Milk glaze - delicate baking design. The best recipes for making milk glaze and desserts with it


Milk glaze at the same time decorates and improves the taste of baking. It turns out tender, with a light creamy taste. It can also be used as a layer of cakes. Fruits and ice cream are served with milk icing.

Milk glaze - the basic principles of preparation

To prepare a simple milk glaze, you will need only two ingredients: milk and powdered sugar. Milk is poured into a stewpan and boiled. Powder is gradually introduced into the hot liquid and whipped for five minutes. The icing is ready.

Most often, chocolate icing is prepared for baking. It looks especially impressive on confectionery. To prepare it, they take butter, cocoa, milk and powdered sugar. The butter is melted, slightly cooled and combined with icing sugar, whipped with a whisk. Then pour milk and continue to beat for about five minutes. At the end, cocoa is added and mixed.

Properly prepared glaze should not be thick and not too thin. It will not be possible to apply thick glaze in an even layer, and liquid will drain and the layer will turn out too thin. The ideal glaze is the consistency of sour cream of medium fat content. For this, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions indicated in the recipe.

Simple milk glaze can be applied to baking patterns, or used to glue products.

Recipe 1: Simple Milk Glaze


150 g of powdered sugar;

60 ml of homemade milk.

Cooking method

1. Sift icing sugar to get rid of lumps.

2. Pour the milk into a small saucepan and boil.

3. Gradually pour boiling milk into a bowl with powdered sugar and beat thoroughly with a mixer for five minutes. Start using glaze as soon as it cools slightly and thickens.

Recipe 2. Milk icing with cocoa


50 g butter;

cocoa powder - 50 g;

75 g of powdered sugar;

50 ml of homemade milk.

Cooking method

1. Put the butter in a saucepan, melt over low heat and cool slightly.

2. Insert powdered sugar into it and beat well. Add cocoa and mix until smooth.

Recipe 3: Chocolate Milk Glaze with Honey


cocoa powder - 50 g;

30 g of drain oil .;

chocolate - 50 g;

50 ml of milk;

honey - 40 g;

100 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking method

1. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Put in a saucepan, add oil and melt everything over low heat or in a water bath.

2. Sift the powder and cocoa powder. Combine them with milk, mix and pour into the chocolate mixture. Whisk thoroughly with a whisk.

3. Cool slightly and add honey. Stir again and use to decorate pies, cakes and pastries.

Recipe 4: Cake "Curly Boy" with milk glaze



200 ml of kefir;

75 g of cocoa;

three eggs;

flour - 150 g;

125 g of sugar;



stack sour cream;

125 g granulated sugar.


30 g plums. oils;

milk - half a glass;

50 g of cocoa;

sugar - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Beat the eggs into the bowl of the mixer and beat for about three minutes until a lush mass is obtained. Add vanillin and continue whisking, gradually adding sugar. Beat for at least seven minutes.

2. Pour kefir into the egg mixture and beat for a couple of minutes. Pour half the flour after sifting it. Add soda, quenching it with vinegar. Mix gently. Then add the remaining flour and continue whisking, it will not work out mass without lumps.

3. Divide the dough in half. Enter cocoa in one part, mix, and then whisk with a mixer. Lubricate the baking dishes with butter and put light and chocolate dough in them separately. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 C. Readiness check with a toothpick.

4. Beat sour cream with a mixer for five minutes. If you want the cream to be thick, throw it on cheesecloth and leave it suspended for at least an hour.

5. Gradually add granulated sugar into the sour cream and continue whisking for another seven minutes.

6. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Add sugar to hot milk and mix until it is completely dissolved. Now enter the cocoa and simmer, stirring constantly, for about three minutes. Remove from heat, add oil and mix to completely melt. The icing is ready.

7. Remove the finished cakes from the oven. Light cut into equal cubes. Cut the chocolate cake in half lengthwise. Cut the tubercle from the top to make the cakes even.

8. Put the dark crust on the dish and pour sour cream, cover with a second and pour sour cream again. Dip slices of light cake in sour cream and spread on a chocolate cake with a slide. Top the cake with milk glaze and let it soak for a couple of hours.

Recipe 5. Honey caramel in milk glaze


300 g of sugar;

5 g of cinnamon;

100 g of natural liquid honey;

3 g of vanillin;

one and a half stack. drinking water;

10 g of citric acid.


third of the stack. milk;

20 g of powdered sugar;

100 g of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Pour water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil. Pour all the sugar in small portions, add honey and citric acid, continuously stirring with a spoon. Introduce cinnamon and vanilla. Cook until thickened.

2. Pour hot caramel mixture into molds and cool.

3. Pour sugar for glaze into a saucepan, pour boiling milk and mix until it is completely dissolved. We put on an intense fire. When the syrup begins to boil, remove the foam from the surface with a spoon. Cover and cook until tender. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking add vanilla sugar and whisk.

4. Cut the caramel mass into cubes. Each dip in the icing and spread on a plate.

Recipe 6: Day and Night Cakes with Milk Glaze


400 g crackers with poppy seeds;

stack walnuts;

400 g of homemade sour cream;

150 g of sugar.


a bag of coconut flakes.

Chocolate Milk Glaze


50 ml of milk;

30 g of cocoa powder;

100 g of white sugar;

50 g plums. oils.

Sour cream

quarter stack. Sahara;

stk homemade sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Put cracker, nuts, and sugar in a blender bowl. Interrupt everything to a state of crumb.

2. Add sour cream and beat again in a blender.

3. Prepare the milk glaze. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar, cocoa and soft butter, thoroughly rub the mixture. Place a wide pot of water on the fire. Once it boils, place a saucepan with the resulting chocolate mixture on top. Cook until boiling, stirring constantly. Sugar should melt. Cool by stirring.

4. Combine homemade sour cream with sugar and beat until smooth.

5. From a mixture of nuts, sour cream and crackers we form balls the size of a chicken egg. Press lightly with your palm. Dip one half into the icing, and the second into the sour cream. Boka roll in coconut. We spread it on a dish. Decorate with nuts.

Recipe 7. Cake "Popsicle" with milk icing



3 g of soda;

two chicken eggs;

half a stack. flour;

125 ml of drinking water;

20 g of cocoa;

half a stack. white sugar;

2 g of vanillin.


2 g of vanillin;

250 g plums. oils;

80 g of flour;

stack milk;

stack granulated sugar;

two eggs;

chocolate milk glaze.

Cooking method

1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat egg whites until soft peaks are obtained. Pour sugar and vanilla into the yolks. Pound white. Pour in drinking water. Add the sifted flour and cocoa and beat everything with a mixer until smooth. Enter the whipped squirrels and gently, with movements from top to bottom, mix so that they do not settle.

2. Cover the pan with baking paper. Pour the dough into it and bake at 180 degrees for half an hour. Do not open the oven door during baking! Cool the finished cake in the form and take it out.

3. Pour sugar into a stewpan, add vanillin and eggs. Pour in flour. Whip everything. Then gradually pour warm milk and whisk again until smooth. Put the stewpan on a small fire and cook, stirring continuously, until the cream thickens.

4. Put soft butter in a bowl, and beat it with a mixer until splendid. Add it to the custard and beat for another couple of minutes.

5. Ready cream, coat the cake and put in the cold for half an hour. Make the chocolate icing according to the above recipe and cover it with a cake. Decorate as you wish.

Milk Frosting - Tips and Tricks

  • You can add a little rum or brandy to the icing. He will make her taste and aroma more interesting.
  • As a flavoring use zest and citrus juice, cinnamon, vanillin.
  • For the preparation of chocolate milk glaze, only high-quality cocoa or chocolate is used. Instant mix for the preparation of the drink is categorically not suitable for this.
  • Glaze will cook much faster if powder is used instead of sugar.


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