The sensational discovery of American scientists: dreams can be controlled


American scientists practicing in the field of neurobiology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced that dreams can be controlled. Such a conclusion was prompted by their experiments performed on laboratory rats. The sensational discovery was reported by the scientific publication Life Science.

Despite the fact that only experimental rodents were subjected to experiments, neuroscientists are sure that these principles may well work in humans. The essence of the study was to compare the memory mechanisms in rats in sleep and in reality.

Scientists using specific signals taught two groups of rodents to find food in the maze so that the first group moved in one direction and the second in the other. During the experiments, special instruments were recorded on the animals' heads that record the neural activity of the brain during wakefulness and dreams.

A comparison of the records revealed that two groups of rodents in a dream recall the labyrinth and precisely the trajectory of movement that they were taught. Thus, neuroscientists have confirmed the hypothesis put forward earlier: the content of dreams can be changed if one learns to influence the mechanisms of memory.

Now, researchers are going to move on and find out whether this discovery will help them manipulate dreams by blocking them or changing them as they see fit.


Watch the video: How Lucid Dreaming Works (July 2024).