We cook barley porridge in a slow cooker for the whole family. Loose, lean, sweet versions of barley porridge in a slow cooker


Barley groats, as the name suggests, are made from barley grains. From a close relative, pearl barley, differs in texture.

Barley is whole grains, and the cells are ground.

The main indicators of taste and usefulness are similar, but the cereals are completely different, the cell is mostly thick and viscous.

It is highly recommended that cereal from these cereals is used for restorative diets; it is absorbed somewhat easier with pearl barley and is therefore considered more satisfying.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

• It is recommended to rinse the barley groats well before use, as in the process of production cake and industrial dust often get into it. In order to remove all unnecessary, the cereal is poured into a deep bowl and poured with water. As a rule, all litter immediately floats to the surface. Water is drained and this procedure is repeated several times until the water in the tank becomes sufficiently transparent. After that, put the cell on a sieve and wait until all the liquid has come off.

• For the preparation of delicious barley porridge in a slow cooker, the ratio of cereal and the liquid added to it is important. To get crumbly porridge, the optimal ratio is 1: 2. Milk needs to be added a little less, and it is best to dilute it with water.

• There is a slight nuance in the preparation of any barley porridge; you need to give the finished dish “stir up”. If, after cooking on the stove, the finished barley porridge is wrapped in a blanket, then cooked in a slow cooker, kept under the lid with the cooking modes stopped, or left for a quarter of an hour in the "Heating" mode.

• The cell in the multicooker cooks quickly; the main taste is given to the porridge by additional ingredients. Barley porridge in a slow cooker can be cooked in milk, for garnish it is boiled in water. Often a cell is prepared in parallel with meat dishes (meatballs or meatballs), which are laid out in a steam container. Often barley porridge in a slow cooker is cooked with pork, chicken, mushrooms.

Mushroom barley porridge in a slow cooker with chicken


• a glass of eggs;

• 300 gr. chicken fillet;

• 100 gr. fresh mushrooms (champignons);

• one onion;

• small carrot;

• 50 gr. lean, preferably refined, oils.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse fresh mushrooms and chicken thoroughly with tap water. Pat the fillet with a towel, dry the mushrooms. Cut chicken into small strips, and mushrooms into thin slices.

2. Grate grated peeled carrots, onions as finely as you can.

3. In a small amount of vegetable oil on the "Roast", brown the chicken pieces.

4. Add chopped onions, grated carrots. Stir all the ingredients and continue cooking under the established regime until the vegetables have a light golden hue. Put the vegetables and meat in a separate bowl and rinse the bowl well with warm water.

5. Insert a clean bowl into the body, pour the barley groats into it. Pour in two glasses of drinking water and slightly salt. Run the option "Porridge" and cook before the signal.

6. Then add to the porridge the previously prepared roast of chicken with mushrooms and mix well.

7. Switch the "Frying" mode to "Baking" and bring the porridge to readiness in a given program. This will take 20 minutes.

Lean barley porridge in a slow cooker with champignons


• three large champignons;

• one stalk of celery;

• box - 1 tbsp .;

• carrots - 1 pc.;

• three tablespoons of oil;

• a small onion.

Cooking method:

1. Pour barley groats into a deep bowl and rinse thoroughly with cold water. Well, drain all the liquid and transfer the cereal to the cooking container.

2. Cut the washed mushrooms into small pieces and send the mushrooms to the bowl in the bowl.

3. As far as possible finely chop the onion, cut the carrots into small cubes and transfer the vegetables to the bowl.

4. Add a teaspoon of finely ground table salt, pour in the oil.

5. Pour everything with two glasses of boiling water, mix and run the “Cooking” program for a period of 25 minutes.

Crumbly barley porridge in a slow cooker


• 30 gr. butter, or frozen home cream;

• two glasses of filtered drinking water;

• a small pinch of salt;

• a glass of cells.

Cooking method:

1. Start the “Baking” mode on the multicooker.

2. Pour all the cooked cereals into the cooking bowl and fry it on the set program until browning.

3. Then pour in boiling water and immediately add salt, stir.

4. Lay the butter cut into pieces on top and close the lid.

5. Transfer the multicooker from the “Baking” option to “Porridge” and cook until the end of the program.

6. Do not immediately open the lid, then darken the barley porridge in the multicooker for another quarter of an hour and then serve.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker with pumpkin


• 1.5 cups of eggs;

• four glasses of water;

• onion;

• 100 gr. ripe fresh pumpkin;

• one carrot;

• a spoon of refined oil;

• half a teaspoon of nutmeg powder.

Cooking method:

1. Pour barley groats into a sieve and rinse well with plenty of water.

2. Cut the carrots into thin strips, pumpkin pulp into thin sticks, chop the onion finely.

3. Transfer the chopped vegetables to the cooking bowl. Add the sunflower oil and run the “Fry” option on the multicooker.

4. As soon as the pieces of vegetables are browned, pour four glasses of warm water to them. Salt, add nutmeg, lay the grits.

5. Gently mix everything and transfer the multi-pan to the “Krupa” or “Rice” program.

6. After completing the program, let the porridge stand for about half an hour, it will be softer.

Barley porridge in a multicooker with milk


• three glasses of 3.2% pasteurized milk;

• a quarter of a spoon of salt;

• a glass of barley groats;

• sweet cream butter;

• a tablespoon of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. To prevent milk from escaping, grease the sides of the cooking container with butter.

2. Then put in it washed barley groats, with which be sure to well drain all the water.

3. Add sugar and salt and sliced ​​butter to the egg.

4. Pour milk into everything, stir well and turn on the “Croup” option. The time of this program is set automatically for 50 minutes.

5. Stir the porridge well, and, laying on plates, be sure to add small pieces of butter.

Porridge in a slow cooker with pork


• barley groats - 180 gr.;

• 300 gr. pork (pulp);

• carrot - 150 gr.;

• tablespoon of lard;

• onion head;

• 20 gr. lean oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pork into small pieces, rub the carrots with a coarse grater, finely chop the onion.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the device, add the lard and let the mixture stand on the “Baking” for about three minutes.

3. Then put the pork slices in the bowl and bring them in the established mode to a slight rosy.

4. Slightly salt and pepper. Add the onions and carrots and cook together for about a quarter of an hour. To fry the vegetables evenly, be sure to stir them periodically.

5. Pour the washed cell evenly over the meat with vegetables and carefully pour 500 ml of hot drinking water. Add a little salt, do not mix.

6. Close the lid of the device, on the panel, set the automatic program "Porridge" and turn it on.

7. After the beep sounds to indicate the end of the program, mix the porridge with meat well and let it stand for another 20 minutes under the lid.

Barley groats in a slow cooker with steam cutlets


• one and a half glasses of a cell;

• 3.5 glasses of water;

• two tablespoons of olive oil;

• a pound of lean pork;

• one large onion;

• a small slice of white bread (50 gr.);

• egg;

• a glass of pasteurized milk.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the crusts from the bread, and fill the crumb with milk. After 10 minutes, remove and squeeze out all the liquid well.

2. Rinse the pork and cut into large pieces. Twist the meat in a meat grinder, along with peeled onion, twice. Add the soaked crumb to the minced meat, break the egg. Lightly salt, slightly pepper and knead well. Using wet hands, form small oblong cutlets and place them in a steam container greased with olive oil.

3. Pour about a spoonful of oil into the bowl, put the washed and dried egg in the bowl and fill it with warm water. Salt to your taste.

4. Place a steam container with cutlets on the bowl, close the lid and start the “Steam cooking” mode for half an hour.

5. After stopping the program, remove the container with cutlets and put them in a bowl. In order not to cool, cover with a plate and wrap with a towel.

6. Stir the porridge and leave it for 20 minutes with the programmed "Preheating" mode. After that, let the porridge stand in the disconnected multicooker for another 15 minutes.

Barley groats in a slow cooker - cooking tricks and useful tips

• For barley porridge to have a brighter taste, fry the washed cereal in a bowl on the "Fry" or "Baking" until golden brown without adding oil.

• Cook porridge served as a side dish for meat dishes on meat broth. He will give her a more persistent meat taste.

• Barley porridge loves butter. Therefore, add it to the dish not only during cooking, but also when serving.

• Add milk-based barley porridge with dried fruits or fresh berries and fruits. They will enrich the nutritious porridge with vitamins. Sugar can be replaced with honey. But you should not add it to a hot dish, the useful properties of the product are lost.

• If pour barley groats with cool water, in the "Porridge" mode it will be ready after 50 minutes. But if you pour the liquid hot, the cooking time is reduced to 35 minutes.

• If you decide to cook a box, but there’s no soul to any recipe, scroll through the tips for cooking Hercules flakes. You only need to adjust the ratio of cereal to liquid, and to clarify the cooking time.

• Try to avoid harsh spices, the box does not like them!

• If you intend to please your loved ones with an unusual side dish, note that watery gravy is not very suitable for a cell. Most preferably, tomato, on lard - to dishes of pork, beef, or thick white sour cream sauce - to rabbit meat, or poultry meat.


Watch the video: Diet Fiction (June 2024).