Constipation: what to do at home when holding a chair. The most effective treatments for constipation at home


Bowel movement with delayed, obstructed or insufficient bowel movements - constipation is one of the common ailments. Constipation can be episodic and chronic.

A person suffering from systematic constipation complains of constant fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, discomfort.

Constipation: causes

For the most part, constipation is not an independent disease.

Chronic constipation is a consequence of serious ailments such as hemorrhoids, cholecystitis, ulcers, etc.

An important role in the appearance of problems with the stool is nutrition. Massive enthusiasm for fast foods, hot dogs, lack of diet of main dishes, inadequate consumption of vegetables and fruits, crude fiber - all this provokes constipation.

In addition, a modern person, as a rule, eats "on the run," while doing a lot of things and does not pay enough attention to the drinking regimen.

Violation of the intestines cause banal stress.

In addition to the above, the causes of constipation include:

• neurological disorders

• endocrine diseases

• disruption of the pelvic floor muscles

• depression

• mechanical obstacles

• exposure to certain drugs

Constipation: what to do at home - medication

You can cure constipation at home with the help of traditional medications. These include:

1. Stimulating laxatives. Preparations of this group act irritably on the nerve endings of the intestine, allow water to accumulate in its lumen.

In addition, stimulant laxatives increase the volume of intestinal contents, improve the bowel movement, and cause stool to move faster.

The most effective natural medicines based on senna, buckthorn, aloe. Well-proven drugs such as diphenylmethane, bisacodyl, ricinolic acid.

2. Phytopreparations Senade, Tisasen are used to treat episodic constipation. These funds irritate the large intestine, stimulate peristalsis, are not addictive.

Regular use of the described senna-based drugs allows you to normalize the stool in just a few days.

3. Synthetic annoying drugs. These include: Dulcolax, Bisacodyl. If you drink the product during the day, then the laxative effect will be felt after 6 hours, if at night - after 8-11.

The mild laxative effect is exerted by the popular pharmacy preparations Guttalax, Laxigal, Slabilen. Such medicines can be used for a long time, without fear of addiction.

4. Osmotic drugs - lactulose preparations (Dufalac) and macrogol-based preparations (Transipeg, Forlax) are used for chronic constipation. The effect of relaxation comes in 1-2 days after using the product.

5. Emollients are used as an auxiliary method of treating constipation. They soften feces, lubricate the walls of the rectum, facilitate the process of bowel movement.

These include:

Vaseline oil - a tool that has a mild effect and does not have side effects, is most often used for problems with stool.

Glycerin candles. Not only soften feces, but also stimulate the intestines. Used to treat constipation at home.

Any medication should be taken after consulting a specialist. After all, some drugs with an overdose can cause the opposite effect - diarrhea.

Constipation: home treatment - folk remedies

In its arsenal, traditional medicine has many proven recipes that can help solve the problem of intestinal dysfunction. Below are the most popular:

1. A simple remedy for episodic constipation. In the morning, drink 1-2 glasses of water (cool) on an empty stomach with the addition of half a teaspoon of soda.

2. Flaxseed Decoction - An effective remedy for constipation. The recipe for the healing composition is as follows: a small spoonful of seeds is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for half an hour in a water bath.

After this, the dishes with the composition are set aside, add water, cover and leave to cool completely.

This tool is not recommended for a long time. It is contraindicated in cholecystitis.

3. Kefir before bedtime, in which one tablespoon of vegetable oil is added will relieve constipation.

4. What to do at home if constipation does not allow a normal life? Use a time-tested recipe. The healing mixture is prepared as follows: with the help of a meat grinder, well-washed seedless prunes (0.5 kg) and 1 pack of pharmacy senna are crushed. Honey (0.5 kg) is added to the mixture. All are thoroughly mixed and refrigerated.

Every evening at 18. 00 this composition is consumed in a dessert or tablespoon, washed down with water. Soft chair in the morning - guaranteed!

5. To cure constipation at home means consume fresh carrot juice daily.

6. An excellent effect in the normalization of the stool has aloe. For the preparation of a medicinal product, a plant at least 3-5 years old is used. Cut large leaves to begin with stand in the refrigerator for about a week. Then they are placed under a press in order for the plant to secrete juice.

After that, the juice is evaporated and consumed, dissolving in a small amount of water, 0.1-0.2 g.

Aloe juice can be mixed with honey. From this, the effect of the medicine will only intensify. For 150 ml of juice you will need 30 g of a bee product. The composition is best stored in the refrigerator and consumed in a large spoon, washed down with water at least 2 times a day.

7. What to do at home if tormented by constipation? Use medicinal herbs such as, for example, liquorice root. Licorice is known to have strong expectorant properties. However, it is not less effective in constipation.

To treat stool retention, the traditional method is used: a large spoon of a medicinal plant (ground) is poured with boiling water (1 glass). The composition is insisted, filtered and drunk in a third of a glass with systematic constipation.

8. Has a mild laxative effect. dandelion root. To prepare the healing mixture, both roots and grass are used. 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured in a thermos (400 ml) boiling water and insisted all night. The next morning they take a natural remedy for constipation half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

9. You can cure constipation at home with gooseberry decoction. A tasty medicine is prepared as follows: boil a tablespoon of berries in a glass of water (10 minutes). Then sugar is added to the composition and drunk daily until stool normalizes.

10. You can also get rid of constipation with wheat bran. 2 tablespoons of the product is poured with hot milk (1 cup). The composition is insisted for about half an hour, covered with a lid and wrapped.

In the morning, half a cup of bran is eaten on an empty stomach. The treatment is long - about a month. It is recommended that an additional classical bowel cleansing procedure (1 time per week) be performed with an enema.

11. What to do with constipation at home? Take a tablespoon of olive oil every morning. In addition, you can use tincture of onions in alcohol. It is prepared simply: they fill a half liter glass container (two-thirds) with chopped onions.

Then, alcohol is poured to the very top, closed and the dishes left in a dark place for 10 days.

They drink the medicine for constipation immediately before meals 2 times a day, 10 drops, with water.

12. More advanced composition solves the problem of treating constipation at home in a short period. It is prepared in this way: they are peeled, the figs, dried apricots (200 g each), prunes (400 g) and a pack of senna are washed and ground well. All mix and add honey (1 cup).

The mixture is recommended to be taken in the morning immediately after waking up. Serving - 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon (depending on the reaction of the body).

This remedy cures stubborn stool retention, and in combination with proper nutrition, you can completely forget about the problem.

Constipation: what to do at home - nutrition

Nutrition plays an important role not only in the treatment of constipation, but also in the treatment of common diseases. Particular attention in the treatment of constipation at home should be given:

1. Eating simple foods that are well digested.

2. Stimulation of intestinal activity.

3. The correct drinking regimen.

4. The use of products that do not provoke gas formation and irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

5. Fractional nutrition.

6. Thoroughly chewing food.

7. The exclusion of spices.

What is possible with constipation?

• bread and bakery products (not too fresh)

• easily digestible varieties of meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey) in boiled, stewed and in the form of steam cutlets, meatballs

• dairy products

• liquid dishes

• citrus fruits, dried fruits, fruits and vegetables (especially apples, beets, carrots, cabbage)

What is impossible with constipation?

• fatty soups and broths

• fresh bread

• rice, pasta

• canned, smoked products, hard-boiled eggs

• strong drinks (tea, coffee, alcohol)

• chocolate

• spicy dishes

Only a qualified specialist is able to choose the diet correctly, based on the underlying disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

There are nutrition rules that are useful for everyone because they solve the problem as well as possible: what to do with constipation at home?

This is, first of all, compliance with the drinking regime (up to 2 liters of water per day), frequent meals in small portions, as well as the use of coarse graters for chopping vegetables.

Constipation: home treatment - enemas

In deciding the question: what to do at home with constipation, an enema should be given a special place. Enema happens: oil, hypertonic, cleansing.

An oil enema is an introduction to the rectum of olive, sunflower oil. A slightly heated component relieves spasms, helps relieve constipation.

Hypertensive enema - the introduction into the rectum of a saline solution that draws fluid from the tissues, softening the stool. A solution of water and salt irritates the intestinal mucosa, activating its contraction.

A cleansing enema is used if the above procedures do not bring results. The action of a cleansing enema is a simple leaching of feces from the intestines.

The purification procedure is carried out using ordinary water and an Esmarch mug, preferably with the help of a loved one.

Enema should not be done in inflammatory processes: colitis, proctitis, etc., damage to the intestinal mucosa or gastrointestinal tract, as well as for tumors, prolapse of the rectum, acute form of hemorrhoids.

It is important to know that systematic constipation is the result of any disturbances in the human body. Therefore, before using this or that remedy, it is necessary to identify the underlying disease, and only a qualified specialist can do this.


Watch the video: Constipation Relief - Yoga Help (July 2024).