Teaching a child to a potty


Sooner or later, an idea strikes every mother - is it not time to get this household item? And having brought a purchase to the house, she decides to immediately test it on her own child. The grandmothers and neighbors become a particularly powerful catalyst for the decision to buy a pot - after all, their children managed to master this subject almost from birth. So when is the golden time to teach a child to potty and what really lies behind the stories of little geeks who abandoned disposable diapers at a very young age?

Story 1: "My child has been walking the pot since six months"

If you buy a pot and show it to a 6-7 month old baby, he will undoubtedly take it with a bang. By the way, if you drop a baby there, then, most likely, he quickly enough uses it for its intended purpose. This is what makes mothers fall into rapture and claim that the problem of training has already been solved. What are the mothers of little geniuses silent about?

  • Infants cope with a small need much more often than an ordinary person. That is why, sitting it on the pot, you are very likely to wait for a response.
  • Sharing successful experiences, parents “forget” to add that the child does not use the pot himself and does not signal his need.
  • Few people will tell relatives about such trifles that the fact of accustoming the child to the toilet has not been canceled, but added the need to constantly change wet pants and wipe puddles. Yes, and in the apartment settled a light aroma, and the carpet, most likely, survives the last days.

The age of 6-7 months is a great time to softly introduce the child to the potty. But it’s still too early to talk about training. Use the interest of the child for his good - you can plant the baby after sleep, using the time spent without a diaper for air baths.

Story number 2: "My child went to the potty, but now is afraid of him like fire"

Around the year, the usual procedure suddenly begins to cause a sharp protest - the baby screams, dodges and protests against planting. This is a very unpleasant surprise for parents - they are sure that the education is already behind, as a rule, they are not ready for such a reaction. Not wanting to admit the obvious, mothers are persistent, causing the child a real hysteria and complete rejection. Until recently, received with interest, the pot is now met with screams and disgust.

A child up to a year perceived learning as a fun game, without connecting it with physiology. By the year he began to understand more about himself and his desires, however, he could not yet control his natural functions. Excessive perseverance or discomfort pushed him from the pot. Do not persist - insisting on your own, you will achieve only greater negativity. If the child begins to protest - remove the object frightening him away. In a year, children quickly forget the discomfort, and you can continue learning in a month.

Story number 3: "My child uses the pot, but my life has turned into a series of endless plantings"

The rejection of reliable and convenient disposable diapers in favor of the pot often turns the existence of a mother into a regime of constant monitoring of the baby's natural departures. It is only a little distracted, as you have to completely change the baby's clothes and wipe the puddles. And it’s no longer possible to wallow on sofas and beds - now sets of bed linen and blankets with bedspreads are added to washing children's clothes.

This is the price of early learning. The child may not protest against planting, but it is still too early to restrain and endure. He will be able to learn to control his physiology no earlier than a year and a half. In the meantime, the responsibility for dry, clean clothes lies with mom. The choice is yours to plant every half hour and not leave the house without a couple of additional sets of clothes or not to rush to say goodbye to diapers.

Story number 4: "I taught a child to potty in one day"

Does this option seem fantastic? But this happy ending story is real. If you engage in training in a timely manner, taking into account the age characteristics and physiology of the baby, the process will be completely painless and take very little time. Someone's addiction will succeed in a year and a half, most children will not have a single miss by two years, and there are also kids who have a little protracted process. However, timely accustoming to the pot differs from the first unsuccessful attempts by one - the baby sharply understands and accepts the need to abandon diapers and moves to a new stage quickly and painlessly.

The author of the material is Vera Guler.


Watch the video: Parenting Skills & Babies : Potty Training Tips for Parents (July 2024).