How to use concealer for the face?


A concealer is a special cosmetic that resembles a tonal basis for the face. Previously it was believed that with the help of concealer, you can get rid of bruises and circles under the eyes. However, makeup artists proved the indispensability of this tool to mask any imperfections and defects of the skin.

Appointment concealer

Concealer has a wide range of effects and many functions that help refresh, rejuvenate the face and improve the appearance of the skin. He is rightly considered indispensable in both daily and evening make-up.

The main purpose of concealer:

  • Masking pigment spots;
  • Hiding freckles and acne;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Elimination of redness;
  • Alignment of the skin surface;
  • Toning of small vessels;
  • Masking enlarged pores;
  • Hiding small scars.

Apply concealer point method and carefully blend the edges.

It was for the purpose of concealing minor flaws that the cosmetic was created. Therefore, it is often used instead of primer, corrector and even tonal means. Concealer helps to create a flawless image without a lot of makeup.

Additional concealer features

Currently, the possibility of using concealer is not limited solely to masking the imperfections of the skin. Professional makeup artists found a lot of additional applications of this wonderful tool.

Concealer allowed to apply in other cases:

  • Instead of a primer. Applying concealer to the lips helps to muffle the natural shade and make the makeup more resistant;
  • Error correction. With the help of the tool you can eliminate small errors in the make-up, remove the stains without damaging the makeup and adjust the shape of the applied shadows;
  • Face sculpting - a popular trend in modern make-up. The habitual correctors, designed specifically for creating contours, can be replaced by a lighter or dark concealer;
  • Brow filling. Before applying a pencil or eyebrow shadows, you must first cover them with a thin layer of concealer, then the shade will fall better and the painting will be more stable;
  • Lip augmentation. The combination of concealer and lip gloss helps to visually enlarge them. To do this, just put a little money in the center of each lip and shade, and then cover it with glitter;
  • Instead of highlighter. A concealer of a light shade can lighten the necessary areas of the face (forehead, cheekbones, chin) in the absence of a highlighter.

Concealer is an extremely compact tool, so it is always convenient to carry it around and, if necessary, easily correct makeup. It is for this feature that most girls like him so much.

How to choose?

The choice of concealer depends on its purpose. Due to the increased popularity of the tool, there is a need for other varieties that differ in texture, color and function.

Preference is given to concealer with a lifting effect containing vitamin A.

It is recommended to choose a concealer guided by a number of rules:

  • The concealer should match the natural skin tone and be a shade two lighter;
  • In the fight against age spots, it is better to choose cosmetics with a creamy texture;
  • Light cream concealer perfect from dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles;
  • Liquid remedy is suitable for girls with dilated pores;
  • Hide small acne and comedones will help green concealer;
  • The yellow undertone conceals reddening of the face and small capillaries;
  • Violet shade is better to use against bags under the eyes with a grayish nuance.

Visually reduce a few years will help concealer with reflective particles. Maintain skin tone means, the content of vitamins and antioxidants. To get rid of inflammation will help cosmetics with zinc and disinfectants.


Having determined the tone and purpose, you should proceed to the choice of the type of concealer. Depending on the variety, the ways of using cosmetics are different. A certain texture is suitable for each type of skin, as well as for the elimination of specific defects.

Types of concealer:

  • Stick;
  • Pencil;
  • Liquid;
  • Cream;
  • Dry;
  • The palette

Accordingly, depending on the size, the methods of application of concealer and its functionality differ.

Dry concealer in its consistency is similar to ordinary powder, which is why it perfectly complements the makeup for oily skin. In addition to the standard masking of the imperfections of the face, functions include:

  • Neutralization of oily shine;
  • Elimination of age spots;
  • Hiding acne and blackheads;
  • Wrinkle reduction.

Apply mineral concealer should be exclusively on the area that must be masked with a fluffy brush of medium size. In this case, be sure to use the base under the tone - moisturizer.

The smallest in size is a concealer in the form of a pencil. It is used to spot the application and conceal the smallest defects:

  • comedones;
  • freckles;
  • small pimples;
  • bright moles;
  • small spots.

Using a pencil, carefully trace the unwanted mark and leave for half a minute, then gently blend it with a sponge. It can also be used to correct the natural contour of the lips or to visually enlarge the lips, summing up the inside of the lower eyelid.

The stick-shaped concealer is more functional and economical. It is ideal for normal and dry skin, as it helps to moisturize. Due to the dense consistency, the stick is recommended for use by girls with the following problems:

  • small scars;
  • skin redness;
  • dark spots;
  • scattering freckles.

This form of concealer is very convenient to use for everyday contouring of the face. However, for girls with problematic or oily skin, it is better to avoid using concealer-stick so as not to make acne more noticeable.

Liquid concealer resembles lip gloss. It is equipped with a special brush for application, has a light texture and is suitable for almost any skin type. Basically it is used directly from dark circles and bruises under the eyes.

Universal liquid concealer does not clog pores and is easier than others to use.

Depending on the finish, the ways of using the liquid concealer also differ:

  • Matte is well suited for the winter period and evening makeup, it is more resistant and does not spread;
  • Satin is more relevant in the hot season, and its mother-of-pearl particles make it possible to hide imperfections in the area around the eyes.

With the help of a liquid concealer, it is easy to disguise not only acne, but also wrinkles, without focusing on problem areas.

Cream concealer is ideal for sensitive skin. Its density ensures uniform application even without feathering; however, it is necessary to use the cosmetic with care. It is suitable for the area around the eyes and for masking extensive blemishes on the skin.

Cream concealer is recommended to be applied under powder to avoid spreading or rolling of cosmetics.

The coating provides make-up density and durability, therefore it is suitable for the cold season and for creating complex multi-layer make-up. The creamy texture helps with face sculpting, so more often such concealers are made in the form of palettes.

Concealer palettes are extremely common, and not only among professional makeup artists, but also for home use. One palette can include from two or three shades to fifteen. At the same time concealers are not only beige nude tones, but also multi-colored.

Mainly to eliminate the imperfections of the skin using the opposite shade of concealer.

Depending on the problem that needs to be masked, colors are used:

  • Yellow with a wreath on the face and bluish spots;
  • Orange with "bags" under the eyes and bruises;
  • Pink with green skin;
  • Violet with yellow pigment spots;
  • Green from stains, irritation, traces of allergies;
  • White lightens the desired areas of the skin.

In some cases, makeup artists and beauty bloggers advise even color concealers to apply zonally, then shade and only after covering with a thin layer of tonal foundation or powder.

Conventional concealers should be applied exclusively over the foundation, BB-cream or primer.

Moreover, concealers in beige tones, which have a tonal effect, help to correct the shape of the face and emphasize the merits. At the same time, they should be applied already on top of color imperfections after masking.

Difference concealer from corrector

Most people confuse concealers and correctors, although they have a number of differences, both in application and methods of application. Accordingly, the purpose and composition of these cosmetics are different.

When choosing between concealer and proofreader, you need to consider the features:

  • The corrector is intended solely for point use;
  • Concealer can be applied zonal;
  • The composition of the corrector includes salicylic acid;
  • With the help of concealer, you can only hide the imperfections of the skin;
  • Basically, the proofreader helps not only to hide acne, but also to dry them;
  • Concealer nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but has no healing effect;
  • The corrector has a much more dense texture than other means.

Unlike concealer, proofreader is considered a medical cosmetics. It is important to remember that it is applied on the “bare” face and then covered with concealer, tonal foundation and other cosmetics. Concealer on the contrary applied over the base.

Step-by-step make-up with concealer

Any make-up, including the use of concealer, includes a series of specific steps “before” applying the cosmetic and “after”. The concealer is auxiliary, as it hides the flaws that could not be masked with a proofreader or foundation.

Before you begin to apply make-up, you need to decide on the shape of the face. Accordingly, for each type of suitable specific method of applying concealer. Depending on this, it is determined which area is better to brighten and which to darken.

There are the following types of faces:

  • Oval;
  • A circle;
  • Square;
  • A heart;
  • Pear;
  • Diamond.

Square girls are advised to darken the lower and upper part of the face to soften it. Holders of rounded options need to put dark shades on the cheekbones to highlight them and visually reduce the face. For a pear-shaped face, it is better to lighten the forehead and vice versa darken the chin without affecting the cheekbones.

For girls with non-standard outlines, for example: a heart, a diamond, the generally accepted method of using concealer as contouring will fit perfectly.

Universal method of applying concealer, divided into several stages:

  • Highlight areas of the skin under the eyes, on the forehead, chin;
  • Darkening in the cheekbones and face contour;
  • Concealment of skin imperfections.

Stage 1 - elimination of defects. At this stage, use color concealers to help hide minor flaws and imperfections of the skin, such as:

  • circles under the eyes;
  • wrinkles;
  • dark spots;
  • freckles;
  • pimples;
  • "Bags" under the lower eyelid.

Accordingly, the corresponding color from the concealer palette is applied to each defect. You can use them both point and zone. Only after that you can use nude concealers for face sculpting.

Stage 2 - highlighting. Apply a light concealer, preferably one or two tones lighter than the skin or tonal means, on specific areas:

  • under the eyes on the lower eyelid;
  • under the brow;
  • on the nose and along the septum to the tip of the nose;
  • on the chin;
  • above the upper lip;
  • on nasolabial folds;
  • on the forehead in the form of a triangle, a sharp angle down.

It is important to remember that under the eyes to disguise dark circles it is better to apply the product not a point, but draw a triangle with it, the base of which coincides with the lower eyelid, then shade.

Stage 3 - blackout. Typically, makeup artists advise to darken certain areas of the skin in order to correct the facial contour. Standard dark concealer is applied to:

  • nose wings;
  • cheekbones;
  • corners over the eyebrows;
  • around the chin;
  • on the contour of the face.

The concealer should be carefully shaded to create a smooth transition effect and a light shadow on the face. This way you can visually reduce the face and give expressiveness.

Major mistakes when using concealer

The most common mistake when applying concealer - its use under a tonal basis. Makeup artists say that this cosmetic tool should be used only on top of the foundation.

However, girls often make a number of other mistakes in makeup with concealer:

  • Concealer is applied in a thick layer;
  • Use unsuitable to skin tone color;
  • Concealer replaced tonal basis;
  • Forget to apply a moisturizer before use;
  • Do not feather edges.

Incorrect use of concealer leads to the formation of colored spots on the face. Without proper shading, the skin tone becomes uneven and, therefore, the rest of the makeup does not fall or looks out of place.


Watch the video: HOW TO APPLY CONCEALER. 2 WAYS (July 2024).