Remedies for tonsillitis: which one will help? Overview of the most effective drugs for angina


Angina is a very complex and unpleasant infectious disease, the main signs of which are pain in the larynx and a sharp jump in temperature. You can not deal with spontaneous medication, since the disease is dangerous and can cause a number of complications. Prescribing specific medicines should only be done by a practitioner, just as the exact treatment regimen has been undertaken.


Sumamed is the best remedy for sore throat, which acts as an antibacterial medicine of a very wide range of effects. The active substance in the composition is azithromycin. The medicine very quickly and actively fights the causative agent of the infection and suppresses its activity.

Usually the full course of therapy is 5 days. The drug is drunk once a day. It can be consumed two hours before a meal or an hour after dinner. A remedy is not prescribed for carrying a baby and breastfeeding. With caution, resort to screaming for problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Treatment should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a physician. The medication can provoke third-party reactions such as vomiting and nausea, changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For children, the drug is prescribed in a lower dosage.


Septolete are often prescribed for angina to relieve pain. The drug is dispensed in the form of lozenges for resorption with analgesic and antimicrobial effects. The active substance in the composition is cetylpyridinium chloride. This component is characterized by the following actions:

• antifungal;

• antimicrobial;

• eliminates the island-inflammatory process from the throat.

The drug can not be used by children under 6 years. Adolescents over 12 years of age and adults should not absorb more than 8 lozenges per day. Children under 12 years of age can be given up to 4 lozenges.

After taking the dose for a certain period of time, you should not eat or drink. This will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Septolete does not have complex contraindications. But you can not be treated with them while bearing the fetus and breastfeeding.


Lizobakt is an excellent drug for angina, which helps to treat infectious processes of the upper respiratory tract. This is a harmless local antibacterial drug, in the composition of which only natural substances are observed. The tool very quickly reduces the activity of pathogens of infectious ailments, and also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

The agent is dispensed in the form of lozenges. To be treated only after eating food. Dissolve the product slowly, keeping it in the oral cavity for as long as possible.

The drug can be prescribed for babies older than three years, and is also allowed to use during pregnancy and lactation. It has no contraindications and is highly effective.

Flemoxin Solutab

This is a broad spectrum antibacterial medication. The main component is amoxicillin. Also in the composition of the medication there are a number of additional substances that improve the absorption of the main substance. The first effect after administration is noted after a couple of days after application. This antibiotic is very strong in its effect. But at the same time, it is safe and does not harm health.

The medication is also prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. But only the attending physician can prescribe the drug. You can not use the tool in case of hypersensitivity to the components in the composition of the drug. With extreme caution, administer therapy to patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency. Children can be given starting from one year old.


Antiseptic medication of local effects. It is released in the form of lozenges for resorption. The main active component is ambazon. The medication is distinguished by its effectiveness and does not have a systemic effect on the body. It makes it possible to very quickly fight infections of the upper respiratory tract. After administration, relief occurs almost instantly.

The duration of therapy is usually 3-4 days. The tool should be slowly absorbed to provide a long local effect. For several hours after ingestion, do not drink and eat, so as not to lower the effect. You can prescribe for children to cure a sore throat older than three years. It is possible to use when carrying a baby and breastfeeding. It does not have third-party reactions and does not have contraindications. You can not take only at an early age and with personal intolerance to the components in the composition.


This tool is dispensed in the form of a solution and spray. The medication is used locally, providing an antibacterial and antiflogistic effect. The active ingredient is hexetidine. It is this substance that gives the antiviral and antimicrobial effect. Also, after taking pain in the throat. Even with a very long intake of this drug, pathogenic microorganisms do not develop resistance to the drug.

In addition to the main substance, the composition also contains essential drying oils. Such ingredients enhance the analgesic, antiflogistic and antimicrobial effects of the drug. The medicine does not have a local effect on the patient's body. Substances in the composition do not penetrate into the general bloodstream.

It is necessary to use the medicine after eating food or long before lunch. There is no need to swallow. Use to treat tonsils or mouth rinses. It is not recommended to use to cure babies under eight children. At a too young age, the use of the drug can be extremely difficult, and the exact dosage is difficult to prescribe. Also, you can not prescribe a medication in the early stages of bearing a baby. Usually not used up to 14 weeks.


Watch the video: Pharyngitis - Throat Infection (July 2024).