Chocolate ganache to cover the cake - recipes and cooking. All the rules and recipes for chocolate ganache for cakes


Ganache is a thick, solidifying chocolate cream. It is used as a topcoat for cakes and pastries.

It can also be applied to cake before applying mastic.

Chocolate mass perfectly levels the surface, remarkably solidifies, tastes good.

But for all this to be true, ganache must be prepared correctly. Your attention is a selection of the most popular recipes.

Chocolate ganache for cake coating - general principles of preparation

The thicker the ganache, the thicker the coating layer and vice versa. If you need to make a thin glaze, the mass is applied in a warm state. If you want to get a thick coating, then cool the ganache and only then spread it on the surface.

General principles of product selection:

• Chocolate. Milk tiles are not suitable for ganache; chocolate is needed, moreover, with a high cocoa content. It is desirable 65-70%. Only in this case, the product will melt well, solidify, and give the cream a good taste.

• Sugar. Used for taste, any coarse or fine sand will do, but not powder.

• Milk, condensed milk, cream, sour cream. They dilute the taste of chocolate, make ganache softer, more supple, do not allow to harden quickly. One of the products or two or more can be used, it all depends on the selected recipe.

• Butter. It is added very often. We take natural, produced according to GOST, that is, the fat content will be at least 72%. Otherwise, the ganache will turn out not as it should, it may not freeze.

• Cocoa. It is advisable to choose a natural black powder without sugar and other additives in the composition. Cocoa can be added to chocolate or used independently, but the taste in this case will not be so deep and rich.

Of course, these are not all the ingredients used. There are recipes with honey, milk powder and cream, with various other additives. The technology for preparing the cream may also slightly change.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake: a recipe with condensed milk

One of the simplest chocolate ganache recipes for coating a cake. This amount is enough for a product with a diameter of 23 cm. But, much depends on the thickness of the layer, temperature and density of the mass.


• 0.18 kg of oil;

• 1 spoon of cocoa;

• 0.24 kg of chocolate;

• 0.1 l of condensed milk.


1. Cut the chocolate, if it is not small, drop it into a bowl and put it on a steam bath. Melt to a liquid state.

2. Cut the butter into small pieces, put in another bowl. Soften. It is advisable to do this in advance.

3. Beat the butter with a mixer for five minutes and partially add the condensed milk. Bring the mass to homogeneity.

4. Pour a spoonful of cocoa powder to make the cream deeper and more beautiful.

5. Remove the chocolate from the steam bath. Cool a little, but do not let it freeze.

6. Pour chocolate into a cream and whip. If the mass turns out to be liquid, then leave it for 5-10 minutes, so that the ganache becomes thicker, but we do not hold it for a long time and do not put it in the refrigerator.

7. Use ganache to cover the cake immediately, while it is soft and supple.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake: a recipe for whole milk

To prepare this ganache, simple whole milk is used, it is better to take with a fat content of at least 3%.


• 0.2 kg of oil;

• 0.2 kg of chocolate;

• 0.1 l of milk.


1. We put on the stove a saucepan for a steam bath, while the water is heated, chopped chocolate. Can be chopped with a knife.

2. Pour chocolate into a bowl or into a smaller saucepan in diameter, set to melt.

3. Heat the milk and add to the chocolate.

4. We continue to heat in a steam bath until all the ingredients of the chocolate cream melt, the mass becomes homogeneous.

5. Remove from heat, cool slightly.

6. Add a spoonful of chocolate mixture to softened butter, stir. Then pour another spoon and so on until both creams turn into a homogeneous mass.

7. To taste, throw a little vanilla, or pour cognac. Stir. Let the ganache cool down a bit and you can use it!

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake: a recipe with honey

Honey ganache recipe to cover a chocolate cake. The cream is incredibly fragrant and very tasty. Sugar does not need to be added to the mass, since it is also in the tile. It is important to use heavy cream with a mass fraction above 30% in this recipe.


• 60 ml cream;

• 40 g of oil;

• 50 g of honey;

• 110 g of dark chocolate.


1. Combine cream and honey, send drowned in a water bath.

2. While the mixture is heating, you can chop the chocolate into small pieces. We shift it to honey and cream. Continue to melt the cream until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

3. Remove from heat, cool to a warm state.

4. Enter the softened oil. Since it is added a little, you do not need to whisk separately.

5. Stir. Once the cream is homogeneous, you can cover the cake!

Chocolate ganache for cake coating: recipe with cocoa powder

The economy version of chocolate ganache cream to cover the cake. Important! To make the cream tasty and in no way inferior to a coating of high-grade chocolate, you need to use high-quality cocoa powder. Sugar can be added to taste yet, but not more than 2 tablespoons, otherwise the consistency may suffer.


• 100 g of oil;

• 5 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• 160 ml of milk.


1. We take out the oil in advance in a warm room, you can cut into cubes so that it softens faster.

2. First we combine cocoa and sugar, stir. Grains of powder will spread on the sand, there will be no lumps.

3. Now we dilute the sugar mixture with milk, stir and put in a water bath. But you can cook such a cream in a regular saucepan with non-stick coating. In this case, turn on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly, so that the cocoa does not burn.

4. Once the sugar has dissolved, the cream will be homogeneous, you can remove it from the stove.

5. Cool the chocolate mass a little and put the softened butter. Stir quickly until smooth. It's okay if the butter melts. As the cream cools, it will thicken anyway.

6. Use ganache to cover the cake or decorate cakes, ice cream, homemade sweets.

Chocolate ganache for coating a cake: a recipe for cream with chocolate

Another very simple ganache recipe, but it’s important for him to use at least 30% fat cream. It uses both chocolate and cocoa powder.


• 200 g cream;

• 170 g of dark chocolate;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1.5 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 1.5 tsp cognac;

• 50 g of oil.


1. Heat the cream until hot, but do not boil. Up to about 70-80 degrees.

2. Add granulated sugar combined with cocoa powder. If they are poured separately, then lumps may appear. Quickly stir the cream. Leave for a few seconds and remove from heat.

3. We chop chocolate. Can be chopped quickly with a knife. We shift in a bowl.

4. Pour the pieces of chocolate with hot cream with cocoa. Cover the bowl for a couple of minutes to make the pieces melt.

5. Open, stir.

6. Add softened butter. But, if the cream is of high quality, then it is possible without it.

7. Pour cognac for flavor. This amount is enough to give the cream slightly with a walnut, but at the same time it does not feel alcohol.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake: recipe with milk powder

Chocolate ganache recipe for coating a cake, which can be prepared not only with milk powder, but also with cream. It will turn out even tastier, as the fat content of the product will be higher.


• 50 g of milk powder;

• 60 ml of fresh milk;

• 110 g of oil;

• 150 g of chocolate;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar.


1. Crumble the chocolate, put in a water bath.

2. Add sugar to powdered milk, dilute it all with fresh milk or plain water, put separately on a stove and warm to 50 degrees.

3. Beat the butter with a mixer, gradually add milk to it. We do it slowly so that the oil absorbs all the liquid.

4. Remove the melted chocolate from the water bath, mix well. It should not be hot. If necessary, then cool a little.

5. Introduce the chocolate mixture into the butter without stopping whipping the cream.

6. Ganache is ready! To taste, add vanillin or cognac to it, as was done in the previous recipe. Use the cream immediately until it has frozen.

Chocolate ganache for cake coating: recipe with orange zest

In fact, you can prepare a cream with lemon zest, but there will be a completely different taste and aroma. We choose citrus at our discretion. Do not forget to thoroughly wash it with a brush and pour over boiling water.


• 200 g of dark chocolate;

• 1 tbsp. l orange peel or 1 tsp. lemon peel;

• 150 ml of milk;

• 1 pinch of salt;

• 1 tablespoon of oil.


1. Build a water bath. Put all the chocolate in the top bowl, chopping it into small pieces beforehand. We start to melt.

2. The zest must be chopped, add immediately to the chocolate.

3. Heat the milk with a pinch of salt. If you want a sweeter cream, pour two or three tablespoons of sugar, but not more.

4. As soon as the chocolate with zest warms up and becomes homogeneous, add butter, stir.

5. Next, pour a thin stream of milk, do not rush.

6. Warm up the ganache for another minute in a water bath and remove.

7. Cool to a warm, but not cold state. We use to decorate the surface of the cake or for any other purpose.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake - tips and tricks

• Does the ganache freeze quickly and cannot cover the cake? Place the bowl in a pot of warm water, let the mixture heat and stir constantly. Collect icing immediately from it, cover the cake.

• White chocolate is much more capricious than dark. It may not melt at all if the product is of poor quality or even a drop of water gets into it.


Watch the video: Chocolate Ganache Recipe - 3 Ways! Whipped, Poured and Spread Frosting by My Cupcake Addiction (June 2024).