Borsch with pork - each hostess is special! Recipes of rich, rich and hearty borsch with pork


Borsch is a magnificent first course with a proud name.

Still would! This soup is so tasty and rich that it deserves the most respect. A good borsch is not ashamed of even a dear guest to rest. Will we cook it according to all the rules?

Pork borsch - general principles of cooking

• Pork for broth is best used on the bone. But if there is no time, then you can take the pulp, cut into small pieces.

• Beetroot soup without beets is cabbage soup. The root crop is always added, rubbed, fried or stewed separately. If you throw it right away, the soup will be ugly, brown.

• Cabbage. Fresh white or pickled is used.

• Potatoes. It is not always added. You can cut large, finely, cubes, cubes or straws. At your discretion.

• Onions, carrots. They are always used, they are passaged separately in a frying pan.

• Tomato. You can take pasta, tomatoes, juice or sauce. Typically, the tomato is fried with beets or other vegetables.

• For refueling borscht usually use greens, garlic, sour cream. All this is better to add to the plate. But if the greens are dried, then to the pot.

Ukrainian borsch with pork

The recipe for a simple borsch with pork, which is ideal for a family dinner. By the way, this dish can be heated several times and it will only taste better. Therefore, feel free to increase the number of ingredients and cook more!


• 0.7 kg of pork on the bone;

• 3 potatoes;

• 1 beetroot;

• 1 carrot;

• 0.3 kg of white cabbage;

• 1 spoon of vinegar;

• 2 tablespoons of pasta;

• onion;

• 30 g of fat;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• herbs and various spices;

• 2-4 tablespoons of oil.


1. Wash the pork. If you suddenly use meat not on the bone, then you can take less. Pour three liters of water, cook for an hour. We remove the foam in time, that is, do not miss the boiling of the broth.

2. An hour later we throw the onion, peppercorns and laurel. Cook until pork is cooked, about 30-45 minutes.

3. Filter the broth or remove the onion and everything else from it with a slotted spoon. We disassemble the meat into pieces convenient for consumption, but so far do not return it to the broth.

4. Throw chopped potatoes, cook until half ready. A couple of minutes after the potatoes, we throw the coarsely grated carrots.

5. Rub the beets, throw in a frying pan with warmed oil and immediately add the vinegar. Cook until soft on low heat.

6. To the semi-finished potatoes we throw the cabbage, shredded by straws. At this stage, borscht can be salted.

7. As soon as the beets are soft, add tomato paste to it and fry for a couple of minutes. Then we transfer to the pan to the remaining vegetables, let it boil for about five minutes. Bring to the desired taste with salt, if necessary, pepper.

8. Fat is chopped very finely, chop the garlic, mix. Greens can also be added to them.

9. Pour borsch in plates, add fragrant garlic with lard, and add sour cream. Done!

Borsch with pork and canned beans

Ideally, beans for borsch with pork are prepared separately from dry beans. But more and more often you can find recipes with a canned product. They are much simpler, making the dish easier.


• 3 l of water;

• 3 potatoes;

• 1 beetroot;

• 1 b. beans;

• 1 carrot and onion;

• 0.1 kg of tomato;

• 0.3 kg of cabbage.

Additionally: herbs, garlic, various spices, taking into account your taste, a little oil and vinegar.


1. Prepare the broth from meat and prescription water. Boil pork for about 2 hours.

2. Add chopped potatoes, cook for ten minutes.

3. In a frying pan, pass the onions and carrots until rosy. Then add the tomato diluted with the same amount of water. Stew on low heat.

4. We rub the raw beets, put in another pan, add a little vinegar and oil, simmer separately until cooked.

5. Shred the cabbage, add the potato and pork to the pot, and add a teaspoon of salt.

6. Open the jar of beans, drain the water. If it is in tomato, then you can leave it. We send to the pan.

7. A minute after boiling, spread the onion from the pan.

8. After another minute, put the beets. Stir. If necessary, introduce more salt. Tomim over low heat for 5 minutes. The soup should barely boil.

9. During this time, chop the herbs and garlic. Add to the pan, throw the laurel, turn off. Leave under the lid for thirty minutes. Borsch should be infused and imbued with aroma.

Borsch with pork and sauerkraut

A variant of a rich, very bright and tasty borsch with pork, which uses sauerkraut. In order for the dish to please the taste, you need to prepare the ingredients in accordance with all the rules.


• 0.5 kg of pork;

• 0.3 kg of sauerkraut;

• a small onion;

• a couple of spoons of tomato;

• a pair of potatoes;

• one medium-sized beet;

• carrot;

• 1 tsp vinegar

• some oil.

For dressing borsch: spices, garlic, sour cream, herbs.


1. Cooking pork broth. The output should be 2.5 liters. We take out the meat at the end, cut it, it can be added directly to the plates or returned to the pan before the end of cooking.

2. Cut the potatoes, toss into the pan. Salt, but not much. Cook for ten minutes.

3. Put two pans on the stove. Pour oil into both. Put in one chopped onion and grated carrot. We start to fry.

4. Put the grated beets into the second frying pan, immediately add the vinegar, stir and simmer until soft.

5. As soon as the onions are slightly fried, add the cabbage, stir and cook together.

6. To the beets, put a couple of spoons of tomato. If it is not very saturated and liquid, then more can be added. Fry for a few minutes.

7. We shift cabbage into a pot for almost ready-made potatoes. Boil for a couple of minutes.

8. Now spread the beets. Cook over low heat for another five minutes. Since acid is in these products, potatoes will not break apart.

9. We try borscht. In addition, salt, throw spices, herbs. If necessary, then return the pork to the pan. Put sour cream with garlic in plates.

Quick borsch with pork without potatoes

A variant of borsch without potatoes, but with pork. A feature of the recipe is faster cooking, on average it will take an hour. Used boneless flesh.


• 0.3 kg of meat;

• 100 g of onions, carrots and beets;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• 30 g of oil;

• 30 g of tomato;

• 400 g of cabbage;

• spices, vinegar.


1. Cut the pork into small pieces, toss in a saucepan with 2-2.5 liters of water and cook for 30-40 minutes.

2. Immediately pour a little oil into the pan, throw the grated beets and pour a little vinegar. First, fry for a couple of minutes, then add a little water or broth from the pan, close and simmer until soft.

3. Separately, fry the onions and carrots, add the chopped pepper and a couple of minutes later the tomato. Fry, turn off.

4. Shred the cabbage, toss in the pan, salt. Boil until almost ready.

5. We start the contents of both pans, boil for another three to four minutes, season to taste with pepper, laurel, garlic and turn off.

Borsch with smoked pork

Smoked pork is used to make this borsch. You can take ribs or any other piece with a bone.


• 0.25 kg of pork;

• 1 potato;

• 0.25 kg of cabbage;

• onion, carrot;

• 1-2 tablespoons of tomato;

• small beets;

• oil, seasoning.


1. In boiling water (1.5-1.8 liters is enough), put the pork, after a minute chopped potatoes, after another five minutes we throw the cabbage, salt. If she is young and cooks fast, wait ten minutes.

2. Strain onions, carrots in oil.

3. Separately, fry the beets, put the tomato at the end.

4. We transfer the contents of all pans into borsch, boil together for 5-7 minutes.

5. Refuel the first dish with smoked spices, herbs and turn off the stove.

Borsch with pork and mushrooms

A chic version of borsch with pork, in which, if desired, you can add potatoes. But even without it everything turns out perfectly.


• 0.3 kg of meat;

• 0.2 kg of mushrooms;

• 0.3 kg of cabbage;

• a couple of spoons of pasta;

• 1 piece of onion, carrot, beet;

• oil, spices.


1. Prepare a regular broth with two liters of water. As soon as the pork is soft, salt and start the chopped cabbage and grated carrots.

2. Cut the mushrooms, put in a pan and fry before evaporating all the water. As soon as the mushrooms begin to brown, we throw the chopped onion and brown.

3. Rub the beets, cook separately with a drop of vinegar or a pinch of lemon. You can use a saucepan and just put it out.

4. Add mushrooms to the almost ready cabbage.

5. After three minutes, we throw the beets. We taste it, and salt if desired.

6. Let the borscht boil, introduce greens and turn it off. We insist half an hour.

Borsch with pork in a slow cooker

A simple and quick recipe for borsch in a slow cooker with pork.


• 0.7 kg of meat;

• 0.2 kg of cabbage;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• a spoonful of concentrated tomato paste;

• 0.5 kg of potatoes;

• 100 g of onions, carrots, beets;

• spices.


1. Cut the onion, toss in a slow cooker with oil, fry in the baking mode until transparent.

2. Add carrots and beets, grated straws. Continue frying, dripping a little vinegar or lemon juice to preserve beet color. After a few minutes, lay the tomato, warm up another minute.

3. Now put on top the pork, cut into small pieces.

4. Spread a layer of potatoes. And then shredded cabbage. If desired, add Bulgarian pepper.

5. Pour boiling water, adjust the density at your discretion. Throw a couple of peppercorns.

6. Turn on the "soup" mode for an hour. Then we check the readiness of the pork, the exact time depends on the power of the multicooker. If necessary, increase.

Borsch with pork - useful tips and tricks

• Pork broth often turns muddy, spoils the appearance of borsch. To prevent this from happening, you need to remove fat from the surface more often and prevent the soup from boiling actively.

• Borsch will be just amazing if you season it with a mixture of chopped lard, herbs and garlic.

• What to apply for borsch? Traditionally, this is bread. But much more interesting is obtained with homemade crackers or garlic donuts.


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