The meaning of the name Ksenia


Kseniya - a name derived from the ancient Greek word "xenos", which can be interpreted as "wanderer, guest, hospitable." It should be noted right away that the name Oksana - a derivative of Xenia - although similar in sound and characterization, it is a separate name, despite the identical etymology.

Ksenia of Petersburg became the patroness of the name, who, according to legend, was widowed early. After that, she sold her property and began a wandering life, helping people and healing seriously ill patients.

Ksenia - character traits

Since childhood, Ksusha has a sense of purpose and independence, she is rebellious and willful. Parents have to keep the girl in tight rein, as sometimes it is difficult to control the child - she is so independent that she refuses to obey adults. Despite this, she remains a child, she is not alien to childhood fantasies, dreams and experiences.

At school, Ksenia studies well - pride does not allow otherwise. Often changes friends, stopping, in the end, on the one that agrees with her in everything, does not argue and reread. The girl does not fail, she is proud, she knows her worth. Along with this, a certain justice can be traced in it - it protects the unjustly offended and weak.

Having matured, Ksenia remains short-tempered. She, like a cat, releases its claws, if, God forbid, something does not meet her requirements or views. The girl is straightforward and unsophisticated, often regrets what she said in a fit of emotion, she has a “tongue without bones” - she speaks first and then thinks.

Ksenia can not be called lucky - everything in life she gets hard work and perseverance. She is purposeful and always goes forward to the intended goal, without turning off the course. He suffers failure badly and can become severely depressed. He feels free in a male company, where he can sparkle with his charm, elegance and sexuality.

Ksenia subconsciously searches for a man who understands, is strong, firmly standing on her feet, and the girl is not interested in his fat wallet, because she is independent and will not allow herself to be a kept woman. Ksenia is a good wife and mother, she loves to equip a home, she brings up children in severity. The girl is able to decorate and diversify family life.

Ksenia - name compatibility

The maximum strength of feelings she will provide marriage with representatives of such names as Andrew, Alexander, Vadim, Arkady, Nikita, Igor. The alliance with Alexei, Maxim, Pavel, Mikhail and Sergey is quite stable.

In terms of temperament, she is completely unsuitable: Vladimir, Ivan, Denis, Stepan and Yuri.

Famous people named Ksenia

K. Godunova - Russian Tsarina, K. Sobchak, K. Kachalina - actress, K. Nekrasova - poet, K. Alexandrova - princess (daughter of the emperor), K. Romanov, K. Ozerova - figure skater, K. Doronin - athlete, K Borodin et al.

Ksenia - interesting facts about the name

- zodiac sign - Aquarius;
- patron planet - Saturn;
- colors of the name - green-blue, silver, gray, malachite, coffee;
- plant-symbol - immortelle;
- animal totem - a rabbit;
- stone amulet - chalcedony.

By the way, in Japan, too, there is the name Ksenia, only they sound differently - Kyakuzuki.


Ksenia 12/29/2016
I did not guess the maiden, though Xenia

Natasha 11/28/2016
And also this name of Xenia happens under the zodiac sign - Gemini.
Suitable for them - Lions, Sagittarius and Crayfish. They make good pairs.

Natasha 11/28/2016
I want to say that Ksenia is still suitable for the name, that is, the compatibility of other names: Anatoly, George, Ivan, Nikolai, Vladislav and Anton.

Ksenia 09.24.2016
My name is Ksenia if it’s honestly right there as it is written about me! And the negative and positive qualities are exactly the same!

Kseniya!!! 09/21/2016
this is exactly about me)))


Watch the video: My name is Ksenia (May 2024).