Tina Kandelaki Criticized Vertu Phones


TV presenter and businesswoman Tina Kandelaki expressed her opinion about the former recently incredibly popular among the wealthy people of the British Vertu mobile phone. Comparing it with the Iphone5, Kandelaki delivered a definite verdict: Vertu is an extremely stupid mobile phone that only technically backward people can use.

Kandelaki herself, being a fan of Apple products, has recently admitted that she is ready to stand in line for the novelty of this company - Iphone6.

Tina is a very busy woman who believes that gadgets should be useful to facilitate work, streamline business processes. She keeps track of all the new items that, from her point of view, can save her time. So, the TV presenter is not against a personal plane, with the help of which it would be possible to get to the necessary points of the world much faster. This is a strategic goal that Kandelaki intends to achieve by all means.
