Pea porridge in a slow cooker - the food of the strong and the rich! Old and new multicooker pea porridge recipes


Pea porridge is an ancient dish that was present on the table of the rich, Russian heroes, and the poor and serfs satisfied their hunger. It all depended on the supplement that was added to the peas. Porridge could be simple, it was cooked in plain water with salt, vegetables were added. Noble dishes were prepared with meat, smoked meats, various delicacies. Which cook in a slow cooker?

Pea porridge in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

For porridge, it is better to use peeled, crushed peas. This form of product reduces cooking time. Pre-soaking also speeds up the process great. Peas are poured only with cold water, kept until swelling and softness, then the liquid is removed, the peas are transferred to the slow cooker and poured with clean water. A glass of dried peas is 4 cups of water. If the beans are swollen, then 2-2.5 glasses are enough.

In a slow cooker, porridge can be cooked on different programs, but the "Stewing" mode is ideal. A dish of peas is boiled slowly, it turns out tasty and rich. Cooking time from an hour to two. But in many respects the time depends on the pea itself. There are varieties that boil very quickly. But there are peas, which after two hours of cooking remain glass.

Simple pea porridge in a slow cooker

The recipe for ordinary pea porridge in a slow cooker with butter. During fasting, you can use vegetable oil or not add fat at all.


• a glass of peas;

• 2.5 glasses of water;

• salt;

• 40 grams of oil.


1. Rinse the peas, transfer to the crock-pot.

2. Add water, close.

3. Turn on the "Stew" program, cook porridge for two hours.

4. 15 minutes before the end of the regimen, open the slow cooker, add salt, oil and stir. If there is a desire, then porridge with pepper, season with paprika, garlic, etc. Peas are well combined seasonings for rice and potatoes.

5. Close and wait for the end of the program. At the end, the porridge should be stirred again.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with onions and carrots

A variant of a very tasty and fragrant pea porridge, which can be used as a side dish. It is great for meat, fish or any bird.


• 200 grams of peas;

• 400 ml of water;

• 40 grams of butter (can be melted);

• 2 carrots;

• spices;

• onion head.


1. We lay washed and sorted peas in a slow cooker.

2. Fill with water, close and put on quenching. Cook for 1.5 hours.

3. Shred straw carrots, you can grate.

4. Onion cut into any pieces.

5. Put the oil in a pan, it will turn out especially tasty if it is melted.

6. Add vegetables and fry well until golden brown.

7. Once the peas are boiled for 1.5 hours, add the fried vegetables.

8. We throw salt, pepper and season to our taste with any other spices.

9. Stir, close and simmer for another 15 minutes so that the porridge is saturated with the aromas of vegetables.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with chicken

A variant of delicious pea porridge in a slow cooker, which is cooked with chicken. Any pieces will do. For this dish, peas must be soaked overnight in water, otherwise it will take a very long time to cook, and the chicken will become tasteless by the end of cooking.


• 0.5 kg of chicken;

• 1 carrot;

• 150 grams of peas;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• 1 onion head;

• spices.


1. Soak peas for 4-5 hours. You can fill it with water the day before.

2. Rinse the chicken, cut into pieces, which will turn out.

3. We lay the chicken in the frying mode in a slow cooker, immediately add the oil and fry a little.

4. Peel the carrots, cut into strips. Add to the chicken.

5. Throw the onion, diced. Also fry with the bird.

6. Drain the water from peas, if necessary, it can be rinsed. We shift to the slow cooker, distribute evenly.

7. Add hot water so that it covers food by two centimeters.

8. Close, cook on the program "Porridge", but you can also bake.

9. After half an hour, open, salt, pepper or throw any seasonings, you can add a bouillon cube, crushed or diluted with water.

10. Stir and bring the porridge to full readiness.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with stew

To cook meat pea porridge in a slow cooker according to this recipe, you can take any stew and everything will work out! Oil for frying vegetables does not go, as a good layer of fat is usually present in the stew. If it is not enough (or you want to make the dish fatter), then we add additional oil.


• 250 grams of peas;

• 500 ml of water;

• 1 can of any stew;

• onions and carrots, arbitrary amount;

• spices.


1. Soaked peas are soaked in cold water until swelling. If it is not soaked, then you will need to take a little more water than indicated in the recipe.

2. Throw in a slow cooker, pour water, close and cook on stew until the peas are soft.

3. Open the stew, remove the layer of fat on top and put in a skillet, turn on the stove.

4. Finely chop vegetables, fry in fat from stew to rosy color.

5. Put the meat from the jar into a bowl, knead with a fork and also send it to the pan, fry a little, evaporate excess water.

6. We shift the stew with vegetables to soft peas, stir, season the porridge with spices.

7. Close and cook another quarter of an hour, the program does not change.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with champignons

A variant of mushroom pea porridge in a slow cooker. The dish is suitable for fasting people and vegetarians. Mushrooms can be taken frozen, but in this case we give the mushrooms to thaw completely and squeeze out the excess water.


• a glass of peas;

• 2 onions;

• 200 grams of mushrooms;

• butter;

• pepper, salt.


1. Soak peas. We stand in water until a good swelling, then drain the remaining liquid. We shift the peas into a slow cooker.

2. Fill the water, about two times more than the swollen peas. You can use a mushroom broth, but not a diluted bouillon cube. The cube contains salt, which will slow down the preparation of peas.

3. Cook porridge in a stewing program for 1.5 hours.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan.

5. Rinse the mushrooms, cut into pieces, spread in a pan. Cover and cook under the lid for a quarter of an hour.

6. Remove the lid, evaporate the water from the mushrooms over high heat.

7. Cut the onions, transfer to mushrooms and fry together.

8. Add the fried mushrooms to pea porridge, put salt to taste, add other spices and mix well.

9. After 15 minutes, turn off the multicooker, let the porridge brew.

Smoked pea porridge in a slow cooker

The recipe for amazing pea porridge, to which smoked ribs are added. But you can take other products. For example, sternum or ham.


• 2 glasses of peas;

• 500 grams of smoked meats;

• 4 onions;

• 1-2 carrots.


1. It is advisable to use peas crushed. We rinse, pour 7-8 glasses of water and set to cook for 2 hours.

2. Cut vegetables, carrots can be grated.

3. The ribs are also cut into pieces, as it happens.

4. Spread the ribs on a frying pan, slightly oiled and fry. Excess fat must be consumed.

5. Transfer the smoked meats to another bowl, pour the chopped vegetables onto this skillet with fat. If there is little fat, then you can add a little oil.

6. Fry vegetables until cooked.

7. Put salt in almost cooked porridge, add vegetables and ribs. Stir.

8. Turn off the stew, keep the porridge on maintaining the temperature for half an hour.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with cheese

A variant of amazing porridge with a creamy taste. All you need is to add a little cheese to it. Even an ordinary processed cheese "Friendship" will do. But you can make the taste more noble by adding hard cheese.


• 1 cup peas;

• 4.5 glasses of water;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• 2-4 branches of dill;

• 1 carrot;

• 30 ml of oil.


1. Pour the peas with water. If it is pre-soaked and well swollen, then reduce the amount of liquid to 2.5 glasses. We look at the product, if necessary, you can always add boiling water.

2. Turn on and simmer for 70-80 minutes. Peas should soften.

3. Fry the carrots in oil. Transfer to peas, salt and stir. Cooking together for about ten minutes.

4. Cheese grated finely or coarsely, no difference.

5. Dill chop finely, stir with cheese. You can add a clove of garlic to them, sweet paprika or hot pepper, it will be tastier.

6. Transfer the cheese to porridge and quickly stir.

7. Turn off the multicooker immediately, let the dish stand under the lid and soak in cheese.

8. Such porridge should be served with small crackers from a white roll, preferably home-made.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• If the water is hard, then peas will be cooked in it for a very long time. For porridge, it is advisable to use filtered water, and soak the product in it before cooking.

• You can cook pea porridge not only in water. If you use meat, mushroom or vegetable decoctions as a liquid, the dish will work out much tastier. The amount of fluid does not change.

• If porridge is cooked more than once, then you need to remember that pea mass is very thick. Therefore, the consistency should be more liquid.

• Want to make porridge brighter and more interesting? At the end of cooking, for about 15 minutes add a handful of green peas, you can frozen and a little boiled carrots, cut into squares.

• If you keep the peas in water for a long time, it will burn out. The liquid will become cloudy, slimy. When soaking the product all night, you need to pour more water, and put the bowl in the refrigerator.


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