Can I quit smoking abruptly? Causes, possible consequences, is it possible to quit smoking abruptly?


Dependence on smoking is a problem that more than one generation of smokers has struggled with, and not everyone can overcome it.

Some try to solve it on their own, others use special aids (tablets, sprays), and others decide to quit without buildup, immediately and forever.

But is it possible to refuse cigarettes sharply?

This question is completely ambiguous, and there are many opinions on this subject.

Let's get it right.

Types of smokers

Smoking people can be divided into 2 groups:

1) inveterate (everyday);

2) inconsistent.

In fact, there are a lot of people who belong to the second category, they make up about 1/3 of the total smokers mass. In any case, the desire to refuse cigarettes should be many times higher precisely in the first group of people, which is quite logical.

Is it possible to quit smoking abruptly: possible consequences

Many try to get rid of tobacco dependence, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in bringing this matter to a victorious end. Some heavy smokers, even in their thoughts, cannot imagine how they would live without the usual cigarette in their hand. Moreover, even the fact that their bad habit causes significant harm to their loved ones to people and children is in no way able to incline them toward life "without smoke."

But if, nevertheless, a person with a long history of smoking decides to give up cigarettes once and for all, you can’t do it abruptly, since this is fraught with the following pathologies:

  • weakened immunity;

  • coughing in the morning;

  • sharp weight gain;

  • irritability, depression.

However, each of these negative consequences can be alleviated by solving this problem under the supervision of a highly qualified specialist. The doctor at any time will be able to provide the necessary support with medicines of a person who decided to abandon nicotine addiction. In any case, the main thing in this process is the non-use of all kinds of auxiliary means, and the conscious and serious intention of a person to get rid of smoking.

To date, not a single method has been invented that could once and for all save a person from tobacco dependence without the desire of the smoker himself, and it is unlikely that such a tool will ever appear.

At first, each of the means will provide some support, but over time, under the pressure of psychological dissonance, a person breaks down and reaches for a cigarette again, and only his own willpower can stop him. The smoker will lose their nerves, he may become depressed and it will be difficult for him to concentrate on work, if he is forced to quit smoking by force, it is better for him to come to such a decision, only in this way he can achieve the desired result.

So that the body can get used to the changes, it will take some time for adaptation. Since quitting smoking involves changes in the psychophysiological plan, he needs time to accept and tune in to such changes.

Is it possible to quit smoking abruptly: what happens in the body?

It is generally accepted that people with a short smoking history (less than three to five years) can get rid of addiction, although this may not work right away. If the dependence on cigarette smoke for more than ten years, then it is not recommended to quit sharply, since this can lead to many problems with the body. The reason for this is a physically determined nicotine addiction that has formed for more than five years. As for the shorter periods of addiction (less than five years), the problem of quitting smoking is more psychological than psychophysiological.

A person who decides to abruptly get rid of this bad habit will probably break up in a few days, the main reason for which is a large deficiency of acetylcholine in the body. As a result - the occurrence of various ailments, a person may begin dizziness, unreasonable anxiety, depressive state, as well as gluttony. Each of these manifestations, one way or another, is associated with an acute deficiency of acetylcholine.

Is it possible to quit smoking abruptly: how to do it?

There are a huge number of programs that can dramatically get rid of the addiction, but they will ultimately prove to be useless without the desire and willpower of the smoker. In these programs, the hourly daily routine is often prescribed, which allows several times to reduce cravings for cigarettes. Some people trying to quit smoking talk about problems that arise due to a lack of nicotine in the body, but a clear dependence on it primarily works here.

Nicotine “breaking” inherently does not pose a serious threat, rather, it bears a lot of similarities with ordinary food hunger, it is precisely the appearance of the stereotype “stopped smoking and gained weight”. Here, the matter is rather not in the cigarettes themselves, but in the inability to control themselves, since after giving up nicotine a person begins to develop this feeling similar to hunger, and he begins to eat several times more than before. As a result, in just a couple of months, he can see a rapid weight gain of 10-15 kg.

As for people with a long history of smoking (from 10 years), there are rather serious consequences caused by a sharp rejection of cigarettes. In this case, it would be right to begin to get rid of nicotine addiction under the supervision of a doctor, in particular this applies to older people. At the same time, the time to get rid of the habit will not change too much, but medical and psychological help will appear for heavy smokers. The patient will receive nicotine in all kinds of plasters, tablets, will attend various trainings that help to tune in to a healthy lifestyle and take him out of a depressed state.

In any case, you need to get rid of this bad habit not only for your own sake, but also for your family and friends. Be healthy!


Watch the video: Know About the Pathophysiology of Nicotine Withdrawal (June 2024).