Slimming oatmeal bowel scrub: the benefits of “miracle porridge”. How to make slimming oatmeal intestine scrub


A sedentary lifestyle, constant snacking, improperly constructed diet - all this negatively affects the state of human health. Early signs of aging appear on the skin, excess weight accumulates.

Slimming oatmeal intestine scrub allows you to restore beauty to the body and face. A cleansing recipe removes toxins and toxins from the body, restores it from the inside.

Oatmeal composition

It is good for everyone to eat oatmeal in the morning. Knows, but, unfortunately, does not use this information. Very vain, because oatmeal is really very useful for the body.

The composition contains the following substances:

• iodine;

• amino acids;

• phosphorus;

• potassium;

• copper;

• iron;

• calcium;

• vitamins of group B, K, A, E.

Of all existing cereals, it was oatmeal that was recognized by nutritionists as the most balanced and healthy. If a person constantly includes it in his diet, problems with excess weight and the digestive system will not arise.

Slimming oatmeal intestine scrub: benefits for the body

Oatmeal is a very valuable product. Its rich composition nourishes the body with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins that normalize the functioning of internal organs and improve the condition of the skin.

Why do you need to use a slimming oatmeal intestine scrub daily

1. The skin tone and its general condition are leveled, early dermis aging is prevented.

2. Blood cholesterol is reduced.

3. The use of scrub allows the digestive system to better absorb fats, resulting in improved metabolic processes.

4. Regular use of scrub reduces the risk of stomach ulcers in the future.

5. Normalized metabolic processes in the body.

6. From the intestines, accumulations of toxins, toxins, salts of heavy metals are constantly removed.

7. Overweight goes away, a person feels better.

8. The condition of hair and nails improves - they become stronger, pleasing with a healthy shine.

Few people know that oatmeal is also an antidepressant. Its use allows you to calm the nervous system, solve the problem of insomnia, charge a person with positive emotions for the whole day.

How slimming oatmeal intestine scrub “works”

Oatmeal has a sticky substance. This allows her to cover the walls of the stomach with a thin protective film, which is very useful for ulcers. In addition, this film prevents weight gain from eating excessively high-calorie foods.

What is the difference between a slimming oatmeal intestine scrub? It is prepared from the same cereal, only the recipe is slightly different. The result of using scrub is amazing. It "captures" the mucus that accumulates overnight on the intestinal walls, toxins and toxins, removes all these excesses together with feces.

An excellent effect will be noticeable after several weeks of incorporating scrub into your diet. A person will forget about what heaviness is in the stomach and will feel better. Scrub will lose weight. For 2 weeks, it takes about 3-4 kilograms.

How to improve the result

Is it enough to use a scrub for intestines from oatmeal for weight loss to achieve the desired result? It all depends on what effect the person wants to achieve.

Scrub allows you to gradually lose weight. This is a huge advantage, since any "fast diet" gives a temporary result, kilograms are returned back. When using a scrub from oatmeal, this will not happen.

However, if a person wants to not only lose weight, but also to maintain the result, in addition to the inclusion of "miracle cereals" in the diet, you will have to rethink your diet and attitude to some things.

Useful Tips

1. Physical activity. Many do not play sports due to lack of free time or funds to visit the gym. In order to keep yourself in good shape it is not necessary to go to fitness centers. You need to accustom yourself to the proper organization of time in the morning. After bathing procedures and before breakfast, it is important to spend 20-30 minutes charging. That's not difficult. But the effort will pay off. Exercise in conjunction with the use of scrub for the intestines from oatmeal for weight loss give an amazing result. Overweight goes away, the dermis becomes firm and elastic, the stomach is flat and taut, the "orange peel" in the thighs and buttocks disappears.

2. Proper nutrition. If a person wants to maintain himself in good shape, he simply needs to start correctly to value his diet. It’s not necessary to give up your favorite foods. The first thing to learn is to eat in small portions, but 5-6 times a day. Even if a person spends most of his time at work, you can always find time for the “right snack.”

3. Try to eat fried and too fatty foods as little as possible. There is nothing useful in them - these are just empty calories that are poorly absorbed by the body and are deposited as a result with fat mass. Be sure to eat fruits and vegetables daily in the diet. If you constantly eat bread in large quantities, fast foods and convenience foods - no oatmeal will help.

How to make a hot slimming oatmeal bowel scrub

1. Oatmeal is ground in a coffee grinder or blender until a powder forms. For preparing a scrub, 3 tablespoons will be enough. They need to pour boiling water (water should cover the oatmeal a little) and let it brew for 5-7 minutes.

2. Add salt and sugar is strictly prohibited. However, if a person does not perceive fresh porridge, it is allowed to put half a teaspoon of honey in it.

3. The resulting scrub must be eaten. Before drinking it is recommended to drink 200 ml of green tea (also sugar free). The main thing is that oatmeal was consumed in a warm form.

Hot scrub is not the main meal. After 20 minutes after eating it is recommended to eat. For example, a slice of rye bread and butter. A hot scrub allows you to lose excess weight gradually, in 2 weeks it takes 2-3 kg of fat mass.

How to make a cold scrub

The recipe for a cold scrub for intestines from oatmeal for weight loss is slightly different.

1. Pre-grind the flakes is not necessary. 3 tablespoons of oatmeal are poured with cooled boiled water. There is added 1 teaspoon of cream. It is very important to do all this in the evening and put it in the refrigerator. The mixture should be infused for at least 6 hours.

2. In the morning, the scrub is taken out of the refrigerator and eaten. It is extremely important to chew the flakes thoroughly, if the stomach does not digest them, there will be no effect. Therefore, you should not rush here. For more satiety in the "miracle porridge" you can add a few nuts and half a teaspoon of honey.

Cold scrub for intestines from oatmeal for weight loss allows you to lose weight faster than hot. It is recommended to use it daily for a month. Then a break of 1-2 weeks is taken. After this, you need to continue to include the scrub in the diet, but not every day, but 2-3 times a week. This will support the achieved result. Cold scrub replaces the main meal. It can not be washed down. You can drink green tea before meals, but not after.

Important points in the organization of the diet

An oatmeal scrub for oatmeal for weight loss will achieve an excellent result if you know some simple rules for organizing a diet and follow them.

1. If a cold scrub was chosen for weight loss, it is important to remember that it completely replaces breakfast. After eating oatmeal in the morning, it is strictly forbidden to consume any foods for 3 hours, it is not recommended to even drink water. When using hot scrub, these restrictions do not apply, since it does not replace breakfast.

2. It is best for breakfast to be between 6 and 8 in the morning. At this time, the body wakes up, the stomach and other digestive organs begin to work. Food is digested better.

3. It is important to remember that you follow the drinking regimen. During the day, a person must drink 8 glasses of clean still water. This amount must be evenly distributed over the day. If the body does not have enough fluid, the metabolism and the whole process of losing weight slows down.

4. If during the day a feeling of hunger overcomes, snacking is not prohibited. It is better to eat 2-3 apples or a light vegetable salad than sandwiches with white bread and sausages.

5. Resting is important. A full sleep favorably affects the state of the body. No need to get up in the morning too early unless absolutely necessary.

6. It is recommended to drink additional multivitamin complexes - this is useful. They make up for the lack of micronutrients in the body. It takes a month to consume vitamins, then take a break for 2-3 weeks.

Slimming oatmeal bowel scrub helps not only lose weight, but also maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin. “Miracle porridge” has no contraindications, everyone can try on its magical effect. Oatmeal scrub relieves intestines from slagging, due to which excess weight is removed and the general condition of the human body improves. The main thing is to clearly follow the recipe for its preparation and not to forget about other important nuances of organizing your diet. After a month, you can enjoy the excellent result. Intestinal oatmeal scrub for weight loss allows you to lose at least 3-4 kilograms.


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