Woman for one night or for life?


"You do not fit with each other," "He is not ready for a serious relationship," "He needs only sex!" - we say these and many other phrases to a friend who is experiencing her recent break with a young man. Or maybe the women themselves are to blame for the fact that the man wants to spend only night with her, instead of building a serious relationship?

American writer Steve Harvey states: "In fact, not a man, but a woman decides how long their relationship will be. The whole point is whether respect for the woman appeared during dating. If you allow yourself to be disrespectful, then the relationship is obvious will be frivolous. "

If you were well dressed during and after the meeting and all the most interesting places were covered, which did not stop the man from considering you attractive and sexy - this is a good sign that the man is serious about you and has plans to build a serious relationship. In that case, if you were defiantly dressed and allowed a man too much, then you should forget about relationships.

When a woman takes a man’s phone after meeting, but is in no hurry to give her number, she arouses interest and respect. If you met at the bar and he asked how to contact you, and you immediately give your home and mobile phone numbers, as well as your home address and email, you will immediately fall into the list of frivolous women for one night , because a man comes to the conclusion that you are too easy to get.

If after meeting you you told a man that you were looking for a serious relationship to build a family and have children, and after that he did not run away and consciously continued to meet with you, then he is ready for a long relationship.

A good sign is that a man decides to introduce you to his family and introduce his best friends. This indicates the seriousness of his intentions. If he does not consider it necessary to spend so much work and acquaint you with loved ones, then you should not count on a long and serious relationship.

However, as Steve Harvey says, if a man is not looking for a lasting relationship, you will not convince him by meeting a couple of times and spending even a few nights together. If you were the most beautiful woman on earth, no matter what you do, no matter how deliciously cooked and well dressed, no matter how interesting you are, you will remain for him only a woman for one night.


Watch the video: NINA - Two women. One night. First love. (July 2024).