Exotic in the garden: planting and growing Brugmansia. All about the care and propagation of Brugmansia seeds and cuttings with photos


Brugmansia is a very beautiful evergreen tree with fragrant flowers that resemble dope.

Growing Brugmansia is even within the reach of a novice grower. Despite its unpretentiousness, the plant prefers a warm climate, so in most regions of Russia it is grown in tubs.

In winter, the plant is brought into the room, where it continues to actively develop. Residents of the southern regions plant an exotic plant directly into the ground.

Breeders have bred many varieties of amazing plants with varied color flowers. In the garden you can find simple and terry varieties of brugmansia with yellow, peach, cream and two-tone petals.

We grow brugmansia in the open ground (photo)

Planting is carried out by sowing seeds for seedlings. To get a good seedling, sowing should be carried out from January to March.

We select the soil for the flower

In natural conditions, Brugmansia grows on very fertile loams, therefore, for good development, you need to select the correct soil composition. To prepare the soil mixture, one part of vermicompost and clay soil are used, mixing them with two parts of peat. Such soil is suitable for growing an adult plant and sowing seeds.

Before use, the soil mixture must be disinfected. For sterilization use a solution of potassium permanganate, which is abundantly watered the ground.

How to sow the seeds of Brugmansia?

Growing brugmansia from seeds is a troublesome task, which is accompanied by a number of difficulties.

1. Firstly, plants obtained in this way do not always inherit maternal qualities: size, color of the flower and its shape.

2. Secondly, the seeds of the flower are quite dense due to which the seedlings will have to wait up to two months.

3. Thirdly, the first flowering of such plants can be expected only in the second year of cultivation.

But, if difficulties do not frighten, then compliance with all the nuances will help to grow burgmansia from seeds.

• To speed up the process of seed germination, they must be soaked in a growth stimulator. Previously, each seed needs to be scratched to violate the integrity of the shell.

• The depth of seed placement in the soil should be large, approximately 1 cm.

• Before sowing, the soil must be well loosened and watered.

• To create a comfortable environment for the emergence of sprouts, after sowing the container must be covered with a film or glass.

• When shoots appear, shelter is removed, and sprouts are sprayed up to three times a day, while trying not to moisten the soil very much.

Brugmansia is growing rapidly, therefore, requires a more spacious pot. Pickling of seedlings is carried out in the phase of the fifth real leaf.

Growing Brugmansia from cuttings

Decorative flower lends itself well to cuttings and begins to grow actively. How to prepare planting material? Suitable shoots are cut from the mother bush, the length of which does not exceed 20 cm. When choosing a stalk, pay attention to the leaves. Only apical shoots with asymmetrically arranged leaves are suitable for rooting. Plants obtained from such seedlings will develop better and begin to bloom quickly. For further cultivation, you can use the shoots remaining after pruning.

Cuttings root in a prepared and disinfected soil. Tanks with landings are covered with a bag or a can. Two weeks later, when leaves appear on the shoots, the shelter is removed. Planting cuttings of Brugmansia can be carried out both in the home greenhouse and in the open ground.

Brugmansia landing on a permanent place

It is necessary to transplant the flower into a permanent container when the roots completely occupy the space of the seedling container. For further cultivation, the same soil composition is suitable as when planting seedlings. The pot should have openings to drain excess fluid and good drainage. Plant transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment, trying not to damage the earthen lump.

You can plant young plants in the garden as soon as the threat of frost passes. Since Brugmansia does not winter in the open ground, many gardeners prefer to grow it as a tub plant.

Brugmansia blooms profusely only in bright light. Therefore, the place for planting must be selected taking into account all the characteristics of the plant. It should be warm, well-lit throughout the day and protected from wind and drafts.

Brugmansia care: watering, pruning and top dressing

In the warm season, the plant needs fresh air and good care.

Watering mode

• Brugmansia leaves actively evaporate moisture, so the plant needs abundant watering. Kadok plant watered once a day, and in too hot weather - two. If you disrupt this regime, the plant suffers from a lack of moisture, discards leaves, flowers and buds.

• In the dry period, the flower will not give up spraying. This procedure is useful in the evening.

• If the summer turned out to be rainy, then watering the Brugmansia is reduced, allowing the earthly one to dry out.

Top dressing

The flower prefers organic fertilizers, but the introduction of mineral complexes will also benefit him. When transplanting plants in a tub or flower garden make chicken droppings, as well as fertilizers for indoor flowers.

It is necessary to feed Brugmansia with nutritious mixtures once a week, and during the flowering period, add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.


Brugmansia can be trimmed throughout the season. But spring pruning is most effective. It is carried out no later than March. All broken and damaged branches are subject to removal, only the lower Y-shaped shoots are left, since flower buds develop from them.

Care for Brugmansia after flowering: preparation for wintering (photo)

Brugmansia winters indoors. For a long wintering, the plant needs to be prepared in advance.

• The flower is transplanted into spacious containers with a volume of at least 15 liters with good drainage.

• When the night temperature drops to 5-7 degrees, the flowerpot with the plant is brought into the room. It can be a covered porch or a room.

• In heated rooms, the plant continues to bloom for quite some time, but it is better to arrange for it a rest period until spring. The temperature in the room where Brugmansia is kept should be at the level of +10 degrees.

During dormancy, watering is reduced to a minimum. At this time, the plant discards leaves that will appear with the advent of spring. It is possible to keep a flower in such conditions in the basement or on the cold veranda.

You can save a frame copy until spring in a heated room. It is important to remember that such a plant will need additional lighting. Not every gardener can do it, because such a large flower takes up too much space.

Growing problems

Most often, tubers are attacked by pests and are affected by putrefactive diseases.

Brugmansia suffers from whiteflies, aphids, spider mites and slugs. If pests are found, the plant must be treated with pesticides. If there are signs of gray rot disease, then fungicides are used.

Growing Brugmansia is easy. The main thing is to provide a comfortable wintering and reliable care.


Watch the video: How to Grow Brugmansia (June 2024).