Homemade raspberry wine - heady aroma! Fill the pantry with homemade raspberry wines: the best recipes


Raspberry tinctures, liquors and, of course, wines are some of the most aromatic alcoholic drinks. In most cases, according to this indicator, they “replay” even classic grape drinks. The degree of raspberry wine is usually slightly lower than that of grape, so they are often fixed.

The healing properties inherent in raspberry compotes and decoctions fully apply to wine. A glass of preheated semi-dry wine is one of the best ways to stop the temperature of a frozen person. Well, if all the medicines were so tasty, then there was no end to those who wanted to be treated.

Home-made raspberry wine - general principles of preparation

• Homemade raspberry wine is prepared not only from fresh berries. A drink will be no less delicious and in no way inferior in quality if you take frozen berries or even fermented raspberry jam as raw materials.

• For wines made for long-term storage, you should take only good, unbroken raspberries. They should not be beaten with rot.

• It is advisable not to wash raspberries, but if you had to do this, then the berry should be thoroughly dried, laid out in a colander or on a sieve.

• After that, mashed potatoes are made from berries. They knead it with their hands, a pusher. You can use a low-speed juicer or just a meat grinder for these purposes.

• Then the raw materials are filled with sugar, water may be required, left for several days to make juice stand out.

• After this, the berry mass is filtered, while squeezing the berries. On the filtered juice, poured into glass containers, a wort is prepared under a water lock, and the squeezed cake is discarded.

• To speed up the fermentation process, light raisins can be added to the must. It is advisable not to wash it, as well as raspberries, so as not to wash off the "wild" yeast.

• Further production of wine depends on the recipe for the preparation of the drink. There are recipes according to which the wine must be aged for a long time. And there are recipes that suggest the first tasting after a few days.

Homemade Raspberry Wine - A Classic Recipe

An old, proven by more than one generation recipe for aromatic home-made wine, based on berry wine production technologies.


• a liter can of red raspberries;

• one liter of filtered water;

• A pound of sugar, preferably unrefined.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly mash unwashed berries in mashed potatoes and transfer to a fermentation bottle. Pour 2/3 liters of water, pour 300 g. sugar and mix well. The mass should fill no more than 2/3 of the volume of the bottle. Be sure to leave free space for the foam released during fermentation.

2. Install a water seal on the containers and remove the must for fermentation for 10 days in a warm, light-free room. The optimum temperature is from 18 to 25 degrees. Be sure to remove the water seal briefly once a day and quickly mix the contents of the container.

3. Over time, filter the must, separating raspberry juice from berries (oilcake). Squeeze the cake well and filter.

4. Dissolve one hundred grams of sugar in the remaining water (0.3 l.), Pour the syrup into the juice and, with good stirring, put the water seal back on and remove the bottles in a warm place.

5. After three days, pour about a glass of fermenting juice and mix it with the last 100 grams of sugar. Then pour the liquid to the total mass and, having mixed well, close it again with a water seal.

6. Wine must necessarily ferment well, it can take from one to two months. Throughout this time, do not touch the bottles, do not remove the water seal and do not shake the contents.

7. About the stop of fermentation is the absence of emitted carbon dioxide. If a rubber medical glove was used as a water seal, it will deflate.

8. Pour the young drink using a straw into another bottle and taste it. If desired, it can be sweetened or fixed. Fixing is carried out with alcohol or vodka, adding alcohol-containing liquid in an amount of from 12 to 15% of the total volume of young wine. For example, in one liter of young wine, you can pour from 120 to 150 ml of strong alcohol. It should be noted that fortified wine, although it is stored longer, but its taste changes significantly.

9. After this, the drink is bottled in clean bottles, filling them to the very edges, tightly corked and kept in a fairly cool room (cellar) with a temperature of 6 to 16 degrees for at least three months, and it is best to keep the drink for up to six months.

10. If the wine is sweetened, then be sure to install a water seal for the first ten days, otherwise the wine may ferment.

11. Periodically, as the precipitate forms up to 2 cm, filter raspberry wine, pouring it into a clean container and trying not to raise the sediment layer that has collected at the bottom.

12. A wine drink is sent for storage only after sediment ceases to form in it.

The easiest homemade raspberry wine recipe

For this recipe, any berry is suitable, even crumpled and damaged. It is prepared not only simply, but also quickly. The first test can be removed after only a few days.


• five kilograms of raspberries (yellow or red);

• one and a half kg. white sugar;

• five liters of drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. Grind unwashed raspberries on a juicer, if not, twist the berries in a meat grinder.

2. Pour all the sugar into the water and place on a small fire. Constantly stirring, bring the mixture to complete dissolution of sugar. It should be syrup without an admixture of undissolved sugar grains.

3. Cool the finished syrup well and pour into a clean container (glass jar). Add the berry puree and put in a warm, darkened place for 5 days for fermentation.

4. Then strain, transfer the wine into bottles and store in the refrigerator.

5. They should be stored only lying down, in no case standing.

Light homemade raspberry wine: yellow raspberry recipe

Homemade raspberry wine made from yellow raspberries will have a light shade resembling grape, white wines.


• two liter cans of ripe yellow raspberries;

• granulated sugar - one kilogram;

• two liters of liquid (drinking water).

Cooking method:

1. In an enameled saucepan, mash the unwashed raspberry berries well. Pour mashed potatoes with one and a half liters of water. Pour 600 gr. sugar, mix vigorously and leave.

2. As the sugar completely dissolves (dissolves), pour the mixture into a large bottle under the water seal and leave it for one and a half weeks for fermentation.

3. Then strain the must through double cheesecloth, squeeze the berry meal. Dilute 130 grams of sugar in 0.6 liters of water. Pour the syrup into the bottle and place it under the water lock again.

4. Two more times, with an interval of three days, add sugar. To do this, take about a glass of wort, dissolve the sugar in it and pour the syrup into a bottle of wine.

5. When the wine stops fermenting, stopping in the gate, raspberry wine must be filtered, distributed in clean bottles and left for several months (2-3), in a cool place.

Strong homemade raspberry wine with raisins

Raisins are used to enhance and accelerate fermentation processes. This wine ripens quickly enough.


• raspberries of any grade - 2 liters;

• kilo sugar;

• 100 grams of raisins (light).

Cooking method:

1. Sort berries from litter, damaged berries and rinse if necessary. It should be washed in a colander, it is easier to remove all excess water from the berries.

2. Transfer the dried berries to a clean, enamelled dish without chips, pour water (2 l.) And fill in a whole measure of sugar. Mix thoroughly and put in heat under the lid for 5-6 days. Sugar will dissolve much faster if the mass is periodically mixed.

3. Then strain the juice through cheesecloth, and squeeze out the remaining berries with your hands.

4. Pour the resulting juice into three-liter jars, filling each two thirds of the volume, add unwashed raisins and install a water seal.

5. When the fermentation process stops. Pour the wine into clean containers and, corking tightly, clean it in a fairly cool place.

Homemade Raspberry Wine: Frozen Berries Recipe

Homemade raspberry wine, including prepared from stored for the winter, frozen berries. The wine drink is no worse and its taste is simply excellent.


• three kilos of frozen raspberries;

• drinking filtered water - 2 l .;

• a full handful of raisins (light);

• one kilogram of white granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Put frozen raspberries in a clean saucepan and let thaw at room temperature. Do not drain the juice which is released at the same time, it is needed.

2. After the berries have thawed completely, mix them with granulated sugar, fill them with water and leave them warm under the lid. In the winter season, you can move the tank closer to the batteries.

3. As soon as the sugar crystals dissolve and the raspberries float up, strain the contents of the container and do not forget to squeeze the berries well.

4. Pour strained liquid into glass containers, filling in two-thirds of each. Add raisins, install water locks on the cans and again put them into the heat.

5. At the end of the fermentation, filter the raspberry wine, pour it over the prepared container and place it in a cool place without light.

6. Such homemade raspberry wine does not need to ripen.

Home-made raspberry wine: a spoiled fermented jam recipe

Do not rush to throw away the failed, fermented jam. It can be an excellent raw material for homemade wine, and the fermentation process that started in it will only speed up the preparation of the drink.


• a liter jar of raspberry jam;

• 1.5 liters of clean, cold water;

• a full glass of sugar;

• five highlights.

Cooking method:

1. Transfer the fermented jam to the pan. Add raisins, whole granulated sugar and pour clean, filtered water. Do not wash the raisins, otherwise you will lose the so-called "wild" yeast located on its surface and fermentation will be slow.

2. Stir the raspberry wort well to achieve sugar dissolution. Then pour it into a glass container (jar) and install a water seal. Place the glass container in a warm place, protected from sunlight, and leave it there for three weeks.

3. When the air stops coming out of the tubes, add a little sugar to the young wine and, closing it with a lid, shake it well so that it dissolves.

4. Then tightly close the bottle cap and move it to a cool place. Such wine can be tasted after only a week or even less, but it is best to let it stand for about a month or more.

The recipe for young homemade raspberry wine


• ripe raspberries of any kind - 4 kg .;

• water - four liters;

• 1.2 kg of unrefined sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Take a large container (basin), put the unwashed berries in it and knead them well with a napkin.

2. Dissolve granulated sugar in water and cook the syrup over low heat. Cool and pour it into a bowl with mashed berry.

3. Stir and pour the mixture into three-liter glass bottles. Do not fill the containers to the neck; the berry mixture should be slightly more than half, about two-thirds.

4. Close the jars tightly with lids with a water shutter installed on them and put them in a warm room. It is advisable to exclude direct sunlight.

5. After the wine stops fermenting, transfer it for a period of up to five days to a cool place. After this short exposure, filter and bottle.

6. Store it only in a cool room or refrigerator.

Homemade raspberry wine - cooking tricks, useful tips

• The fermentation process, carried out at minimum temperatures (+16 degrees), provides dry raspberry wine.

• Weak homemade raspberry wine can always be fixed with alcohol or vodka. The alcohol-containing liquid is diluted with wine, in the ratio of 12-15% of the total volume.

• You can also adjust the strength of the wine drink with granulated sugar. Added to a liter of wine 20 grams of sugar increase its strength by one degree.

• Home-made raspberry wine that will be kept warm should be pasteurized in a water bath at 68 degrees.


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