Minced meat and eggplant casserole in the oven - a wonderful dinner! Oven recipes for various minced meat and eggplant casseroles


There are so many meat casseroles.

Casseroles of meat and eggplant are juicy and satisfying.

They are perfect for a family dinner, do not require large financial or time costs.

Will we cook?

Minced meat and eggplant casserole in the oven - general principles of preparation

Minced meat for casseroles can be used purchased or twisted independently meat. Usually it is pre-fried in a pan with onions, garlic and other vegetables, seasoned with spices.

Eggplant can be added to minced meat. In this case, they are chopped finely, mixed. If the eggplants are stacked in separate layers, then they are cut coarsely, fried on both sides.

What else is put in casseroles:

• various vegetables;

• cheese;

• eggs;

• cereals, pasta.

All ingredients are stacked in layers, poured with sauces. Cheese is usually used for the top layer. He gives the dish a beautiful crust. Sometimes the grated product is added to other layers to make the dish stronger.

Simple minced meat and eggplant casserole in the oven

To prepare this eggplant and minced casserole, you need a minimal set of ingredients. The adhesion of the layers is due to the addition of eggs.


• 4 eggplants;

• 2-3 onion heads;

• 400 g of any stuffing;

• 50 ml of oil;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 3 eggs;

• 100 g of cheese;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;

• spices.


1. Eggplant needs to be cut into cubes, soaked in brine, washed, the pieces are carefully wrung out.

2. Half the oil is poured into the pan, all the eggplants are fried until half cooked over high heat.

3. In another pan, the onions are chopped, chopped into small cubes.

4. Stuffing is added to the onion, fried until light, seasoned with spices, garlic, tomato paste. Cooling down.

5. The form needs to be greased, you can sprinkle with crackers.

6. Add one raw egg to the minced meat, stir.

7. Beat the remaining 2 eggs, pour into the eggplant, and mix well.

8. Put half the eggplant in the mold, then the minced meat.

9. Lay out the eggplant slices on top, pour the egg from the bottom of the bowl.

10. Fill the casserole with cheese, cook for 20-25 minutes at 190 degrees. Before serving, allow the dish to cool slightly, grasp the layers.

Minced meat and eggplant casserole in the oven (with tomatoes)

A sophisticated version of the minced meat and eggplant casseroles in the oven, for which the main vegetable must first be fried. Tomatoes are used fresh.


• 3-4 eggplant;

• 0.5 kg of minced meat;

• oil, pepper and salt;

• 200 ml sour cream;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 0.17 kg of cheese.


1. Eggplant is cut into circles in half a centimeter, sprinkled with salt, left until the juice is allocated.

2. Stuffing is fried, seasoned with spices.

3. Now you need to rinse the eggplant mugs, dry them, fry them in a drop of oil, just lightly brown the sides. For the diet option, you can use the grill.

4. We put eggplants in the form, all the circles should fit, do the lap.

5. Now a layer of minced meat.

6. Pour sour cream, you can mix it with any spices, herbs.

7. Now a layer of chopped tomatoes.

8. Pour the top with grated cheese.

9. Such a casserole is prepared at 200 degrees to a golden crust on top.

Minced meat and eggplant casserole in the oven (with raw potatoes)

A recipe for a hearty casserole with the addition of potatoes, which can be a full dinner. All products are laid in a raw dish. If you want to enhance the taste, you can pre-fry the eggplants or bake on the grill until light crust.


• 200 g eggplant;

• 300 g of potatoes;

• 7 tablespoons of sour cream (can be cut in half with mayonnaise);

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 150 g of cheese;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 30 g of oil;

• 300 g of minced meat;

• spices.


1. The potato needs to be peeled, cut into circles.

2. Eggplant is also cut into circles, but a little thicker. Soaked, wrung out.

3. Stuffing is mixed with spices, tomatoes are cut in circles.

4. In the sour cream, squeeze the garlic, season with salt. You can use a mixture of sour cream with mayonnaise, it will also be delicious.

5. The form must be rubbed with a piece of butter, let the layer be thick.

6. Mix half the eggplant potatoes.

7. Now comes a layer of minced meat.

8. On it slices of tomatoes. If there are no fresh tomatoes, then canned or frozen vegetables can be used.

9. Now the remains of potatoes and eggplant.

10. Top smeared with sour cream and garlic sauce.

11. Bake an eggplant dish for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

12. Remove from the oven, add temperature to 200 degrees. Cover the top with grated cheese.

13. Return the casserole to the oven, brown the cheese crust until golden brown. It takes another quarter hour.

Oven and minced meat casserole in the oven (with mashed potatoes)

Mashed potato casserole recipe, which can always be prepared in advance. A filling of delicious eggplant with garlic and tomatoes.


• 900 g of potatoes;

• 3 tablespoons sour cream;

• 2 eggplants;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 100 g of cheese;

• 0.5 bunch of parsley;

• 4 tablespoons of crackers;

• 40 g butter;

• 30 ml of vegetable oil;

• 1 large tomato.


1. Boil the potatoes, as for mashed potatoes. Mash thoroughly; do not make liquid mass. Cool.

2. In the cooled mashed potatoes, add grated cheese, one spoonful of sour cream, spices at your discretion.

3. Eggplant should be cut into small cubes. Size up to one centimeter. Fry in vegetable oil, they cook quickly. Cool, but not really. It is enough to make the mass warm.

4. Season the eggplant with garlic, chopped parsley, add the diced tomato.

5. Form grease with butter, Sprinkle with crackers.

6. Put half the mashed potatoes with cheese, smooth the layer with your hands.

7. Now comes the eggplant filling.

8. And again the potato layer.

9. Top with the remaining two tablespoons of sour cream. If desired, you can sprinkle with cheese, but a little.

10. Bake the dish for 15-20 minutes.

Oven, minced meat, mushrooms and eggplant casserole

Mushroom version of minced meat casserole with eggplant. For cooking, you need a few champignons or any other mushrooms.


• 2-3 eggplant;

• 200 g of mushrooms;

• 2 eggs;

• 200 g of minced meat;

• onion;

• 150 g sour cream;

• 1 bell pepper;

• 2 tomatoes.


1. Mugs of eggplant should be fried in a slightly greased pan. If you pour a lot of oil, then the dish will turn out to be bold.

2. Add a couple more tablespoons of oil to the frying pan after the eggplant, fry the chopped onion head.

3. Add the mushrooms. Cut into small cubes or thin plates. Fry the mushrooms until the moisture evaporates.

4. It remains to add minced meat to the pan, season the filling with salt, and fry for another three minutes. Turn it off.

5. Put a layer of eggplant circles in a greased form, laying overlapping pieces.

6. Now a layer of minced meat with mushrooms.

7. Tomatoes on it. Tomatoes are cut into small cubes.

8. Sour cream should be beaten with two eggs. Add salt and pepper to taste, you can season the garlic sauce.

9. Pour the casserole over the cooked mixture. Cheese layer on top as desired.

10. Bake for 25-30 minutes until fully cooked.

Inverted minced meat and eggplant casserole in the oven

For an inverted casserole, it is best to use basmati rice. If this is not, then use any other, but large.


• 4 eggplants;

• 200 g of dry rice;

• 2 onion heads;

• 450 g of minced meat;

• 6 tomatoes;

• 400 ml of beef broth;

• greens, salt, pepper, garlic, marjoram;

• for frying oil.


1. Rice is soaked in cold water, kept for an hour.

2. Eggplant must be cut lengthwise into tongues, soaked, and sautéed in a skillet.

3. Minced meat is seasoned with marjoram, pepper, garlic and other spices. Fried with chopped onions until half cooked.

4. Cut the tomatoes into slices.

5. In a greased form, put the plates of tomatoes, a third of eggplant, a third of minced meat and the same part of soaked rice, seasoned with spices.

6. Repeat the layers two more times.

7. Pour the broth into the mold. You can use beef or any other.

8. Cover with foil, bake for 30 minutes. Then remove the foil and cook another 15 minutes.

9. Remove the casserole, let it stand for a while, then turn over onto a dish.

Oven minced pasta and eggplant casserole in the oven

The recipe for a simple pasta casserole with minced meat and eggplant. A wonderful way to determine the remaining side dish, quickly and satisfyingly feed the family.


• 250 g of dried pasta;

• 200 g of minced meat;

• 1-2 eggplant;

• 1 onion head;

• garlic, spices;

• 120 g of cheese;

• 100 g sour cream;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 tomato.


1. Boil pasta or use those that are already there.

2. Fry onion in a frying pan, add the minced meat to it in a couple of minutes.

3. After another three minutes, add the diced eggplant to the minced meat. Cook the stuffing over moderate heat.

4. Mix the eggs with sour cream, salt, send to boiled pasta.

5. Put half pasta in a greased form.

6. Make a layer of minced meat with eggplant.

7. Now again pasta, lay on top mugs of tomatoes, cover with grated cheese.

8. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. If necessary, then fry the crust more, keep the dish in the oven longer.

Minced meat and eggplant casserole in the oven - useful tips and tricks

• A crisp will appear on the casserole if you sprinkle a greased form with breadcrumbs. Especially this technique works well on dishes with cereals or mashed potatoes.

• To reduce the calorie content of the dish, save the casserole of excess oil, save time, you can bake slices of eggplant in the oven or cook them on the grill.


Watch the video: Best Eggplant Casserole Recipe Eggplant Ground Beef Casserole (June 2024).