Massage in the treatment of shoulder-shoulder periarthritis at home. Compresses for humeroscapular periarthritis


Periarthritis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the tissues near the joints. Such a process can occur due to hypothermia, with excessive load, in case of infection. As soon as pain occurs in the shoulder and the doctor is diagnosed with shoulder-shoulder periarthritis, treatment at home should be started immediately.

Causes of the shoulder-shoulder periarthritis

There can be several reasons for the development of this ailment. The first reason explains the disease neurodystrophic changes in tendon fibers. They progress as a result of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. This causes pinching of the nerves of the brachial plexus. Blood circulation in the brachial composition is impaired, degeneration and reactive inflammation of the tendon fibers of the shoulder develop.

The second reason indicates mechanical injury to the soft tissues. It can be excessive physical activity, blows to the shoulder. Microtrauma is accompanied by tears of tendon fibers. The following diseases can lead to the progression of the disease:

Myocardial infarction;

Angina pectoris;


· Parkinson's disease;

· diabetes;

· pulmonary tuberculosis.

Such factors can cause ailment:


· A woman older than 40 years;

Hypothermia of the joint;

Neuropsychiatric diseases;


· Long stay in damp places.

Whatever the cause of the disease, it is necessary to begin timely and competent treatment.

Massage and exercise therapy in the treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis at home

In order to get rid of pain, bring muscle tone back to normal, prevent complications from effectively doing massage. Massage should be the area of ​​the affected joint, upper back, chest, collar area. Procedures can be carried out at home. It is forbidden to resort to this method in case of acute pain, fever and damage to the epidermis.

With this disease, acupressure is useful. It helps to eliminate pain and restore motor ability. One of the methods is hirudotherapy. Leeches are placed at specific points. With this procedure, increased blood circulation is observed, swelling subsides and the island-inflammatory process recedes.

Physical therapy is also an indispensable method of treating an ailment. Exercise relieves pain, increases joint mobility. It is possible to start classes after talking with a specialist. The doctor will select a set of effective exercises.

Classes should be held a couple of times a day. It is recommended that therapy be given at the same time. Usually, the cure lasts at least a month. The main rule of treatment is a gradual increase in stress. Start only with light exercises. As the patient's condition improves, the course can be diversified. First, exercises are performed 3-5 times, and after 7-10. Various exercises are prescribed, but the course must include movements of the shoulder joints of both hands.

Effective exercises are:

1. Sit on a chair, put your hands on each side. Elbows should be parted to the sides. Gently and slowly lower the shoulders forward, then back.

2. Be in the same starting position and make smooth rotation with the shoulders.

3. Effective and passive exercises. They help increase the range of motion in a sore joint. For example, you can attach a sore arm to the second shoulder. With a healthy limb, raise the elbow of a sore hand.

4. To get a sick hand behind the back, grab it with a healthy hand. Pull to the buttock until pain occurs.

A very effective method for ailment is postisometric relaxation. Even severe forms of the disease can be cured. To restore movement in the joint, 15 procedures are enough.

Treatment of shoulder-shoulder periarthritis at home: salt dressings and honey compresses

To obtain a saline solution for the bath, you must mix 100 g of salt and a liter of liquid. Thoroughly mix the entire mass until the white crystals are completely dissolved.

In the resulting solution, drop a piece of gauze folded in 8 layers. If there is no gauze, then you can use linen cloth. The dressing must remain in the healing fluid for at least two hours. After this, warm up the liquid a little.

Pry a warm bandage from the container and attach to the affected joint. Wrap polyethylene over the skin. Fix the suspension with a clean cotton towel. Such procedures should be performed before bedtime. The duration of therapy is about two weeks. The doctor after diagnosis will specify the number of necessary procedures.

No less effective honey compress, which is even easier to do. Apply a loose layer of bee products to the epidermis. It must be carefully distributed throughout the painful surface. It is also necessary to apply to nearby areas. To process the scapula, clavicle and forearm. After that, cover the area that has been treated with a plastic film. To warm the compress over it, wrap it with a warm scarf. Leave the compress overnight. The course of therapy for each patient is individual.

Alternative recipes for the treatment of shoulder-shoulder periarthritis at home

There are many folk recipes that help alleviate the condition of the patient with such an ailment. The most effective are:

1. Baths with hay. Hay hay is a healing herb that helps get rid of the symptoms that are manifesting. To prepare the bath, you need to take 500 grams of dried grass and add 10 liters of liquid. Bring the whole mass to a boil and then allow to cool. After 40 minutes, filter the broth and pour it into the prepared bath. You can spend as much time in the hay bath as you want. Usually, the duration of administration is about a quarter of an hour. The temperature of the liquid should not fall below 37 degrees.

2. Hot compress of herbs. For a healing mixture, you need to mix herbs such as medicinal marshmallow, chamomile and clover in a ratio of 1: 2: 2. Pour boiling water over the composition and beat everything with a blender. Put the hot gruel on a previously prepared bandage. In order for heat to remain on top of the dressing, lay polyethylene. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the course of the disease.

3. Burdock. A leaf of the plant is applied to the affected area and left overnight. Pre-rinse sheet. In the morning it must be replaced with a fresh one. The plant helps to get rid of pain.

4. Infusion of herbs. The cure of this ailment can not do without infusions of herbs that should be consumed inside. A simple and tasty medicine is dark currant. Mix 50 g of berries with sugar and beat with a blender. Pour boiling water over the whole mass and mix well. Composition to drink. It is also possible to stir nettle with hypericum. Dry herbs are mixed in the same ratio. Pour a large spoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water. Put on low heat for 10 minutes. Filter the drug, after taking 4 times a day before each meal. The product can be stored in the refrigerator. After taking it, discomfort passes, the pain is eliminated.

With a shoulder-shoulder periarthritis, rubbing is useful. They can be made with the help of various tinctures and decoctions. To warm the diseased area and eliminate pain, an infusion of vodka on pepper will help. With this tool, rub the affected area daily. The number of treatments varies from two to three. After the manipulations, the affected area should be insulated with a warm scarf. Wear a sweatshirt over.

No less effective tincture of calendula. It has an effect on the island-inflammatory process. Helps muscles recover faster. Effective decoctions from:



· Birch leaf;


Take all herbs in the same ratio. Pour a large spoonful of the collection with two cups of boiling water. Put the mixture on low heat for five minutes. Leave the medicine for an hour. Then filter and wrap with a warm towel. Repeat manipulations 2-3 times a day.


Watch the video: 5 Shoulder Exercises to Prevent Pain (July 2024).