The name Daria is its meaning, origin. The meaning of the name Daria for a woman and a child: fate, character, talents


The name Daria is not often used today. But it is interesting that its carriers are quite interesting in nature, since they combine a lot of rare virtues. About the meaning of the name Daria, as well as about what character traits the person named he possesses, we will figure it out.

What is the history and origin of the name Daria

There are several versions of the origin of the name Daria. The first of them says that it is of ancient Persian origin, more precisely, is a variant of the male Darius, which came from the Greek Dareios. But this name is a transcription of the Persian name, where "gift" is translated as "possessor", and "wow (w)" - "good." From this, we can say that the name Daria means "owner of the good," "rich." Sometimes Daria is tacted as a “winner”.

The second version says that the name Daria of Slavic origin is the modern form of Darren and Darin. It is also a related name for such names as Darolyub and Daromil. Based on this, we can say that the name Daria means "gift", "bestowed."

The patron saint is the martyr Darius, who was famous for her incredible beauty. Before marriage, she lived in the temple of the goddess Athena Pallas, and when she married Chrysanthus, who professed Christianity, she accepted his faith. Chrysanthus and Darius abandoned carnal relations and devoted themselves to preaching the Christian faith, for this they were persecuted and buried alive for 283 years in the ground.

What character and fate will the name Daria bring

The meaning of the name gives Daria such qualities that repel people from her. And only closer to maturity appear traits that attract people. And she is prone to whims. And this is not only in childhood, but throughout life. Communication with Daria is very difficult. Due to the difficult nature of this lady, sometimes it is easier to refuse him altogether.

But there is a lot of good in it: Daria has a cheerful, kind disposition. This quality helps her become the soul of the company, provided that she has a desire for this.

By temperament, Daria is often a sanguine person. She is not vindictive; in the team she is loved, respected and afraid. Owns organizational abilities, she is able to lead a team, a small community, subordinates treat her with respect. But even if Daria in the team occupies the smallest ordinary position, the authorities themselves next to her try to behave with restraint.


Shyness and slowness - those character traits that are often manifested in Daria in early childhood. With familiar children, she feels easy, may even become a leader in their company, but she is hardly suitable for strangers. She is slightly insecure and not too sociable, but she can put anyone who intends to offend her in her place. But she submits to the oldest in age without persuasion.

Daria has had a very controversial character since childhood. It is difficult to predict the course of her thoughts, as well as understand the mood.

The meaning of the name Daria will bring a difficult childhood. The reason is her character, promising a girl eternal discontent to everyone around.

But there are many good qualities. She is kind, sincere, good-natured and trusting, inquisitive and active, ready at any time to help those in need.

There is a drawback - the desire to be the first in everything without exception. It prevents her from establishing relationships with her peers, since the leader of society is always to be unrealistic.

The girl treats her parents well from an early age, and will also be so until the end of her life. Daria is mom’s favorite. And even the fact that from childhood she will not be accustomed to housekeeping, Daria will not hinder in any way becoming a good mistress in adulthood. The fact is that it has a desire for organization and cleanliness. Therefore, Dasha’s schoolgirl already has everything on her desk, she doesn’t have to spend hours looking for a fountain pen among a bunch of things. But from an early age, Daria does not have a desire to help her mother with the housework.

She is witty and quick-witted, so teachers love her. In Daria, they see an assistant, but in reality, she is not at all interested in social work. At the first opportunity to escape Daria will do it.

Adolescence: the nature and fate of Daria

The meaning of the name Daria has a strong effect on a girl in her teens. She can more easily learn to accept someone else's opinion, which will only affect her studies and communication with peers for the better.

During this period, the value of the name will award Daria with the following qualities: touchiness, moodiness, self-confidence, industriousness, persistence, arrogance and integrity. With a set of such qualities, the girl will easily achieve her own goals and assignments. But she constantly needs the support of parents, teachers. She is responsible and executive, so teachers are in demand.

Daria needs love, she does not live without her. She does not see the boundaries between sympathy for man and sexual attraction. Parents need to explain where relationships with a young person can go if they are seen as a game. She loves to flirt, but parents need to control her behavior so that this does not become a habit.

Daria has an analytical mindset, her memory is beautiful. The girl is inquisitive, she has good intuition, only the girl rarely listens to her. And since Daria is arrogant, it’s hard to break up with a loved one or quarrel with friends. It may seem that for her there are no moral standards. But actually it is not.

Adult woman

Adult Daria is a woman with a set of qualities such as: an organizer, a leader, a woman with a sharp mind, able to analyze what is happening around. She may hold a position requiring leadership, but there is one thing. She is incredulous and secretive. She is one of those who do not like to devote to problems, does not like to share experiences. In public, she is trying to be a leader worthy of this title, hiding from the eyes of strangers problems and failures.

The nature and fate of Daria in relationships, love, marriage

Dasha’s relationship with the opposite sex will turn out pretty well. That is why little Dasha’s relations with her father will be warmer than with her mother. And playing with her is more interesting with boys than with girls.

In adolescence, Daria will become the favorite of guys. They are attracted to her inner world: kindness, care, cheerfulness. But there is a minus for this girl - she likes to give orders. And only a guy who can tolerate this can live next to Daria. This should be a man compliant, perhaps even weak-willed, but ready for heroic deeds, responsible.

Daria will grow up a woman devoted, faithful and able to come to the rescue in a difficult moment. She expects the same from her husband. First of all, he should become her friend, and only then, her husband.

Daria lives in the present and does not like to look back at the past. She is one of those who are able to start everything from scratch. So the husband’s past, his hobbies, passions and novels are of little interest to her. She begins a new life with a man, having crossed out from it everything that can injure her husband. It is important for Daria to establish good relations with newly made relatives, they will try to please them.

Daria is a little lazy, she does not like big noisy companies at all, so she can be called a homebody. For this reason, she often gets married late. But when she marries, she trusts him completely, not even suspecting the insincerity of her soul mate.

Dasha is a good hostess. She is able to cook, sew, bind. She can even do major repairs in the apartment. She is hospitable, has good taste and immense imagination.


Daria's love and sex have clear boundaries. Men often do not cause erotic emotions, but they themselves experience sexual attraction, without experiencing love for a person. In sex is direct and spontaneous. During intimacy, she loves speaking shameless words to her partner. The more attached to the partner, the more relaxed he behaves. And satisfaction is able to get, no matter what. avoids everyday life in intimate relationships, every time he tries to turn sex into a holiday.

From her husband requires fidelity, both mental and physical. She herself is domineering and jealous, independent, but loyal, does not cheat on her husband.

The nature of Daria, depending on the time of year

In the spring, charming, cheerful, secretive Daria are born. It’s interesting with her, as she is a wonderful conversationalist. She will make a good speaker, literary critic, art critic. Such a woman will look for a soulmate for a long time, in the end she will be able to find the ideal one with whom she will be able to live until the end of her life.

Summer Daria is sentimental, dreamy, with a simple character, able to win over him. They love to travel and learn something new. Often in adulthood they become respected ladies. Likes communication with children, can work in the service sector.

Winter Daria is calm and thoughtful. Attracts by the simplicity of character, cheerful disposition, dreamy, able to come to reconciliation. There is also a negative feature in it - from troubles or betrayal for a long time goes into depression. A teacher, trainer, educator is her profession. She is not very successful in family ties.

Daria, born in the fall - domineering, leader, feminine and charming. Differs in a tolerant character, able to help those in need of her help. She will make a good leader. She is faithful and faithful to her husband, but remains independent; she will not allow her husband to rule her.


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