How baby powder helps kids and adults. Original ways to use powder


Few means intended, in general, for one purpose, have such a diverse application as baby powder. With its help, you can become more beautiful, improve your home and even take care of the garden.

What can be said in general about how baby powder helps

Baby powder is a dermatological preparation that has been indispensable for many decades to care for the delicate, sensitive skin of babies from the first days of their lives.

This light powder from the smallest particles with a light, pleasant smell is used to ensure dry skin under the diaper (diaper) for the baby’s skin, to prevent rubbing, irritation and diaper rash.

Among its main components, talc and starch can be found. In fact, there is nothing very complicated in the powder, but at the same time it is a unique and universal tool.

Its main property is to instantly absorb and retain moisture well, while minimally changing itself, keeping the initial state for as long as possible.

High-quality powder - weightless powder, which does not roll and does not stick to the skin.

It also has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, along with coffee, this substance has the ability to absorb odors.

The combination of all properties merges into the ability of baby powder to be useful in many cases.

About the properties of baby powder to help adults take care of themselves

It is important to note that powder can provide such protection to the skin of at least adults, at least children, provided that it is applied to a clean body, so it is necessary to visit the bathroom before using it.

Adults can appreciate the benefits of powder, for example, in the case of a personal acquaintance with such a problem, when when walking or running, it strongly rubs between the legs. But, if you put a little money on problem areas, you can forget about the unpleasant for a few hours.

Powder may well sometimes replace dry shampoo, especially if the hair is oily at the roots - there will be no trace of this problem, and in general the hairstyle will look fresh and neat if you use the powder, distributing it and then removing it with a comb along the entire length of the hair .

If by the time you leave the beach you can’t clean off the sticky sand from your body, dust is scattered on the body parts that are stuck on it and, in a minute, when it absorbs moisture, the grains of sand can be easily brushed off to the last.

If you dust the body with powder before waxing, this will affect the procedure in a very diverse way:

• its soreness will decrease both from the very removal of hairs, and from contact of the skin with a hot mass;

• due to the ability of the powder to absorb moisture, the wax will better and more firmly capture the hairs, which means that they will be removed more easily, faster and the very minimum of them will remain (just break).

The main thing is not just to powder the skin with a product, but also to rub it thoroughly and evenly.

You can take a powder after regular shaving (for both men and women) - applied instead of lotion, it instantly and noticeably soothes the irritation of even the most sensitive skin and gives it a silky smoothness.

Powder is used even in such a complex area as the creation of makeup:

• to give the eyelashes length and volume, the powder is applied with a cotton swab to the first layer of mascara, then staining the eyelashes again;

• in order to avoid the problem of crumbling shadows (which, when trying to remove them, are so smeared so often), before using them, apply powder to the area under the eyes, and then just gently remove it along with the fallen shadow particles (keeping the foundation and other applied products in perfect condition);

• from acne and inflammatory processes that contribute to premature aging of the skin, baby powder in the mask helps (often with the addition of a decoction of medicinal herbs, cosmetic clay);

• theoretically, dusting powder can even replace powder - if you apply it very little, it will not be noticeably obvious, but the color and texture of the skin will improve.

How baby powder helps in everyday life

On summer nights, when the night air temperature is slightly different from the daytime, it is especially pleasant to sleep on clean, fresh linen. A minimum of dusting on the sheets will create an effect of pleasant coolness and relieve the discomfort that may arise from soaking the laundry later.

The properties of the powder “take care” of the fabric are also used for the wardrobe - you just need to iron the same white shirt with it and you can forget about unaesthetic wet spots of sweat and an unpleasant odor. And it is possible not to process all the matter - only the most actively polluted areas, such as the armpits and on the back.

Powder can also be an alternative to dry deodorant (with not too much sweating).

If you dust with a tool the inner surface of new shoes - getting used to it will be easier, and the likelihood of rubbing corns will decrease.

Powder works like a powerful deodorant for shoes if poured inside for the night.

If you pour it in the daytime, before starting to wear - this will eliminate the unpleasant sensation of sweating legs and reduce the risk of developing fungal diseases.

A pinch of baby powder will make it easier to unravel the interwoven complex jewelry chain.

Baby powder helps to remove greasy stains from fabrics, including furniture upholstery, carpets - for this, the powder is rubbed into the material over and over with a cotton pad, after whisking away the pollution that goes with it.

Cleaning pet hair often gives owners a lot of trouble - bathing a dog or cat is not always possible, convenient. In this case, it is enough to rub the powder into the contaminated areas of the fur, and then comb it thoroughly. This will also help to remove the specific unpleasant smell of wool (if only the dog, for example, did not ride in fish).

If mold was almost wound up in old books and an unpleasant odor settled, soon after translucent dusting of their pages with this product, they would get rid of the harmful moisture and the risk of going to a landfill.

If after prolonged use of rubber gloves (at home cleaning or during garden chores), the skin on your hands becomes in terrible condition - it is enough to cover the gloves inside with dust and even many hours of work will not bring a callus and irritation as a bonus. Plus, so gloves will be much easier to take off.

How does baby powder help gardeners

To prevent slipping (it is known to complicate and slow down any work on the site) and the appearance of corns on the hands, it is recommended that the handles of garden tools be well treated with dusting powder.

Ants are one of the most controversial and often undesirable insects, neighbors of summer residents. In addition to crawling into the house, they also contribute to the growth of the aphid population.

To discourage the first, the product is scattered on the soil where they often go. You can also create from the powder a blocking border from them in front of the threshold of the front door and on the windowsills.

Processing bulbs of flowering plants with powder on the eve of planting allows you to win a lot:

• planting material for a long time will be protected from damage by rot as a result of excessive soil moisture;

• many pests, including mice, will not encroach on the future flower garden.


Watch the video: TOP 10 BABY POWDER Life Hacks Amazing TRICKS with baby powder (June 2024).