a medicine, folk healers and pharmacists use the leaves, stems and fruits of buckwheat (an ideal version of the top, in which the highest concentration of nutrients is observed).

As a rule, buckwheat is collected during its ripening period (August), dried in fresh air or in a room that is well ventilated. However, it should be remembered that the ingress of sunlight on a plant that has already been cut is unacceptable, otherwise all useful substances contained in buckwheat will die.
Seeds obtained from buckwheat should be threshed.

Buckwheat - recipes

The use of buckwheat porridge is prescribed for almost all people who need rehabilitation after a serious illness. Buckwheat tea, which has a mass of all kinds of useful properties, has become very widespread. Preparing a drink is not difficult, we offer a simple and uncomplicated recipe of tea that is beneficial for the body.

Buckwheat Herbal Tea
2 teaspoons of buckwheat grass, pour 1 cup of boiling water, put on fire, cook for 1-2 minutes, then remove from the stove, cover and let it brew for 15 minutes. Tea should be consumed in two or three small cups per day, the course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

People’s healers noticed that buckwheat helps fight insomnia, so for people who can’t fall asleep or often wake up at night, it’s not superfluous to drink a cup of such a buckwheat drink in the evening.

Buckwheat - contraindications

Despite the fact that buckwheat has many useful properties and almost never causes overdose and feeling sick in sick people, there are still contraindications for its use. For example, buckwheat can be quite dangerous for patients who suffer from increased blood coagulation. and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Karina 04/19/2016
It’s interesting that buckwheat is also called “black rice”. This plant is rich in trace elements and vitamins. Both tasty and nutritious.

Nade4ka 04/19/2016
I just suffer from insomnia. Before going to bed, I will drink herbal buckwheat tea. Thanks to the author for the recipe. Hope it helps.

Viola 04/19/2016
Buckwheat gives strength, not in vain give it to the sick. Porridge from it is not only tasty, but also nutritious, there are so many vitamins in the composition!

Varya 04/19/2016
So here she is, buckwheat! I did not know that in addition to cereal, buckwheat tea was also brewed from it. I will definitely try :))

Mimosa 04/19/2016
Buckwheat is certainly a healthy cereal and delicious porridge from it. But the son does not tolerate buckwheat porridge, it turns everything out.


Watch the video: Health Benefits of Buckwheat (July 2024).