Why do strong women like weak men? Phenomenology of the appearance of henpecked


One of nature’s greatest mysteries is the love of strong, successful women for losers. Such situations are quite common.

It would seem that successful ladies are looking for someone of the same scale as themselves. Clever, beautiful, delightful women are often caught in a marriage with rapists, womanizer or outright lazy people. True, after such a relationship, they often refuse to go on dates at all. I do not want to step on the same rake.

So why do they find themselves in relationships with unworthy candidates? There are several reasons for this state of affairs.

1. Separate opinion on sex appeal

Women find attractive not the qualities that men consider as such. It is difficult to realize this principle, but it is. When guys are looking for a wife, they do not pay so much attention to success, strength and inflexibility.

In the eyes of the fair sex, a bright career and a rich social life are signs of power and stability. For men, such qualities are usually not important. Or they perceive them as additional, optional motivating characteristics.

2. The difference in perception of strength and success

Men love to boast about women. They inflate their achievements, presenting them in the best possible light. Disinterested persons notice their exaggeration and outright lies. But for some girls it makes a deep impression.

Well-being, power and independence are not objective characteristics of a person. Sometimes they exist only in the eye of the beholder.

Some girls consider the power to be polite, not to use swearing and swear words, the desire for loneliness and independence. Guys are more often perceived as strong by those pretenders to their heart who know how to take care. And sometimes it seems to them that they are inspired by someone's helplessness.

3. Inaccessibility

Many successful ladies are too keen on the role of a bitchy boss. They cannot disconnect from her and at home. More often, independent women wear a mask of impregnable beauty. Unfortunately, this drives away and repels not only weak, but also strong men. Just losers know how to wait out all the suitors and stay with such a girl as a fallback.

4. The desire to protect your world

Successful girls often erect huge barriers between themselves and society. And if they also had to burn in a relationship, then they approach any men, as if defending themselves with impenetrable armor.

If there is no craving for a healthy relationship, if novels are built on the basis of indulging psychological defenses, there are not many chances to meet a successful person.

5. Interest from losers

Losers of the three kinds are especially keen on the idea of ​​finding a successful woman.

- Infantiles. They are looking for a sweet mom who will replace real parents, will support, patronize, control and ... finance his needs.

- The hunters. They need a trophy wife, whose achievements they will show off to friends and colleagues.

- Tyrants. They like to suppress and subjugate successful ladies. Such behavior helps to feel one's own significance, to feel strong.

All three types of men are looking for a way to assert themselves at the expense of a loved one. It seems to them that they themselves are perceived from the side more worthy if they meet with a successful girl. If they show persistence, then they achieve the one that attracted and interested them.

6. Lack of need for a man

Independent ladies do not need a strong man nearby. They themselves are able to cope with any tasks. But they want love and tenderness. And any guy can give it, it is not necessary for this to be a successful and purposeful careerist.

7. Fear of wealthy men

Statistics show that strong women attract more weak than strong men. The latter cause fear, doubt, confusion. And not the most successful candidates win because it is easier to build relationships with them.

8. Losers are especially eloquent

There are many proverbs that describe this phenomenon. One of them: "The louder the advertisement, the worse the case." The most stupid and hopeless suitors more brilliantly paint their merits. It would seem that everyone understands that you should not believe too loud promises. But some ambitious beauties react to them most willingly.

By their praise, unsuccessful or aggressive guys outshine the more modest but really strong men.

9. Inability to respond to flirting and compliments

How do you become strong and successful people? Studying a lot, working, staying up late with business. These activities do not give a chance to develop a flair for flirting and flirting. Clever, independent ladies are sometimes lost in front of banal compliments addressed to them. And where worthy men directly make it clear that they are interested in relations with them, they do not react, show passivity and inactivity.

There are various reasons for creating a union of a strong lady with a soft-skinned and worthless gentleman. And such families are not always unhappy. But if there is a desire to no longer fall into the company of those who like to parasitize on someone else's success, it is better to engage in self-knowledge. Understanding the causes of problems is the first step towards solving them.


Watch the video: Are Boys Stronger Than Girls? COLOSSAL QUESTIONS (July 2024).