Honey linden: useful properties and contraindications. How to brew linden for the manifestation of beneficial properties


Linden blossom is one of the most popular and effective traditional medicine.

To heal various ailments, you can use not only linden flowers, but also leaves, bark, wood of this beautiful honey plant.

Linden is also used in official medicine for the preparation of various medications.

Useful properties of linden: what is included in the leaves

The flowers of the plant have a pleasant delicate aroma due to the essential oils contained in them. The beneficial properties of linden are explained by the composition. In any part of the plant you can find very valuable substances:

• in the flowers, scientists have discovered many useful components, including flavonoids (quercetin and kempferol), tannins, ascorbic acid;

• linden leaves are rich in ascorbic acid and carotene;

• fruits contain a fatty oil, very similar to olive oil;

• a special substance, tiliadine, was found in the cortex.

Quercetin has antioxidant, diuretic, antispasmodic, decongestant, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory properties. It is believed that it produces an antitumor effect.

Kempferol has similar properties. This flavonoid substance has a diuretic effect, and also has tonic, anti-inflammatory, general strengthening properties.

Useful properties of linden

The antiseptic properties of linden blossom are most in demand. Linden honey is not only a delicious product, but also a healing gift of nature. It is no coincidence that it is during the flowering period that folk healers collect medicinal raw materials. Aromatic decoctions and miraculous infusions prepare their flower plants.

Baths of linden decoction soothes nerves, normalizes the work of sweat glands, eliminating increased oily skin, and also stops inflammation.

However, other parts of the plant are of great value:

• linden fruits can be used in dried and crushed form to stop surface bleeding;

• The leaves of the honey plant help get rid of headaches if used in the form of a compress. A decoction of linden leaves helps treat furunculosis and other skin ailments, and juice can be used as a natural painkiller or antiseptic;

• compresses are prepared from crushed kidneys for the treatment of mastitis and burns;

• bark is a source of tiliadine, so it is prepared for the preparation of the famous choleretic tea;

• linden coal, obtained by burning wood and branches, perfectly copes with diarrhea, intestinal ailments, treats dysentery and stomach diseases. A unique product is able to absorb poisons, toxins, harmful substances in very large quantities;

• finally, linden honey has a beneficial effect on the whole body. He heals and prevents the development of many serious ailments.

Moreover, this unique product has no contraindications: linden in the form of honey can be taken daily in reasonable amounts for the prevention of diseases of the eyes, blood vessels, and internal organs.

The healing properties of linden

The beneficial properties of linden allow you to use the plant to heal a variety of ailments:

• linden blossom in the form of a decoction fights against pathogenic bacteria, lowers the temperature during colds, facilitates the evacuation of sputum from the bronchi and lungs, and alleviates sore throats;

• used to treat tuberculosis, bronchitis, catarrh of the bronchi;

• helps relieve symptoms of cystitis in women and men;

• relieves pain in joints;

• can be used to treat frequent fainting and seizures;

• effective in the treatment of kidneys, gall bladder, intestines, 12 duodenal ulcer;

• stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which helps to normalize digestive processes;

• dilutes blood;

• calming effect on the nervous system, relieves insomnia;

• in the form of compresses, decoction of the linden bark helps treat ulcers, burns, rheumatic tumors, hemorrhoids, gout.

Gynecologists recommend that women after 45 drink a glass of linden tea a day to prevent the unpleasant manifestations of menopause, to remove the symptoms of hormonal changes. In case of menstrual irregularities, linden tea also helps very well. There are a lot of phytohormones in linden blossom, so it has a rejuvenating effect on the female body.

It is believed that the infusion of linden flowers collected in the new moon has anti-cancer properties against female genital organs. In order for the useful properties of linden to fully manifest, you need to drink it in a course (3-4 weeks) regularly, combining the linden with a small amount of sage.

How to apply linden for healing purposes

To prepare an infusion for the treatment of severe bronchopulmonary diseases, you need to take 1 tbsp. Of boiling water. l dried linden blossom. Insist 40 minutes, filter through cheesecloth, squeeze and drink. Take a glass three times a day. The same infusion is used to rinse the oral cavity.

If you need a healing bath to relieve pain in the intestines, joints, muscles, you can take eight handfuls of lime blossom per liter of water, bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes under the lid. Insist for half an hour, strain and add to the bath. Bath time is at least fifteen minutes.

With diarrhea and food (alcohol, drug) poisoning, you need to eat three times a day for 1 tbsp. l powdered charcoal from linden wood. If you brew the powder like coffee, you can cure prostatitis.

The healers use useful properties of linden for oncological diseases. For the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer, prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. l linden seed. The raw material is poured into a cup of boiling water and simmered for 15 minutes on low heat. The strained broth is divided into three parts and drunk in three doses during the day. However, it is important to coordinate alternative treatment with a doctor. Linden has no contraindications, but only a doctor can give permission to receive herbal decoctions in such a difficult situation.

As a restorative, anti-sclerotic, antiseptic and simply very tasty tea, linden blossom is easier to brew. A tablespoon of flowers is put in a cup, poured with boiling water and kept for half an hour under a warm towel. Drink with linden honey. This drink is very good for colds, flu, headache, when the beneficial properties of linden are particularly pronounced.

It’s important to properly prepare the raw materials, if you are using a non-pharmacy product or ready-made filter bags. Linden blooms in just two weeks. At this point, you need to collect the lime color. It is best to do this in the morning, before 12 noon, in warm, dry weather. Flowers are picked by hand, then dried away from sunlight.

Along with infusions, a decoction of linden blossom is also used. It turns out to be more concentrated, suitable for external use, rinsing and ingestion. Two teaspoons of raw materials are poured with a cup of boiling water, boiled for five minutes over low heat, then insist for half an hour. The strained infusion is brought to the volume of one cup. If there are no contraindications, they take linden from one to three times a day. Rinses are done more often, up to 7-8 times a day.

Linden: contraindications

The uniqueness of the honey plant is that linden has practically no contraindications. It can be drunk by pregnant women, and nursing mothers, and children, with older people.

However, it is important to understand that due to the diaphoretic, warming properties, linden tea increases the load on the heart. In addition, the load on the kidneys increases, because linden strengthens the diuretic effect. Therefore, brewing linden just like that and drinking daily instead of tea is not worth it. The body does not need additional load on the two most important systems.

Among the contraindications in linden in the first place is precisely the frequency of taking teas and decoctions. Doctors warn: abuse of a tasty drink can lead to the development of disorders of the nervous system and organs of vision.


Watch the video: Linden Honey (June 2024).