Aloe - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Aloe - General Description

Aloe is a genus of perennial succulent plants from the Asphodel family. It is represented by grassy forms, and shrubby, and tree-like. In our country, the most common is aloe tree, the second name of which is agave. It is used for medicinal purposes. Under natural conditions, some species of aloe can grow up to 3 meters, in a pot - up to 1 meter, while growing well and giving numerous side shoots. Aloe can bloom only in vivo, its flowering at home is extremely rare.

Aloe - types and places of growth

The genus Aloe unites more than 300 species of plants, among which tree-like aloe, spinous aloe, awesome aloe, aloe leafy, motley aloe, spiral aloe. The places of natural growth of aloe are tropical regions of Africa, the island of Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula.

Aloe - healing properties

The bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties of aloe and its activity against such groups of microbes as staphylococcus, streptococcus, intestinal, diphtheria, dysentery and typhoid bacillus have long been known.

Therefore, aloe can have a powerful anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect, remove radiation products. Aloe preparations are indispensable for increasing the body's defenses in the fight against infections, they are used as excellent biostimulants that contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

Aloe - dosage forms

As medicinal raw materials, fresh leaves and the juice from which they are obtained are used. Aloe-based preparations are produced in the form of dry condensed juice called Sabur; fresh juice; drugs for tissue therapy according to Filatov.

In traditional medicine, as a rule, they use fresh aloe juice, which is prepared from its most succulent lower leaves. The best time to receive it is from late October to half November. At home, carefully washed leaves of a plant that is three years old or more are used manually to make juice in a sludge squeezer.

When stored, the juice loses its properties, so it should be used on the day of preparation. However, in order to keep it longer, you can make alcohol extract of aloe.

To enhance the effect of aloe, biostimulation is carried out, for which the cut leaves of the plant after washing are dried, wrapped in a napkin and kept in the refrigerator for about 20 days.

Aloe - recipes

As we have already said, most often in folk medicine, aloe is used for medicinal purposes in the form of fresh juice or alcohol tincture, for the preparation of which 4 parts of fresh aloe juice are mixed with 1 part of medical alcohol.

In the treatment of catarrh and peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, chronic liver diseases, fresh aloe juice is taken before meals for 1 tsp.

For chronic constipation, aloe juice is taken before meals for 1 tsp.

With a cold, the tree-like juice is instilled into the nose, with cataracts - into the eyes (by mixing one part of the juice with 10 parts of water).

With tuberculosis, aloe juice is taken with honey 10 drops per dose.

For external use in case of burns, lotions are made from it, taking 10 parts of water and 1 part of aloe to prepare a solution.

A more complex, but very effective recipe for treating colds and pulmonary diseases: 350 gr. Aloe mixed with 250 gr. honey, 100 gr. alcohol, 750 gr. "Cahors" and stored in an enamel bowl in a dark place. Adults take this mixture before meals for 1 tbsp. l., children after 5 years - 1 tsp.

Aloe - contraindications

Despite the fact that aloe is a valuable medicinal plant, there are contraindications to the use of its drugs. First of all, this applies to diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy after 7 months, hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding, acute gastrointestinal disorders, cystitis, liver and gall bladder diseases. Therefore, the use of aloe preparations should only be after consultation with a doctor.


Gulnara 04/17/2016
Thanks for this info. I am sure that the majority of readers were not even aware that scarlet, like any other plant and medicine, has contraindications. This plant has entered our lives so much that we do not even think about the possible harm.

Eugene 04.17.2016
ABOUT! I learned a lot for myself, for example, that juice needs to be squeezed out from an adult plant, which is already three years old. And for some reason, it seemed to me that, on the contrary, a young plant would bring more benefits. Now, of course, I will know. Thank you for the article.

Anna 04/17/2016
And the common cold, and tuberculosis, and the stomach, and much more - everything heals this amazing plant. Unfortunately, I don’t have it now, I need to buy it. After all, this is a remedy for all cases. I put it on the gum when I had the blues - it helped a lot.

Iriad 04/17/2016
And I was interested to read about this plant. Thank. So much is known about him, but rather, people just know that you can turn to the help of scarlet. And often they don’t know what exactly it does, what heals. The main thing is not to cripple, but I have not heard such cases.

Mila 04/17/2016
Well, probably not worth talking about scarlet. It has become so accustomed to our daily lives that many without this plant on the windowsill feel naked and not protected. Everyone knows its disinfecting property.


Watch the video: Amazing Aloe Vera (July 2024).