Giardiasis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Giardiasis is an infectious parasitic disease. The causative agent of this disease lives, thanks to the owner, that is, to the person. Giardiasis is considered a fairly widespread disease. In most cases, children get sick.

The course of this disease is very diverse. It primarily depends on the affection of the liver lamblia, as well as the small intestine. It is worth noting that sometimes there may be cases of an asymptomatic course of the disease, while the person will be a parasite carrier.

Giardiasis - causes

The cause of this disease is directly Giardia, which is a microscopic unicellular parasite, which is one of the simplest. As a rule, giardia live in bodies of water with stagnant water, as well as in sewage.

Infection with giardiasis can occur from infected people, moreover, often these are just children. Quite often there are cases when this disease is infected from pets.

The main route of transmission of the disease is water. It is worth noting that in water bodies Giardia can live up to several months. They are very tenacious. They can easily tolerate both heating and freezing, however, they instantly die when boiled.

Giardiasis can be easily infected by drinking unboiled water or by washing vegetables and fruits under the same water. In the summer, a person can become infected by bathing in an open pond, which, in turn, is infected with Giardia cysts. In some cases, infection of the newborn during childbirth can be observed.

Giardiasis - symptoms

The incubation period is from 1 to 4 weeks. It is worth noting that this disease does not have certain specific signs, so some difficulties may arise during diagnosis. At different ages, giardiasis can manifest itself in different ways. It is necessary to know the fact that some people themselves may be carriers of this disease. Parasites can be found in the body, without causing absolutely no changes in the state of human health.

Giardia is usually parasitic in the intestines. From here, symptoms such as constant rumbling in the abdomen and loose watery stools follow. A slight weight reduction may also be observed. Such a hairdryer is observed due to the fact that lamblia in the body absorb a certain amount of nutrients that are intended directly for humans. Patients may complain of periodic pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, a significant decrease in appetite.

Giardiasis - diagnosis

Diagnosis with such a disease causes great difficulties. To do this, you need to apply various methods of instrumental and laboratory research. Also, the difficulty lies in the fact that it is impossible to detect lamblia cysts in the feces during laboratory diagnosis if more than one hour passes from the moment of receiving feces to the study itself. The surest way to laboratory diagnosis is to serological blood tests using immunofluorescence analysis.

Giardiasis - treatment

Acute giardiasis involves the restoration of digestive processes for treatment. Antiparasitic drugs such as trichopolum and furozolidone can be used.

As for the chronic form of giardiasis, its treatment takes place in three stages. The first stage is the mechanical removal of parasites, as well as an increase in the body's defenses. In this case, you must adhere to a strict diet. The second stage is antiparasitic treatment in several courses. The last stage involves an increase in immunity, as well as the creation of conditions that prevent the multiplication of parasites in the intestine.


Watch the video: Giardiasis - Giardia Lamblia (July 2024).