Problems of early and late marriage


No matter how old the marriage is, love should be the main criterion. It is clear that the statement is very trivial and, nevertheless, it helps to solve everything that arises, both in early youth and in adulthood, the problems of family life. Indeed, we are compliant not because we understand, but because we want to understand and accept.

In youth with love - easier. Love is a natural state of mind. The heart, soul and body ask for emotions, passions and sensuality. The head is spinning even from thoughts, and not just from touch. And here a serious problem creeps in - to distinguish between love and love. Indeed, under the influence of passions, you can decide to marry, and then it turns out that the hormones played a cruel joke, and the insight came not fast enough to not be in time to do stupid things. The brakes worked late and well, if during this time the couple did not have time to give birth to a new life. But, if both love and the desired child, but suddenly you understand so clearly that your wings were cut, and you can’t fly as before. By and large, because a person needs not freedom, but the understanding that he is free. History knows one wise young couple living with a child separately from their parents. They let each other go dancing once a week. Who knows where the fortune of trust that justifies comes from? Love.

Of course, financial problems are taken by the throat. There are many desires, few incomes. And if under the parental wing it was satisfying and problem-free, more often than not independent earnings do not correspond to the developed understanding that there is a normal income. And then there is the child - this is a moral, physical, and material burden. Dissatisfaction is piling up. Life "eats" romance. But many problems become insignificant when night falls. Love.

Passion subsided in adulthood. Soberly evaluating the future partner, everyone decides for himself: are acceptable for family life, his own shortcomings, or not. Advantages are just a nice addition. That's just a pity - fatigue accumulated from the race for material wealth, a career. And health is not in perfect condition, especially for such a load as carrying a child. And he still needs to be patronized at least until adulthood. Do you have enough strength? To jump and run with your beloved child, as young parents can, it seems, as it is not solid, but life experience will help easier to get out of conflict situations. And the material base is not the last thing for the development opportunities of the child.


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