The horoscope of the Tarot on Sunday, June 2 for all signs of the zodiac: find out which card fell to you


This is a day of inspiration, charting progress, but also a bit of unstable energy, when you will feel mental throwings and doubts about the correctness of your actions. Think about what area of ​​your life requires change or “repair.” Pay attention to your environment and issues of mutual respect with loved ones. At the end of the article you will find a key card for the current day.


High Priestess Map

You can be a lone player and prefer independence and solitude, but today you must work in a team so that you do not get lost in yourself and your aspirations. Feel free to ask for help from people who may know more than you. Share your thoughts with your close ones and ask for their advice. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map Hangman

Today's energy carries the potential for a new start, especially in relationships with the family. This is very true if you have felt estranged or lost recently. Something very simple and commonplace, like a brief phone call or messaging, can make a difference. Do your best to be able to hear other people. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map - Seven Cups

You may feel a little moody and impulsive, but be on the lookout. There is a risk that you will be misled by someone you trust, or by a situation that seems to be most favorable to you. Do not lock yourself in the world of your own problems. Remember that the best days are ahead. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map - Chariot

Try to make someone happy today. Bring people at least a drop of joy, and you yourself will receive a lot of positive emotions. Consider this a day of volunteering and helping others. Avoid your problems and, in the end, note that there are those around you who really need support or just a little sincere concern. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.

A lion

Map - Jester

You may need a mentor (even if it is a completely stranger or a stranger) who can listen to you and talk about what is really happening with your life. You incurred too many obligations, and it absolutely exhausted you and drove you into a dead end. Try to find a simple solution in your situation. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map - Four of Swords

Surround yourself with loved ones and enjoy your favorite activities at home or in nature. Make yourself a full day off when you are not immersed in work or household chores. Reboot and rest. The more active you are, the faster you will restore your energy. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map Mage

If you think that you should always be right, then you will definitely push those around you. People will argue with you, be offended, turn around and leave or, even worse, ignore you. Stop being a smug and arrogant person, loosen control of everything that is happening around you, and just relax. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map - Five Cups

When people around you lose their heads, fight stress and become depressed, you can be an island of stability. This is your lucky day for personal ambitions and romantic dreams. Pay attention to the opportunities offered to you and listen to the prompts from above. Remember that difficult times are not forever. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map - Empress

This is a great period for love, friendship and meeting people. Even if you have a working day today or a lot of family responsibilities, you can plan an evening out or just an informal party with friends to enjoy the communication and the bustling life around you. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map - Wheel of Fortune

Fortune will smile at you if you take the lead today. When she challenges you, feel free to accept him. Any new task will bring you many advantages, as well as prospects for the future. Your energy is a little depleted, so do not strain your body and allow yourself to take breaks and breaks. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map - Ace of Wands

Problems that are not your personal mistake mean that you must leave some things behind, that is, far in the past. Focus on the little pleasures. This is an ideal day for shopping, so treat yourself to shopping, but be careful with waste. Just have fun and enjoy the moment. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map Six of Swords

You can become a huge source of support for any person close to you who is now disappointed or going through difficult times. Keep moving forward, even if you hesitate and fear, and then you will make progress. The main thing is not to allow any stagnation in your affairs. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.

The strongest card of the day

The key card of the day is the Devil. Think today, what is most important in your life? This will help clarify your priorities and provide motivation for action, and also allow you to perceive change as something less intimidating, but more intriguing. This is a good day for introspection, but hasty conclusions and incorrect assumptions should be avoided.
