Problem skin - causes, care, cleansing and treatment


Problem skin - what is it and what are the causes

In cosmetology, four main types of skin are distinguished - combination, oily, normal and dry. The functioning of the skin of the same person during life changes more than once. The skin condition is influenced by many factors that can turn normal, or, for example, dry skin, into problem skin. Peeling, redness, age spots, freckles, black spots, enlarged pores, purulent rashes and other troubles appear on its surface.

The main causes of problem skin are:
- hormonal changes in the body;
- stress, failure of the nervous system;
- off-season, poor ecology;
- bad habits;
- food preferences (eating spicy, fatty, salty foods, smoked meats, etc.);
- hereditary predisposition;
- violations of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract);
- the wrong choice of cosmetics (does not match the type of skin);
- poor nutrition (unbalanced, poor nutrition, the use of foods with a high content of food additives, preservatives, the use of medicines).

Skin problems can be either temporary or permanent, but in any case they deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes. It is understandable the desire of the owners of such skin to return it to normal as soon as possible. To get rid of the problem from the inside, you need to find out and eliminate the cause of the trouble. At the same time, continuing to fight with her from the outside.

How to care for problem skin

The most common two types of problematic skin are dry, sensitive and excessively oily. Sensitive has a fairly thin protective lipid layer, it is irritated or covered with a rash from contact with wool, synthetic clothing, hard water, and cosmetics. In oily, on the contrary, an excess lipid layer. Such skin is constantly glossy, has acne, enlarged pores, which are quickly clogged with sebaceous secretions. It is necessary to take care of dry sensitive and excessively oily skin in different ways.

Dry Sensitive Problem Skin: Cleansing

Problem sensitive skin requires daily cleansing. But they do not need to be abused so as not to thin the already small protective layer. In the mornings, it is enough to wash your face with plain water or wipe with an alcohol-free tonic. Very well tones the skin with lemon tonic. It is easy to make at home. Squeeze juice from the lemon (1/2 pc.), Add boiled water (50ml) and glycerin (1 tsp), mix everything thoroughly. Keep refrigerated. If after washing with water from the tap the person tightens, the running water should be replaced with spring, filtered or mineral.

Sometimes water purification is not enough. If oily skin can be washed with soapy water, then dry soap does not tolerate. It is recommended to use cosmetic cleansers from the series for sensitive skin or alternative recipes. Mix a teaspoon of honey and vegetable oil, add a large spoon of low-fat milk. Apply the mixture on wet face skin, massage in a circular motion, rinse with warm water.

Sensitive problem skin does not tolerate mechanical effects - cleansing with scrubs, brushes, washcloths. But there is one exception: soft peeling with oatmeal is allowed. It will not only cleanse the skin of peels, but also soften it and nourish it. It will take a handful of natural oatmeal - muesli will not work, you need to take the usual "Hercules". Pour boiling water over them so that water covers the top layer. After 15 minutes, apply part of the steamed cereal to the face, massage for a minute, rinse. Apply the second part of the cereal in the form of a mask and hold for ten minutes. Wash off with warm water. Peeling should not be abused, it is enough to apply once every seven to ten days.

Oily Problem Skin: Cleansing

To cleanse oily problem skin, you must have a handy tool in your arsenal - a brush, washcloth or face sponge. With their help, the skin is cleansed better, it is more convenient to massage and distribute facial cleansers. It is impossible to completely clear the face of sebaceous secretions with ordinary water. Therefore, it is necessary to use cosmetic cleansers designed for oily skin or acidify water for washing. In a liter of water you need to add a teaspoon of vinegar (6%), lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid. About five minutes before washing the problem skin, it is not forbidden to wipe the face with kefir or serum. Such a light mask will help to clean it better.

After washing, problematic oily skin must be wiped with tonics that have a matting or astringent effect. The simplest is from green tea. Brew a tablespoon of green tea in boiling water (200 ml). When the tea leaves cool, add lemon juice or vodka to it (2 tbsp). Instead of green tea, you can brew herbs - sage, calendula, cornflower, St. John's wort. In hot weather, you can cleanse and refresh the skin with ordinary dry white wine, rubbing his face several times a day.

It is easy to cleanse the skin of sebaceous plugs and black spots with drinking soda. Add so much water to the soda to make a thick cabbage. Apply it to the face, massage with a brush or washcloth, rinse. To open the pores well, it is recommended to steam the face before cleansing, i.e. hold for 15 minutes over boiling water, covering his head with a towel. Do not bend low over boiling water so as not to burn yourself.

Masks for problem skin

After cleansing, it is necessary to proceed to the next moment of care for problem skin - masks. With their help, you can remove irritation, reduce peeling, nourish the skin with moisture, or, conversely, dry it if necessary. You can buy ready-made masks that eliminate skin problems, or cook them at home. The mask is applied only to cleansed skin. Always use a freshly prepared composition - it has the best effect, so the masks are not stored in the finished form and are prepared immediately before application.

Masks for problematic dry skin

A flaxseed mask will help moisturize your skin. Flax seed (1 tbsp) pour water (200 ml), simmer over low heat until thickened. Warm gruel on skin. Wash off after 15 minutes.

To soften the skin and get rid of peeling, an olive mask is indispensable. You just need to wipe your face with olive oil. After half an hour, remove its remains with a paper towel.

A mask of oily sour cream and parsley will be able to even out complexion and nourish the skin. Sour cream needs a natural, rustic. Grind parsley into pulp, mix with sour cream. Apply the mask to the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse off.

To relieve irritation, you can make a mask of potatoes. The simplest is from raw. Finely grate the peeled potato, add a spoonful of vegetable oil. The mixture must be left on the face for 15 minutes.

A mask of yolk and sour cream not only eliminates irritation, but also nourishes the skin with useful substances. Mix the yolk with the juice of orange (grapefruit) - 2 tsp, fat sour cream or cottage cheese (2 tsp) and vegetable oil (1 tsp). Apply mass on face for 20 minutes.

Masks for oily skin

To reduce pore size, it is recommended to make masks based on egg proteins, they have a constricting effect on the skin. To the whipped protein, add a spoon (tablespoon) of dry white wine. For ten minutes, apply on face, rinse with cold water.

In spring or summer, dry white wine can be replaced with fresh dandelion leaves. Such a mask relieves inflammation, prevents the appearance of acne. Grind the leaves, just need 3 tbsp., Mix with whipped protein. Put the mass on the skin for fifteen minutes.

To get rid of acne and acne, you need to add 10 drops of camphor alcohol to beaten egg white. Keep the mask on the face until completely dry. Then rinse with water.

A clay mask will cleanse pores, nourish the skin, and eliminate shine. Need white or blue clay (can be bought at the pharmacy). Brew green tea. When it cools, pour clay into it (2 tablespoons). The mass in density should resemble sour cream. Add olive oil (1 tsp). Apply a layer of the mask on the face for thirty minutes. Wash off with water.

Problematic oily skin gives the face a grayish tint. To brighten the face, you can make a mask based on parsley. Mix finely chopped greens (2 tablespoons), kefir (2 tablespoons) and lemon juice or fresh cucumber (1 tablespoons). Spread the mixture over the face, rinse after 15 minutes.


Tanya 06/13/2016
I like clay masks, not bad overall for the price. As for the procedures that I do with the devices themselves, ultrasonic cleaning, the vessels remove the reddened - the effect is better, but the price, of course, bites. Now there are a bunch of training centers, students do, but under the supervision of teachers. Cheap and cheerful, in Kiev I recommend Cosmo-trade, there they have a lot of everything. and most importantly, the cost is only for a penny

Vikusya 04/02/2016
Wipe dry skin with green tea - very useful. The skin directly transforms, becomes smooth, nourishes. And I also wipe my face with olive oil. If you are not lazy, then you may not notice skin problems, just maintain it regularly.

Vlada 04/02/2016
That's right - oily skin gives a grayish tint! I don’t even live a minute without foundation. Even when I’m just at home and then ... I’ll definitely try a mask on parsley. Right now! I really want to get rid of the need for tonac already.

Vella 04/02/2016
Anyway, I believe that dry skin is much more difficult to care for, and if it is also sensitive ... It's just that it’s horrible. Oatmeal helps me a lot, they generally suit all skin types. And give a beautiful complexion.

Irina 04/02/2016
I tried to make masks of blue clay ... Actually - not mine. Absolutely no effect, as if she didn’t do anything. My mom makes such a mask, so she can see right away - and she’s younger, and the pores are reduced, and her skin is smoother.


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