Mushroom broth - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook mushroom broth.


Mushroom broth - general cooking principles

On the basis of mushroom broth, you can cook a lot of delicious first courses, and if you add vegetables, pearl barley, beans or lentils, you get a hearty mushroom soup. Often mushroom broths are combined with other types of broths (for example, meat or chicken). Mushroom broth is good in itself, but you can experiment a little and add cream cheese, green peas and other products to the dish. For flavor and piquancy, you can toss the missed clove of garlic and black pepper in the soup.

Mushroom broth can be prepared from fresh or dried mushrooms. The most accessible way is to use ordinary purchased champignons, besides they do not require long cooking. With forest mushrooms, the task is somewhat more complicated, since such mushrooms should be treated very carefully. If dried mushrooms are used, they are pre-soaked for several hours, then simmered for about an hour.

Mushroom broth - preparation of food and dishes

A lot of dishes are not required to cook mushroom broth: you need a 2-3 liter saucepan, a frying pan for steaming vegetables, a cutting board with a knife, a colander and a bowl for steeping dried mushrooms. You also need gauze in order to strain the broth from the sediment.

Fresh mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and minced. Forest mushrooms need to be bruised from garbage and spoiled "copies". If dried mushrooms are used, they are washed and soaked in water for several hours (at least three to four).

Mushroom Broth Recipes:

Recipe 1: Mushroom Broth

If there is no opportunity or desire to collect forest mushrooms, but fragrant mushroom broth, however, you want, you can go to the store and buy regular champignons. These mushrooms are available all year round, so you can pamper your family with fragrant mushroom soup at any time. In this recipe of mushroom broth, along with mushrooms, carrots and onions are also used.

Ingredients Required:

  • 15-20 pcs. champignons (depending on the desired volume of soup);
  • Bulb;
  • Carrot;
  • Potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper.

Cooking method:

Mushrooms rinse and cut into pieces. Not much shallow, as in the process of heat treatment mushrooms boil down. Peel the potatoes, cut them into medium-sized bars. Pour into the pot the right amount of water and place on the stove. Pour a spoonful of sunflower oil into a frying pan and lay out the mushrooms, fry over moderate heat, stirring constantly, for about five minutes. After boiling water, throw potatoes. After 20 minutes you can add mushrooms. Grind carrots, chop onions. Fry vegetables in oil (can be in the same pan, where mushrooms were cooked) for a few minutes. Put the vegetables in the broth. Shortly before the end of boiling we add salt and pepper. Cook the broth until all the products are ready, first of all, we focus on potatoes, as the mushrooms do not require long-term cooking. Insist mushroom broth for about 15 minutes and serve. You can add to the plate chopped greens.

Recipe 2: Mushroom broth from dried mushrooms

A simple way to make delicious mushroom broth from dried mushrooms. Those who make blanks will surely like this recipe. It also uses onions with carrots and parsley root. Such broth can be the basis for a variety of first courses.

Ingredients Required:

  • Dry mushrooms - 60 g;
  • Onion;
  • 2 carrots;
  • Parsley root;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

Mushrooms several times rinsed in water, then pour two liters of water and leave for several hours. After the mushrooms swell, soak the liquid from the soaking into a separate container and filter, rinse the mushrooms themselves again. Fill mushrooms with filtered water and start cooking. Onions cut into several pieces, clean the carrot, rinse and cut into large pieces. Cut parsley root into 2-3 pieces. Add roots with vegetables after boiling. Cook mushroom broth on light heat for 45-60 minutes. After the specified time, it will be ready. It must be drained from all foods, then drained into the pan again. The resulting precipitate must be drained. Choose mushrooms from vegetables, rinse and chop. We throw them in the soup and boil some more.

If the mushrooms have not been soaked in advance, cook the soup for at least three hours on a gentle fire. Vegetables with roots can be put in broth in an hour and a half after boiling.

Recipe 3: Mushroom broth with green peas

Another way to cook mushroom broth, where the main "highlight" is to serve. Green peas are used for this purpose. Its delicate flavor goes well with any boiled mushrooms. A dish prepared in this way comes out to be nourishing and nutritious.

Ingredients Required:

  • Champignon;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Salt;
  • Korenya;
  • Bow;
  • Butter;
  • Green pea.

Cooking method:

Rinse the mushrooms, cut into four parts, fill with water. As the water boils, reduce the heat and boil for about 15 minutes, then throw pepper, pieces of roots and onion cut into pieces. Slightly add. Boil the broth until tender, after which we filter from the spices, onions and roots and pour back into the pan. Mushrooms are separated and cut into small pieces. We throw butter, boil for three minutes and turn off the fire. Spoon the mushrooms with green peas and pour the broth.

Recipe 4: Cream Cheese Mushroom Broth

Despite the ease of preparation, this mushroom broth turns out very tasty, nourishing and nutritious. Melted cheese goes well with any mushrooms and gives the dish a delicate creamy taste. This recipe uses fresh champignons.

Ingredients Required:

  • ½ kg of fresh champignons;
  • Cream cheese without flavorings - 300 g;
  • Onions - 1 pc .;
  • Carrot;
  • Garlic - two cloves.

Cooking method:

Clean and chop the onion with a knife (or in a blender). Mushrooms rinsed and cut. Carrots washed and three. Fry the onion in butter for about 8-10 minutes, stirring often. We spread carrots to it and fry for several minutes. Next, add mushrooms to the vegetables, cover the pan with the lid and simmer the mixture on low heat for 17 minutes. Put the vegetable and mushroom mass in the pan and pour a half liters of water. After boiling, boil for 10 minutes, then throw the melted cheese and garlic passed through the press (optional). Again, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes to dissolve the cheese. Leave the creamy mushroom broth to infuse, then serve.

Recipe 5: Mushroom broth with beans

It turns out that all of the two ingredients can be prepared nourishing first course, which, moreover, is also very tasty. Mushroom broth also adds onions for taste and aroma.

Ingredients Required:

  • 160 g of mushrooms and beans;
  • Tomato paste;
  • Bow;
  • Salt;
  • Butter;
  • White bread.

Cooking method:

If dry mushrooms are used, they should be washed and soaked for 3-4 hours in water. Boil the mushroom broth from the soaked mushrooms for about one hour, then filter it. Mushrooms cut into small pieces. Beans should also be pre-soaked for several hours, then boil until cooked. Boiled beans throws in a colander. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter, then spread the tomato paste to it and simmer for a few more minutes. Put onion, beans and chopped mushrooms in the soup. Cook the soup for 15-20 minutes, at the end of cooking, add salt to taste. Bread cut into small pieces and dry in the oven. Serve mushroom broth with beans along with crunchy croutons. If desired, you can also add chopped greens to the plate.

Mushroom broth - the secrets and tips from the best culinary

- Mushrooms can be immediately cooked or fry with onions or separately - with fried mushrooms, the soup is much more fragrant;

- Mushrooms do not need a lot of spices and seasonings, therefore it is recommended to limit to salt, black pepper and garlic;

- Mushroom broth will become much more fragrant and richer if you add coarsely chopped roots and onions to it, the broth after cooking must be drained.


Watch the video: 3 Homemade Soup Broths. Chicken, Mushroom & Seafood (June 2024).