How to put an apartment in order in just 45 minutes


Probably everyone at least once faced with a situation when it is necessary to urgently bring their apartment in order. Very often, people start to run around the apartment in the confusion, not knowing where to start. To avoid confusion, you need to know where to start cleaning and how to make it take a minimum of time. The article will help develop your own method of cleaning, which is sure to be useful in emergency situations.

Stage one: the kitchen - 12 minutes

1. First of all, you need to establish a general order. This will take no more than 2 minutes. All unnecessary items must be removed from the kitchen table. It is worth remembering: the smaller items will lie on the table, the tidier the kitchen will look.

2. After the general cleaning, you must begin washing the dishes. If you have a dishwasher, you need to load all the dishes in it and turn it on. If there is no dishwasher, and you need to get out urgently by the arrival of guests, you can hide all dirty dishes in any of the kitchen cabinets. When the guests leave, dirty dishes will need to be removed.

3. Now it is necessary to start cleaning kitchen surfaces. This task will help cope with a soft cloth made of micro fibers, which perfectly removes dirt from the countertops and other surfaces. All trash should be on the floor.

4. Do not forget about the kitchen appliances. Not superfluous to wipe the microwave, refrigerator, stove, stove and other equipment. Everything should look perfect.

5. And the last thing to do in the end is to wash the floor. Before you begin to wash, the floor must be thoroughly swept, removing all the crumbs and dust. It is necessary to wash the floor from the farthest corner, gradually moving to the exit.

6. Sometimes housewives face unforeseen difficulties. These include hard to remove stains. Scraping them with metal objects can not be, otherwise you can leave scratches, and this is nothing can not be fixed. It is better to use a bank card, as the plastic does not form scratches, but it does an excellent job with stains. After the procedure, the place of scraping should be wiped with a sponge.

Stage Two: Bedroom - 10 minutes

1. The first thing you need to remove all unnecessary. Bed linen, pillows scattered around, rolling toys and other items must be thrown into a special basket to be hidden. All unnecessary items standing on the dressing table, will have to hide in cabinets and dressers. The bedroom will look clean and beautiful only if everything is in its place and not lying on the bed, on the table and the floor.

2. If the bed is not made, it must be done immediately. In order not to waste time, the sheets should be tucked under the mattress, lifting it with one hand, and not trying to squeeze the ends of the sheets between the mattress and the end of the bed. Decorate the bed can be small decorative pillows, if they are available.

3. Next you need to start removing dust. Best of all with this special dry microfiber cloth. It is necessary to start cleaning from the far corner, gradually approaching the exit. You can shake off the dust directly on the floor, as it is much more convenient and takes less time.

4. Next you need to start cleaning the floor. This will help the vacuum cleaner. As always, you need to vacuum from the farthest corner to the door, making sweeping movements with a vacuum cleaner. You do not need to go through the vacuum cleaner several times, as this will take precious time, which is so little.

Third stage: bathroom and toilet - 8 minutes

1. Before you begin cleaning, you must apply a cleaning agent on the sink, bathtub and toilet. In the future, this will help to quickly remove difficult to remove stains.

2. Bath or shower must be wiped thoroughly, and if necessary, even scrubbed. At the end of the dirt and the remnants of a cleaning agent must be removed with water.

3. Now you need to clean the mirror in the bathroom. This is a matter for a minute. Simply spray a special tool for cleaning mirror surfaces and wipe with a cloth.

4. The toilet also needs cleaning. This will require a powder and a toilet brush. The brush should be dipped several times in clean water, and then thoroughly clean all surfaces of the toilet bowl.

5. You can clean the sink with a toothbrush. In addition, this brush will help remove dirt from even the most inaccessible places.

6. And the last - mopping. With this microfiber mop cope.

Stage Four: living room - 15 minutes

1. The cleaning begins with the elimination of the disorder. All items that stand wrong should be corrected, and those that are not in their places should be returned to where they belong. Scattered magazines, newspapers and books should be hidden or neatly folded on a coffee table.

2. The next step is dust removal. A microfiber cloth can do this.

3. All glass surfaces need to be wiped with a special tool and a soft cloth. Wipe clean in a circular motion, not pressing on the surface.

4. And the last thing to do is to vacuum the floor. This should be done in sharp and wide movements, from the end of the room to the door.


Watch the video: 20 WAYS TO CLEAN YOUR HOUSE IN JUST A FEW MINUTES (June 2024).