What do parents dream about: living, healthy, sick or dead? The main interpretations of different dream books - what parents dream about


In a dream you can see both your near and dear ones, and those who are not directly related to you. What are my parents dreaming of? How to interpret a dream?

What parents dream about - basic interpretation

If in a dream your parents dream of smiling and happy - this is, of course, a positive omen. So soon everything will be fine with them. But, to interpret the whole dream - you better pay special attention to its details:

· Under what circumstances did you meet with your parents;

· Were they happy to see you;

· Have you talked to your parents?

· How long have you not seen relatives in a dream;

· What emotions have visited you.

If you dream that your loved ones are upset, do not feel well - such a dream means that you will have both minor and major troubles. Try not to raise important issues with them in the near future and do not sort things out with close friends and people. This can lead to a quarrel and a big disagreement between you.

Why do you dream that your parents give you a great and beautiful gift? Such a gift in a dream can promise you troubles and other problems not only in communicating with them, but also in financial matters. If you were promised great profit or profit earlier, you can not rely on them. You will now have a lot of trouble associated with this matter. And all just because you hoped that everything would resolve by itself and quickly enough.

If in a dream you give a hand to your relative, but he doesn’t react to your greeting and even tries to avoid contact with you, such a dream means that you have recently lost his trust. You will need to return it in the coming days. Otherwise, you can never again communicate with him as before and solve your problematic issues with his help.

A dream in which you look into the eyes of one of the parents for a long time indicates that you need love and support from him, but you cannot get them. The problem may be that you can’t explain your feelings and ask for help directly. You are trying to indirectly sort things out and indirectly solve your problems. So you will never get favor from your own person.

If in a dream you hug your mother, such a dream indicates that it is time for you to take care of your own well-being. It’s time for you to take care of your family and not remember how well you once were under the supervision of your mother. If you hug her and cry in a dream - you can’t release anything from your past. Some kind of memory actively affects your whole life. Perhaps this is your personal unsuccessful life experience, perhaps this is your unwillingness to develop as a person. But you can’t put up with your mistakes of the past.

The dream in which the mother hugs you and hugs you - says that you should take care of her health. She will need your support and your guidance. Now her well-being depends on you.

The dream in which you see your mother waving to you from the window indicates that you often remember your relatives and your childhood. But are you left to live in it? Perhaps you do not want to grow up and somehow solve your problems yourself?

Perhaps you can’t overpower yourself and start life anew? But your family people have nothing to do with this situation. You need to take responsibility on your own and try never to transfer it to anyone else. If you do this, everything in your life will normalize right away. You can immediately solve a lot of questions and never return to them.

The dream in which you see the deceased parents says that it is time for you to honor their memory. If before that, you asked them for help - then it's time for you to actually ask for help, but already from someone in reality. It must be an influential and wise person who can help you, who can help you solve a lot of petty and empty questions and also major problems. Do not be afraid to ask for help and then she will definitely come to you.

If you dream about your deceased mother giving you something, try to postpone an important decision and postpone financial issues. After such a dream, finances will not come to you so easily. A dream in which you will long and hard try to talk with the deceased mother, but she will be silent - says that soon you will become a victim of circumstances. When people you trust don't respond to your requests. That is, you will need someone's support and without receiving it, you will be disappointed in the person.

Also, such a dream may warn you that soon the contacts that you wanted to establish will move away from you and you will have to look for other options to agree. You will not be able to do this only if you yourself do not make every effort to obtain a result.

A dream in which you see someone asking for your help, and looking up, you will recognize the mother in this person - it promises you rather strange events in reality. You will rely on the connection and attention to you by a specific person. But, at the last moment, he will refuse you this. He will simply show you the true face, and you will be forced to turn to your near and dear ones for support. As a result, you still find yourself dependent on your parents.

The dream in which you swear with your father indicates that it is time for you to choose your own tough life position, otherwise you will always remain in the shadow of someone else, not getting new opportunities for development.

A dream in which you hold your father’s hand for a long time and wait for advice from him speaks of your helplessness in some important situation. You need more than just advice — you need real support and help. Look for her in close people.

Why do parents dream about Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that parents dream when you yourself are very unsure of the development and the correctness of your personal life. You yourself cannot say what you really want. Perhaps your relationship is built on the basis of parental relationships. You commit the same misconduct and make the same mistakes. Then this explains your failure in your personal life.

A dream in which you introduce your beloved to your mother - means that you yourself doubt the correct choice of a partner. You need to consider what is so embarrassing in a girl and whether it is possible to come to a common language, change everything, or in the end you will have to break off the relationship.

What parents dream about at your wedding - such a dream means that you are ready for an important act, but not in your personal life. Perhaps you have been thinking about a project for a long time, you have been thinking about solving a problem for a long time, and now you are ready to actively engage in this matter.

Why dream that you cannot find your parents for a long time? Perhaps in a dream you walk around their house and call them, but no one answers you. Such a dream should be regarded as a warning about an impending conflict that is already brewing. Redefine your position with your parents.

What parents dream about in the Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book says that the parents who give you advice in a dream will not really help you in reality. You just want to get support from them, but in the end you will be left with nothing and the reason for this will be your previous disagreements with him.

The dream in which your mother cooks dinner speaks of the need for financial support from your relatives. You will help them for a long time, because they themselves will not solve their problems. If you refuse to help them, you cannot forgive yourself for this.

Why do parents dream about other dream books

In the dream book Grishina said that parents dream of as a symbol of the unfading strength of your kind. That you are protected and can not worry about your decisions. In the future, everything will turn out the way you want it to.

In the dream book of Aesop it is said that sick parents dream of household chores. You yourself will be responsible for other people and this will bring you a lot of worries and trouble. It will be very difficult for you to cope with the problems that have piled up, and you decide to find a person to whom you can shift them. The dream book warns you - look for a person who is proven and faithful. Otherwise, many will find out about your problems and this will not do you any good.

Whatever the dream, your emotions are important during and after. If you are depressed and afraid, such a dream portends problems in reality. You will be afraid to take a step and solve your problems yourself. Try to trust your intuition.


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