5 signs that you fell out of love


Do you know that most sorcerers and shamans admit that in order to fall in love with a person, it is enough to squeeze a little sweat from him and drink this liquid. I think that one must incredibly love a person in order to dare to do so. It is good that this practice was not turned into a tradition at weddings!

If you start to think that your relationship does not lead anywhere, but is not ready to drink male sweat, then pay attention to 5 signs that you have stopped loving your man. Perhaps they will help put an end to the ellipsis in your relationship.

You find fault with him

You do not like literally everything in your man. He does everything wrong. It seems to you that he is not capable of anything.

Or not only to him ...

Perhaps this is not the first time you have acted in this way? You may think that you have not yet met your man. In fact, this trait has become part of your character. Perhaps you have become a bore, and subconsciously push men away from you for some reason.

To be or not to be ... mommy

Some men are simply not made for relationships. Family, love, marriage are not for them. They cannot take care of themselves or their woman. How can you build relationships with such a person? He needs a mother-wife who will take care and patronize. A girl with complexes, immensely happy already because the guy is nearby.

Pay attention to the statement with which you are more willing to agree and draw conclusions.

If you are closer to the second option - there is nothing to think about. Imagine that you marry him, then what? It's worth it?

Who is a good boy?

If you agree that the problem is in you, then it's time to reconsider your behavior. Some girls become unbearable with PMS, others simply spit out anger in this way, while others are boring lives. What if this applies to you?

- Suppose you once again brought the brain to your beloved and only then came to your senses. Set yourself a reminder, be sure to come up with a five-minute ode for your man and tell him how wonderful he is. Maybe you’ll believe it yourself 🙂

- If you notice that you are unhappy with some act, count to 10. Try to mentally justify your young man. Once again, consider whether it is worth raising this topic.

- Make it a rule to “punish” yourself for discontent. If you feel annoyed, it is not important whether you are right or not, then before expressing everything to a young person - write on the page of the text. The topic may be your thoughts about his act. By the way, take it as a rule, re-read your writings, maybe in a different mood you will think differently?

You don't like it when it touches you

In this case, there is nothing to discuss. A man must be exciting. If you experience unpleasant emotions from his touch, then this is the end.

Are you definitely not an alien?

Of course, there are women who periodically need loneliness. Honestly, there are very few of them, no one has ever seen them. The reality of their existence is a big question, but if you are tired of your boyfriend’s company, then, as a result, touching will be annoying. You can try to take a break before making any decisions. Perhaps parting will make love stronger, will you get bored and everything will be fine?

And if not, then just run. Run and don’t turn around.

You peer at other men

You suddenly saw a crowd of handsome men walking around you! One is more beautiful than the other, and everyone is so wonderful. You start shyly, but ALREADY to flirt. You are pleased with the attention and you think about some men even more than the decency rule allows.

I will not need anything?

Pay attention to your feelings. Think, maybe you lack the attention of your lover, and you are trying to make up for this shortage?

- Offer to go somewhere together. It can be a trip, or maybe just a walk through the winter forest. The main thing is not to be very cold.

- Take everything into your own hands and do something colossal. Candlelight dinner, sexy lingerie, romantic massage. We often expect actions from men, but we ourselves are not ready to take the initiative. Saving the drowning is the work of the drowning. Make a celebration, at least for yourself.

But she’s not yours, even though she’s with you

Cheating on women always has an emotional basis. If the girl is satisfied with her gentleman, she will not look at others. Frank flirting and physical infidelity are about the same thing, from the point of view of most females. Ladies do not so much fall in love with someone new as they say goodbye to the old. Thus, they are simply trying to say that they are no longer satisfied with their current relationship.

You do not look to the future

You do not care where he works and whether he will earn more. You did not give names to your children and did not even think about them. Everything suits you. You would not want a wedding. You are afraid of the thought that he can make you an offer.

Of course, perhaps you didn’t stop loving, but simply not ready for a serious relationship, marriage scares you. Your plans do not include motherhood and you run away from these thoughts. Sometimes, this may mean that you simply have not grown up to the moment when you want to build a family, and not have fun and enjoy the presence of a man

All your free time you have friends

You are not drawn home at all. You don't care where your lover is and with whom he spends time. You walk with one girlfriend, or you go to another. For the next week you have already prepared a list of visits, if someone postpones the meeting, then you immediately call someone else.

To think that you are just such a public person is stupid. If you like to spend time with your beloved, then you will be with him, if not, you will find a thousand excuses in order not to do this.


Watch the video: 5 Signs You're Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner. animated video (July 2024).