Christmas fortune telling is a timeless tradition! How can you tell fortunes at Christmas: on a shoe, coffee, milk, candles


It is believed that before dawn on Christmas night, the world is ruled by unclean forces. Even Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol described the adventures of evil on this very night. And for good reason. From ancient times, people used this time to open the curtain of the future, to find out what awaits them in the coming year, what they are preparing for, and what to fear.

Now urban life is very different from previous times, however, Christmas fortune-telling still envelops the veil of mysticism, fear and interest.

Fortune telling

Need to take two mirrors and place them like that, to be between them. The girl remains in the room alone, turns off the light, lights a candle. You need to peer into the mirror, trying to examine the face of the narrowed.

The company of girls chooses for themselves onion on Christmas Eve, puts them in the ground, remembering which bulb belongs to whom. It remains only to wait for the first shoots. They will show which of the girls will marry first.

Girls should measure and cut the threads of the same length, set fire to them at the same time. Each girl holds one thread at one end, and sets fire to the other. One of them, whose thread burns out before everyone else, and marriage will take place before the rest, and so on in order. Whose thread went out right away or didn’t even burn out to half - that girl will remain unmarried.

Girl at midnight, armed with a boot, felt boots or other street shoes, goes outside and throws his burden on the road. In which direction the sock will be directed, there is narrowed and lives.

Before going to bed, prepare small pieces of paper with different masculine names. Fold them in half and hide them under the pillow. In the morning, barely waking up, pull out one of the pieces of paper - the name you find there will be the name of the future husband.

Fortune telling about the future

Need to take a sheet of white paper, crush it and set it on fire, laying it on a flat surface. This is best done in the bathroom. Then, using a candle, create a shadow on the wall from the burning sheet. It remains to unleash your imagination and unravel what the shadow looks like.

Have to take saucer with milk and a lit candle. The saucer needs to be placed on the doorstep of the house, melt the wax. Then say the phrase: "Brownie, come to drink milk and eat wax." Pour the wax into milk and carefully consider what is happening to it. If he froze: in the form of a flower - to be a wedding, a cross - to illness and failure, asterisks - to career success, etc.

Need to brew ground coffeee and pour into a cup. Drink coffee for your own pleasure, leaving it at the bottom. Next, cover it with a saucer on top, twist the entire cup three times with the words "fidelity, friendship, consent" and turn it over. Part of the thick will remain on the walls of the cup, part will slip on the saucer. Take a close look at the resulting shapes. The silhouette of a person promises a date, buildings - to wealth, plants - to failures, difficulties in relationships, the animal promises trouble.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve is an ancient tradition, rooted in the distant past. However, some types of fortune-telling on this night are relevant to this day.

All the above fortunetelling do not require any special skills and are suitable for any person. However, it is always worth remembering that no matter what fortune-telling you show, you always remain the master of your fate.


Watch the video: Down Home with David. January 31, 2019 (June 2024).