Whitening face mask at home


Today, we offer the most varied and best recipes for face care for preserving youth and beauty, which can be prepared at home (popular reference book).

Whitening face mask - quick effect

The best options for whitening natural remedies are recipes based on sour dairy products (for example, kefir, curd, sour cream, etc.), with parsley, hydrogen peroxide, kelp, lemon (juice), or cucumber. They allow you to even out (lighten) the skin color of the face, as well as solve the problem of age spots (for example, freckle). After using natural ingredients, the skin will become healthier, more beautiful and fresher. We remind you - after the procedures, you should apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream (depending on the time of application and the type of skin), and before them you need to degrease (wipe with lotion or wash).

Whitening mask for pigment spots

To get rid of unwanted pigmentation (freckle) whitening face mask may be recommended against freckleswhich gives quick effect.


  • honey - st. spoon;
  • lemon (apply juice) - 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal (flakes) - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp .;
  • Yoghurt - 1 table.l.

Facial masks at home for oily skin and enlarged pores

To remove pigment spot (several) and clean black spots (points), two components will come to the rescue: green appleand starch (you can use wholemeal flour). Mix ingredients in equal shares (an apple should be mashed into a puree).

For dry skin: reviews

Variations must be used. with fatty ingredients. This will help to avoid overdrying and to cope with peeling of the skin. According to reviews of beauticians from the purchase of the best line is presented in the collection of TM Vitex. They also note that traditional medicine has a huge selection of recipes to solve such problems for less money.

Whitening mask

It helps to get rid of against wrinkles (quick result) potato The procedure of three components: boiled potatoes in their skins, boiled egg yolkand milk(grind until smooth). It should be used in the form of heat. This option can be applied for the entire face, including the problem area around the eyes.

For normal skin with curd

You will need:

  • cottage cheese;
  • chamomile decoction.

Option suitable for night procedure. Possesses soothing and relaxing effect. Cottage cheese diluted with warm milk is also suitable for this purpose (all components are equal proportions).

Whitening mask at home: video

We offer video instructions for use:

Laminaria face mask at home

Cooking: prepare a little water room temperature (can be replaced with a light tea solution) and dried kelp (in equal shares), combine the ingredients and let the kelp a bit steamed. Leave an hour / a half. Next, the resulting slurry is used as an effective cosmetic product independently, or as a basis (you can add other components). Apply the gruel should be an even thin layer (small amount). The residue should be stored in a dark and cool place for a maximum of 3 days, for example, placed in a refrigerator.

Cucumber mask: step by step instructions

Cucumber It is used exclusively in fresh form, but in three possible options:

  • in the form of a homogeneous slurry;
  • cut into circles;
  • in the form of ice (rub the skin).

Selected option cucumber base It should be applied for 20-40 minutes (depending on the desired effect). Then rinse with lukewarm water. Cucumbers can be combined with other ingredients, for example, it may well contain kelp (for fat), parsley (for dry), etc.

Face mask with lemon

Lemon juice can be mixed with yogurt, kefir and so forth. (from acne, blackheads), honey (whitening), oatmeal (scrub) or yeast with milk (restoring). The option depends on the desired effect.

Whitening parsley face mask

Parsley (greens) mixed with honey (equal parts). A decoction of parsley roots is great in order to get rid of wrinkles, or to remove age spots (perfect whitening).

Face masks at home with aspirin

For oily skin (quick effect) can be prepared at home from: aspirin (2 tabl.) honey and water (on 1st.l.). For dry - replace water with olive oil.

With hydrogen peroxide

It will take:

  • peroxide - 2 parts;
  • cottage cheese - 1 part .;
  • with protein - 1 part.

Used as whitening and nourishing cosmetic (double effect).

Face masks after 60 years at home for dry skin

For fading skin (for women and men) a good option of three components: banana (half fruit), starch (1st floor) and cream (1 tbsp.). It should be alternated with vitamin variations, for example, pure avocado mashed or diluted gelatin (1 part), pre-infused in water (2 parts).

Facial mask at home against sunburn

Quick results and without contraindications clay mask(cosmetic). You can use one component or add related components: fruits, for example.


Watch the video: Magical Skin Whitener Pack worlds best skin whitening face pack just in 7 Days (July 2024).