The color of the cup in which coffee is poured influences the perception of its taste.


A curious fact was established: it turns out that the color of the cup in which coffee is poured can influence the taste perception of the drink.

Experts say that this phenomenon has a psychological background. For example, previous studies have shown that if strawberry mousse was served on a white plate, then it seemed to be almost 10% sweeter, and 15% more fragrant than if it was offered on black dishes.

This time the subject of the study was coffee. It turned out, unlike glassware, coffee, offered in a white ceramic cup, seems more bitter to the senses. In addition, coffee in a white cup seems sweeter compared to the same drink in a transparent or blue vessel.

Experts suggest that the brown color of the drink is associated with bitterness, while white creates a strong contrast.

Manufacturers have noticed all this. Therefore, for example, the purple color of chocolate packaging makes the color of the treat more saturated.


Watch the video: Sensation and Perception: Crash Course Psychology #5 (July 2024).