The secret of how to cook oatmeal in water. Gourmet, healthy oatmeal dishes on the water


Porridge, especially made from oatmeal, is an easily digestible cereal dish, delicious and very tasty, as well as fortified and containing a lot of microelements, as well as useful substances.

Of course, oatmeal can be boiled in milk, but cooked in water, it will be considered dietary food, as well as nutritious and easily perceived by the human body.

Cooking oatmeal is easy and fast.

Knowing some principles and based on the recipes for preparing this dish, you can easily create this delicious food at home on your own and without anyone else's help.

General principles for cooking oatmeal cooked in water

Despite the fact that it’s easy to cook oatmeal on the water, certain skills and abilities of the cook should still be:

• In order to make oatmeal cooked on water more saturated and at the same time tender and mouth-watering, it is recommended to pick up uncooked and whole grains for cooking it.

• If, however, crushed grains are still at hand, after cooking, the porridge must be thrown into a colander - in order to get rid of all unnecessary particles.

• Oatmeal intended for cooking porridge should be soaked in advance for several hours in slightly salted boiling water.

• To create a diet - you need to boil oatmeal in a little water with a small amount of salt and oil.

• Oatmeal should be mixed regularly during cooking, preferably with a wooden spoon, in order to avoid burning the dish.

• Oatmeal is best cooked in a slow cooker, or in a saucepan with a special coating, which will prevent the process of possible burning and a thick bottom.

• You can cook oatmeal in a slow cooker - from the evening put the products required by the recipe into it, and by the morning already have a hearty and healthy dish.

• In order for oatmeal in the microwave to be well cooked and cooked tasty and appetizing, oats must be steamed well in advance.

• The food should be supplied with oil to obtain an even more delicate consistency, as well as let the oatmeal infuse in a container under a closed lid.

• In order to give oatmeal cooked on water a certain sophistication and piquancy, it is necessary to add dried fruits, syrups or fresh fruits to it during its preparation.

• It is more advisable to cook porridge on non-carbonated mineral water or on purified water passed through a filter.

• It is better to make the described porridge on the water from oat kernels than from purchased flakes - oats.

Recipes and important nuances of how to cook oatmeal in water

Recipe 1. How to cook oatmeal on the water (Traditional)


• Groats (oatmeal) - 200 gr.

• Mineral (still) - 400 ml.

• Sugar, salt.

• Butter).

Cooking method:

To prepare this dish, you need to take whole oatmeal grains, preferably processed, as they will not give the future porridge a certain bitterness.

It is advisable to pour the required amount of water into the container with thick walls and put on a small fire.

As soon as the water boils, add salt and oatmeal prepared for this case.

Then you need to mix the available components well, reduce the heat and continue to cook the oatmeal, stirring it periodically.

After 20 minutes, you need to add butter, sugar to the porridge and mix all the ingredients together again.

After the finished meal, you need to give the opportunity to brew under a closed lid and then serve the oatmeal miracle for breakfast.

Recipe 2. How to cook oatmeal in the water (option to create porridge in a slow cooker)


• Hercules - 1 cup (measured).

• Salt.

• Honey or granulated sugar.

• Butter).

• Nuts (walnuts).

• Vodichka (peeled) - 2 glasses.

Cooking method:

To begin with, you need to grease the multicooker bowl thoroughly with pre-dissolved butter. Then you need to pour oatmeal into the container and pour them with mineral water.

After you need the porridge to your own taste, salt and sugar.

Then you need to select the desired mode on the multicooker - "Porridge" and set it for 30 minutes.

After a certain sound signal, which means that the porridge is cooked, it is necessary to add to the oatmeal - honey, crushed nuts and butter (cream).

Then porridge should be mixed well and left for further infusion for 10-15 minutes.

After all these actions, porridge can be served to the table.

Recipe 3. How to cook oatmeal in water in a microwave


• Flakes (oatmeal) - 120 gr.

• Vodichka (purified).

• Butter (cream) - 30 gr.

• Honey - 60 ml.

• Apple - ½ of the fruit.

Cooking method:

In the existing microwave oven, pour the right amount of oatmeal and pour water over it.

Then, the oatmeal bowl should be installed in the microwave for 4 minutes.

After you need to add honey, oil, and an apple to the porridge and serve.

Recipe 4. How to cook oatmeal in water with fruit


• Groats (oatmeal) - 200 gr.

• Fresh fruits (any).

• Vodichka (boiled) - 400 ml.

• Sugar, salt.

• Butter).

Cooking method:

In dishes with thick walls, pour the flakes and pour them with the required amount of water.

Then you need to put the future porridge on a small fire and cook it, about 25 minutes.

After the porridge boils in it, you need to add salt, sugar and cook until they completely dissolve.

Before cooking, add butter and mix everything thoroughly.

While porridge is cooked, picked up fresh fruits need to be chopped (you can use a blender).

Cooked oatmeal in this way must be put in a colander and grind them until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

After the fruits prepared in a certain way, you need to lay out the porridge and mix everything together.

Serve such porridge for breakfast with the addition of warmed syrup or condensed milk.

Recipe 5. How to cook oatmeal on water and with offal


• Flakes (Hercules) - 400 gr.

• Vodichka - 700 ml.

• Heart, liver, ventricles.

• Onion.

• Butter - 3 tbsp. spoons.

• Salt - for an amateur.

Cooking method:

In a container with cool water, you need to add the flakes of Hercules and putting them on fire, wait for the liquid to boil. After boiling water, it needs to be salted and boiled for half an hour on low heat under a closed lid.

Put the heart with ventricles in a saucepan, pour some water and leave them in it for 30 minutes. After this time, the water from the offal must be changed and put on fire.

After the offal boils, you need to remove the foam from them, add salt to the water and cook them for about an hour on low heat.

As soon as the giblets are cooked, they need to be thrown into a colander and cooled, then pass through a meat grinder.

The liver must be prepared separately - rinse, chop and fry in butter in a pan together with onions and giblets twisted through a meat grinder.

Then the cooked porridge from herculean flakes should be carefully mixed with fried offal, lightly salt and serve hot.

How to cook oatmeal in the water - little tricks and useful tips

• When there is a process of cooking oatmeal on the water - you need to be careful and try not to get burned.

• It is more advisable to cook porridge in portions, since this dish is not stored for long even in the refrigerator.

• To save time, don’t need to cook porridge in advance from the evening in order to catch it by breakfast. Oatmeal loses its flavor when heated, added dried fruit will be excessively steamed, and the apple will darken.

• In order for the apple not to darken and look appetizing in oatmeal, it must be mixed with lemon juice to prevent the oxidation process.

• Water from under raisins soaked for oatmeal, which contains a mass of nutrients and trace elements necessary for the human body, does not need to be poured.

• Instead of fruits and other sweet ingredients, you can put pieces of bacon, preferably fried or cheese, in the porridge.

• Also, oatmeal cooked on the water will be an excellent side dish for many fish and meat dishes.


Watch the video: How To Cook The Best Oatmeal Ever (June 2024).