Dates: useful properties for beauty and health. Dates: useful properties of the product, calorie content and composition


Dates are a valuable fruit for the human body. It is believed that the composition contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals to ensure the normal functioning of all body systems. Dates are very useful, they are used in cooking, medicine and even cosmetology.

Calorie content and composition of the product

For 100 grams of dates, 274 Kcal. Despite the high energy value, eating fruit does not provoke the formation of excess weight. Dates are easily absorbed by the body, accelerate metabolism and contribute to increased burning of subcutaneous fat.

The composition of the sweet fruit includes the following substances:

• carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, sucrose;

• minerals and salts - manganese, zinc, potassium, iron, magnesium and others;

• 23 amino acids;

• fluoride, which prevents the formation of caries;

• vitamins - A, B1, B6, B2, C;

• selenium, which minimizes the risk of cancer;

• pantothenic acid, due to which carbohydrates are better absorbed.

There is no cholesterol in dates, so sweetness is allowed to be eaten by overweight people.

Dates: beneficial properties for the human body

Why do you need to include dates in your diet? The beneficial properties of the fruit are invaluable, a rich fortified composition favorably affects the human body.

Dates: useful properties of the product

1. Remove toxins, waste products, excess liquid and salts of heavy metals from the body.

2. Increase human performance and endurance.

3. Stimulate brain function.

4. Allows you to relieve stress, get rid of stress and improve mood.

5. Prevent fragility of nails and hair.

6. Strengthen immunity and restore metabolic processes;

7. Increase the body's resistance to infections, which reduces the risk of colds in adults and children.

8. Normalize digestion, eliminate heartburn and indigestion.

9. Improve vision.

10. Prevent migraines and dizziness.

11. Relieve pain in women during the menstrual cycle.

12. Strengthen male potency.

It's amazing what dates give the body. There are really a lot of useful properties. In order to make up for the deficiency of nutrients and improve your health, it is enough to eat 5-10 fruits daily.

Dates: Skin Benefits

The dates extract is very often used in cosmetology for the manufacture of various masks for skin care. Studies have been conducted, during which it was found that the components of the fruit make it possible to activate the regeneration of epidermal cells and slow down the aging process.

Cosmetics based on the extract of dates are ideal for anyone who wants to give gentle skin care.

Dates: useful properties for the skin and the main components of the composition of the extract

1. Phytosterols, which are in the composition, have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. They help strengthen the natural skin barrier, protect the epidermis from the negative effects of external factors, and prevent the formation of the first signs of aging.

2. Ursolic acid is characterized by strong anti-inflammatory properties. It allows you to restore skin cells, thereby maintaining its tone and elasticity.

3. Provitamin A nourishes the epidermis, protects the skin from negative factors from the outside.

4. Vitamin E nourishes and moisturizes, prevents the formation of unwanted wrinkles, maintains skin elasticity.

Dates, the beneficial properties of which are invaluable for the skin, can be added as an extract to creams, and other cosmetic products intended for face care.

Dates in cooking: "delicious recipes"

Fruits can be eaten in their usual form, or you can add them to some dishes. The presented recipe will allow the hostess to diversify the menu and delight her family with a useful and very tasty culinary masterpiece.

Pie with dates and bananas

To prepare, you will need to cook:

• 1 ripe banana;

• 5-6 dates;

• 50 grams of softened butter;

• fresh lemon juice (teaspoon);

• buckwheat and wheat flour (half a glass);

• some cinnamon (to taste);

• 25 grams of sour cream with a fat content of 20%;

• 1 green apple;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Step by step recipe

1. Using a blender, beat sour cream, banana, butter and dates (always seedless).

2. Add soda, slaked with lemon juice, and a few tablespoons of flour, whisk again.

3. The mass is laid out in a bowl, all the remaining flour is added there, the dough is well kneaded by hands.

4. The apple is peeled and cut into thin slices, it is advisable to remove the seeds.

5. The mold is greased with oil, the dough is laid out there and distributed evenly over the surface.

6. Apples are placed on top, everything is sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon.

7. The cake goes into the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes.

Dates: useful properties of the fetus in medicinal decoctions

Dates are used in traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of many ailments.

1. Remedy for colds. 60 grams of fruit are poured with warm boiled water, boiled for 10-15 minutes. The drink is filtered and consumed in the form of heat 2 times a day before meals.

2. Cough medicine. 7-8 fruits are poured with 250 ml of cold milk and boiled for 20 minutes. When the drink cools down a bit, the liquid is drunk, and the dates are eaten. This procedure is recommended before bedtime.

3. For the treatment of kidney stones. The bones of dates need to be crushed according to the state of the powder, pour 500 ml of water and put on fire. The broth is boiled for 15 minutes, then cools and filtered as it cools. You need to drink a drink before meals three times a day for a week.

Dates, whose useful properties for the body are no longer in doubt, are often used to remove worms in young children. Surprisingly, this fruit copes with the problem more effectively than many pharmacy drugs. It is necessary to give the child an empty stomach to eat 100 grams of dates and not to feed until dinner. To observe such a regimen for 4-5 days, and the worms will pass.

Basic contraindications and precautions

1. Dates can provoke an increase in blood sugar levels, so with caution, the fruit is recommended for people who have diabetes.

2. For gastric ulcers and intestinal diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming fruits. It is not necessary to completely refuse them, but it will be necessary to strictly limit the allowable daily volume.

3. Dates in the case of individual intolerance to fructose are strictly prohibited.

4. Women in the period of a lactation are recommended not to eat dates in order to avoid manifestation of an allergic reaction in the child. To introduce them as complementary foods is allowed a child from 1 year.

Important to understand that even the most healthy product should not be eaten in larger quantities than allowed. As for the dates, the daily norm for a person is 10 fruits. If you abuse the fruit, severe pain in the temporal lobe is possible. It is also worth noting that the dates are digested by the stomach for a long time, so you can eat them no later than 2 hours before bedtime.


Watch the video: Date Fruit and Date Sugar, Why Theyre a Healthier Choice (June 2024).