I constantly want to sleep: why and what to do. Causes of drowsiness and advice to those who constantly want to sleep: at night and in the afternoon


Increased drowsiness can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Here physiology, and psychology, and more serious medical factors.

In most cases, you can get rid of the problem yourself.

However, with obvious pathology, you need to see a doctor.

I constantly want to sleep: physiological reasons

Increased drowsiness against the background of absolute health, as a rule, is due to natural physiological causes. First of all, you should pay attention to the daily routine. The young body is able to work for a long time in standby mode, and constant lack of sleep tolerates pretty well.

And yet, without a normal night's rest (and this is at least eight hours of full sleep) you will not last long. Will have to pay. Drowsiness, lethargy, decreased performance are not the worst that can happen.

I constantly want to sleep during pregnancy, when the body needs a lot of energy. During this period, a lot of progesterone is produced, causing drowsiness.

Some drugs, for example, first-generation antihistamines, have the same effect. Do not take such pills for those whose work requires concentration. Your doctor may choose another drug.

Weather and time of year can also affect a person’s condition. I constantly want to sleep when it rains or snows. Atmospheric pressure becomes lower, and this also causes a decrease in blood pressure. In addition, in winter, the amount of vitamins supplied with fresh vegetables and fruits decreases. Vitamin deficiency and lack of sunlight weaken the body, cause drowsiness.

The desire to lie down after a hearty dinner is a physiological norm. It is no coincidence that they say that you need to get up from the table at a time when full saturation has not yet come. The brain needs time to get information about sufficient food intake. Overeating becomes a cause of drowsiness.

Motion sickness in transport is also a normal reaction to movement. A state of drowsiness can overtake even a healthy, full of human energy. The wiggle calms, a nap comes, then a dream comes.

The most unpleasant condition, familiar to many, is chronic fatigue. It is necessary to say goodbye to her as soon as possible, since the quality of life is declining, working capacity is disappearing, problems appear in personal life, at work, in everyday life. During the day, a person constantly wants to sleep, at night, on the contrary, insomnia comes. As a result - constant weakness, loss of strength, bad mood.

I constantly want to sleep: psychological reasons

Not only physiology can fail a person. Psychological causes also cause drowsiness. This is a reaction of the body to tragic or dramatic events in life, a kind of protective reaction to stress.

Most often, defenses are activated after a bereavement. An emotionally depleted organism is simply not able to maintain energy at a normal level. In a dream, it is easier to survive stress, the energy saving mode is activated.

Not only a difficult experience, but also the loss of the meaning of life or the blocking of creative energy can cause drowsiness. A person constantly wants to sleep if he is experiencing a creative crisis, does not know how to behave in this situation, is morally disoriented. This is also stress.

During periods of stress, immersion in sleep is beneficial, since the brain receives a break, it is freed from constant analysis of the situation. Relieves psychological pressure. There are cases when it was in a dream that answers to important questions came, creative enlightenment ensued.

I constantly want to sleep: when is it dangerous?

Drowsiness is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. The condition can be a symptom of brain injuries, intoxication, dehydration, internal bleeding, cancer, liver and kidney diseases, chronic heart failure, and many more ailments.

I constantly want to sleep with a malfunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes, adrenal insufficiency. A sleeping state can occur after a traumatic brain injury. This is one of the signs of a concussion.

Drowsiness should alert after intramuscular or intravenous administration of the drug: there are frequent cases of the development of an allergic reaction that poses a direct threat to life.

In this case, it is necessary to solve not the problem of drowsiness, but to engage in serious treatment. A doctor should prescribe it, as well as understand what is happening to a person.

A disease such as depression is also dangerous. Often they confuse him with a bad mood, but in fact there is a medical understanding of the special state of loss of strength, loss of vitality. A person loses touch with the outside world, he does not want anything, nothing pleases. The clinical picture is known to psychiatrists, and abnormal drowsiness fits perfectly into it.

The desire to sleep for 12 hours or more indicates a decrease in the energy of the body. Provided that in previous periods a person did not experience serious sleep deficiency, such a symptom cannot be ignored.

I constantly want to sleep: how to get rid of drowsiness

If you suspect an undiagnosed disease, consult a doctor. If measures to get rid of drowsiness do not work, it should be done as soon as possible. You will have to undergo a full examination, but this is necessary to prevent a serious illness.

If drowsiness is due to psychological reasons, it is important to seek the help of a specialist. Treatment of depression is carried out by complex means, including medication. It is extremely difficult to get a person out of this state.

As for the physiological reasons, then get rid of drowsiness by the forces of any person. First of all, you should establish a daily routine. The ideal time to start a night's rest is 10 pm. If this time seems "childish", it is permissible to go to bed at 11 pm, but no later. The fact is that it is in the interval from 23 hours to two at night that the greatest amount of growth hormone, somatotropin, is produced. It is very important for health.

Normal sleep will allow you to feel all the charm of life. Physical and mental activity, working capacity will increase, a good mood will appear, health will improve. Just train yourself to go to bed and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

I constantly want to sleep with a lack of vitamins, therefore, regularly, twice a year, you need to take good vitamin and mineral complexes in a course. This should be done in spring and autumn, for a month and a half. In summer, you need to stock up on vitamins for the future, consuming as much as possible fresh herbs, fruits, berries, vegetables.

In order not to have a desire to lie down after dinner, you need to make a good habit: to control the amount of food eaten, not to overeat, and generally switch to proper nutrition.

To feel cheerful in the morning, you need to start the day with a contrast shower. A wonderful habit is cold pouring. This is a guarantee of an excellent mood, good health for many years, and well-being.

Exercise in the morning will also help get rid of lethargy and apathy. It’s not necessary to run to the gym. Jogging around the house or a simple 15-minute charge in front of an open window will fill the body with vigor and relieve drowsiness.

In general, you need to often air the room or office space. Oxygen starvation has the most detrimental effect on both activity and health. If it is not possible to run in the morning in the fresh air, you must include the indispensable half-hour walks in the daily routine.


Watch the video: Hypersomnia: the causes and treatment of sleep disorders (June 2024).