Wine at home is a simple recipe for a rich drink. Home-made wine: simple recipes for beginners


Winemaking is a real art, as ancient as the world has its own special secrets and recipes.

The wine making process is creative, but rather complicated, requiring certain knowledge, skills and subordinate to the strictest technology for preparing this drink.

Wine is a natural product of the fermentation of grape juice.

Real wine has the following composition:

• Water that grapes with the help of vines and roots absorb from the ground.

• Alcohol, which is formed due to sugar fermentation.

• Acids that are transmitted to wine from the grape itself.

In addition, high-quality and natural wine has many useful properties, which, with moderate consumption of the drink, benefit the human body and help in the fight against a number of diseases.

In general, the preparation of wine at home includes several stages of making this drink, mastering which you can pass for a truly true winemaker and master of this business.

This, as they say, the drink of the gods is prepared from wine grapes, as well as fruits, berries, honey and jam.

The prepared wine at home is a simple recipe that will help to create this drink will be much tastier and healthier than any brand bought in a store or supermarket.

General principles and features of making wine at home

• To make wine at home, you must have clean dishes and a room in which this valuable product will be produced.

• The best option for making homemade wine is oak barrels. But in no way inferior to such barrels, glass bottles - having tight tight plugs with rubber tubes inserted into them in the center. The main thing in this design is that all available parts fit snugly against each other and do not allow air to pass through.

• The raw materials from which the wine will be made must be of the highest quality, namely grapes, fruits and berries should not have any dents or damage, rotting sites, various stains and other flaws.

• Also in the process of making wine, it is necessary to observe the proportion of sugar. If the primary product already has a high percentage of sugar, then when added too much, the fermentation process may not start.

• For a normal fermentation process, the temperature regime should be optimal and be 20-25 degrees.

• In order for the juice or in another way the wort to be of high quality and refined, it must be transfused and filtered several times. Since the quality of the future wine directly depends on this process of purification.

• At the end of making homemade wine, the drink should be bottled and corked. It is very important not to raise the turbidity and sediment from the bottom of the bottle, and therefore it is cost-effective to use a hose to gently remove wine from the bottles.

• It is recommended to store such homemade wine in a dark and cool place at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees.

Recipe 1. Wine at home is a simple recipe for a grape drink.


• Grapes - 1 bucket (10 kg).

• Sugar - 0.5 - 1 cup sugar per liter of juice.

Cooking method:

Harvesting grapes or berries intended for making wine is necessary in sunny, not rainy weather, so that the wild tremors necessary for fermentation and the creation of high-quality wine remain on the fruits. Also, the crop is not recommended to be washed.

Next, the berries must be sorted out. Unripe, overripe berries and carrion will spoil the taste and quality of the wine. Rotten, crushed and moldy berries must also be disposed of.

Then the selected berries are crushed (preferably by hands), crushed, and the juice with grapes is placed in an enameled bowl. The container is covered with clean cloth or gauze, cleaned in a dark and warm place (20-25 degrees) for 2-3 days.

By the end of the first day, grapes with juice begin to ferment, and on the surface there is a certain hat from the peel of berries, which must be broken 2-3 times a day (so that the wort does not turn into vinegar).

When the pulp becomes lighter, acquires a sour flavor and produces a characteristic hiss, juice can be squeezed out. The peel from the surface must be collected in cheesecloth and squeezed, after which it is necessary to attach the resulting juice to the main consistency.

Then the whole juice must be filtered 2-3 times through cheesecloth, and the pure component should be placed in a glass bottle, filling it with 70% of the entire container.

With a small amount of juice, balloons can be used to make wine.

In order for the wine not to acidify it, it is necessary to protect it from the supply of oxygen, while at the same time ensuring the outflow of carbon dioxide generated during the fermentation process.

Therefore, a water seal must be installed on the bottle, consisting of a tight stopper with a hole in the center and a hose coming out of it, the second end of which should be lowered into a jar of water.

After the wort is corked, it is necessary to provide all the conditions for active fermentation, namely, to establish the temperature regime not lower than 10 degrees. The optimum temperature for active fermentation can be considered a mode that ranges from 22 to 28 degrees.

Without the addition of sugar, the wine will turn out to have a strength of no more than 10-12 degrees. But if sugar is added to wine, its strength will increase significantly. The main thing is not to overdo it. Judge a sufficient measure of sugar, better focusing on the taste of wine. Sugar should be added fractionally in small portions.

A couple of days after the fermentation has begun, the wort can be tasted. If the wine became sour, it means that the sugar is fermented and you need to add another 50 grams per liter of juice.

This is done as follows, several liters of juice are drained from the bottle and sugar is diluted in it. Next, the component is poured back into the bottle, which is subsequently shaken.

In the first month, such actions are repeated 2-3 times, until the sugar content of the drink finally ceases to decline.

Also, the wine must be separated from the accumulated sediment, pouring into another clean bottle through a special tube. Frequent transfusion of wine and its separation from the sediment makes the drink transparent and bright.

Having tasted it and having come to the opinion of the readiness of the wine, it must be bottled and put in a dark, cool place.

Recipe 2. Wine at home is a simple recipe for a currant drink


• Black currant.

• Water.

• Sugar.

Cooking method:

Currants (not washed) must be sorted out, kneaded with a crush or pass through a meat grinder, a blender. The mashed potatoes obtained in this way should be put in a bottle or bottle, add sugar to it and pour water over the neck.

Further on the neck of the bottle, you must take off the glove (medical) and pull it with an elastic band. Put the container in a dark place. When the glove is inflated, you will need to make one accurate puncture in it.

The temperature regime that must be maintained for the active fermentation of wine should vary between 20-22 degrees. The wine should be infused for about 16 weeks.

In order to lighten the wine, it must be removed for 4 days in the refrigerator, and if sediment is formed, strain the drain into another container.

Next, the wine needs to be bottled, lowered into the cellar and put them in a horizontal position.

The longer the wine is aged, the stronger the drink becomes.

Recipe 3. Wine at home a simple recipe for a drink made from raspberry jam


• Raspberry jam - 1 l.

• Vodichka - 1 liter.

• Raisins - 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Pour warm water into a jar of jam and shake the contents well. In order to make the wine sweet with a good strength, you can put a little sugar in it. For three liters of wine, approximately 0.5 cups of sugar and raisins.

Then you need to close the container with a rubber glove, making a neat puncture in it. Further, the wort must be removed in a dark place and kept there at room temperature until fermentation ends.

After the pulp is on the surface, it must be removed, and the must must be filtered. Then the filtered wine must be poured into banks, tightly cork and cleaned in a dark, cool place.

Every 3-4 days, the drink must be filtered in order to get rid of sediment and pour into clean jars. Such a wine made from raspberry jam will be ready in 90 days.

Recipe 4. Wine at home is a simple recipe for making a drink from apples


• Apples.

• Sugar.

• Purified water).

• Cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Apples must be cut into slices and put in a pan. Then you need to add some water to the apples, on the tip of a cinnamon knife and cook them until completely soft.

Then the apples must be grated using a sieve and left for three days for fermentation. Next, the consistency must be filtered, add sugar to it as desired

It is recommended to strain the finished wine again, pour it into containers and store in a dark and cool place.

Recipe 5. Wine at home is a simple recipe for making a cherry drink


• Cherry.

• Water.

• Sugar.

• Lemons.

Cooking method:

Cherry must be washed and cleaned of the stalks. Remove the seeds carefully without loss of juice from the berries. Put the pulp thus prepared in special bottles for wine.

Then with hot boiled water it is necessary to fill the cherry, and tie the necks of the bottle with gauze. Remove the bottles for four days in a dark place where the temperature is 18-27 degrees.

When the wort starts to ferment, it will froth, a certain smell and hiss will go, the future drink must be filtered through cheesecloth, folded in half. Add juice squeezed from two lemons to the drink, sugar and mix everything.

Next, the wort must again be drained into the bottles by installing a water seal or a rubber glove with a small hole on them. Then the wort in the bottles must be removed for a month in a dark place with a temperature regime of about 15 degrees.

In order for the wine not to acidify, you need to shake it for a month every day. And when the wine stops fermenting, it becomes lighter, and sediment appears at the bottom, it will need to be filtered, bottled and closed tightly with lids.

It is recommended to store such wine at 15 degrees, in a dark place.

Small tricks for making wine at home and useful tips for making it

• Tanks for making wine should be perfectly clean and dried. You can also smoke the container with sulfur to prevent foreign fungi from entering the product, which can ruin the taste.

• It is better to crush the berries with your hands and do not use a blender or meat grinder.

• If the wine ferments badly and does not play, add raisins to it.

• If it is necessary to lighten the wine, you can use an egg, the protein of which is recommended to be poured into a bottle, and strain it from a precipitate after half a month.

• The most important thing is to remove the wine from the sediment in time, then it will not lose quality and it will turn out delicious with a subtle aroma.
