Effective weight loss on a sour-milk diet. How to organize a diet menu on fermented milk products


The sour-milk diet is very popular among those who want to lose weight.

This is not surprising, because the permitted products improve metabolism, remove toxins from the body and accelerate the process of burning fat.

Each one selects the duration of the food system individually for himself - you can arrange a fasting day, you can have a fasting week.

Diet on fermented milk products allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg in 10 days, if you follow the basic rules. The final result depends on the initial weight of the losing weight.

The essence of the sour-milk diet, its features and main advantages

The essence of the nutrition system is to saturate your diet with food that stimulates the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. As a result, an improvement in metabolic processes is noted, from which weight loss occurs.

All products that the diet on fermented milk products allows are rich in calcium and protein. These trace elements are indispensable for the normal functioning of all body systems. In addition to weight loss, a sour-milk diet improves the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens the structure of each cell.

The main advantages of the power system

1. The menu is designed so that a person does not feel hunger, all products are very satisfying.

2. Body mass goes away very quickly.

3. All dishes are prepared with cost-effective ingredients, you do not need to buy expensive products.

4. A diet on fermented milk products is recommended not only for those who want to lose weight, but also during pregnancy and for diseases of the respiratory organs of an infectious nature.

The shortcomings of the sour-milk diet were not revealed by doctors and nutritionists. In some cases, it is recommended even to those who suffer from ulcers and gastritis. In any case, it is recommended that before you switch to the food system, consult a doctor to properly organize your menu.

The basic rules of a sour-milk diet

Despite the large number of advantages of the nutrition system and its simplicity, you need to know several rules for building a diet. If they are not followed, the result will not be what a person would expect.

The rules of weight loss techniques

1. Dairy products are better to take skim.

2. It is advisable to eat without snacks - strictly three times during the day.

3. The diet should contain seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Approved Weight Loss Products

Sour-milk diet is one of the most affordable. The list of allowed food system products is quite wide. The diet can include:

• kefir fat content of 1%;

• yogurt;

• natural yogurt;

• sour cream;

• fermented baked milk;

• feta cheese;

• cottage cheese;

• milk.

When purchasing dairy products for a diet, it is very important to carefully study the composition prescribed on the package. The nutrition system involves the use of natural food, in which there are no various preservatives and other harmful additives. You have to be especially careful with yoghurts. Now in the store you can find a huge selection of them, only the composition contains dyes, thickeners, sugar and starch. Such a product is not suitable for dieting. If you can’t find a natural product on a store shelf, you can prepare delicious and healthy yogurt at home yourself.

In order to get rid of excess weight, you need to exclude white bread, chocolate, alcoholic drinks from your daily menu. It is advisable to forget about such a bad habit as smoking, since tobacco smoke clogs the body and prevents the elimination of toxins.

Sour-milk diet: various menu options

There are a lot of options for a diet on dairy products. The choice depends on how many kilograms a person wants to lose and his initial weight.

Option 1: 3-day ration

1. Morning. 200 grams of kefir fat content of 1%.

2. Snack - one green apple.

3. Lunch - repeat breakfast.

4. Snack - green apples.

5. Dinner - one apple and a glass of kefir.

If during the day he overcomes the feeling of hunger, you can satisfy him with kefir.

Option 2: 3-day diet with fruits

The presented daily menu will help get rid of 4 kilograms in 3 days.

1. Morning. A glass of kefir with an apple grated into it, you can also add a small amount of honey and cinnamon for flavor.

2. Lunch - vegetable broth.

3. Afternoon snack - fruit salad seasoned with low-fat sour cream.

4. Dinner. 100 grams of low fat cottage cheese and a glass of weak tea.

Option 3: vegetable menu

1. Morning. Two toasts made from brown bread and 150 grams of low fat kefir.

2. Lunch. A glass of fermented baked milk with tomato salad.

3. Snack. Two toasts and a salad with cucumber seasoned with sour cream.

4. Dinner. A glass of green tea without sweeteners and 100 grams of cottage cheese.

Option 4: Fermented Milkshakes

The diet on fermented milk products in the form of cocktails is very effective for the reason that the drinks practically do not contain calories. During the day, you need to drink 1.5 liters of a cocktail prepared according to the presented recipe.

Step by step recipe

1. In a convenient container, pour a small amount of plain drinking water and add 4 celery stalks there.

2. 150 ml of low fat kefir are poured there.

3. The mass is ground using a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed.

This drink is ideal for a fasting day. The main thing is to cook it right before use, because it allows you to use only fresh product.

Option 5: dairy and vegetable menu

The essence of such a sour-milk diet is that for two weeks you need to limit your diet only to milk, sour cream, vegetables, fruits and fish.

Sample day menu

1. Morning. Any fruit and a glass of fresh milk.

2. Vegetable snack. It can be cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage.

3. Lunch. A slice of boiled filet of low-fat fish and 100 grams of wholemeal pasta.

4. Second snack - one green apple and a glass of low-fat kefir.

5. For dinner, it is ideal to eat a light salad of seasonal vegetables.

Menus can be adjusted as you wish based on a list of allowed products.

Contraindications to the diet on fermented milk products

The maximum period during which it is allowed to adhere to such a power system is 10 days. After this, you need to take a break for a month. Then the course of weight loss can be repeated.

Despite many positive aspects, the diet on dairy products is not suitable for all people. There are some contraindications that should not be overlooked.

1. High acidity of the stomach.

2. Diseases associated with the skeletal system. Pain in the joints, lower back or back.

3. Diseases associated with the urinary system and kidneys.

4. Problems with the thyroid gland.

5. Low blood pressure.

Important points of nutrition on a sour-milk diet

1. The diet is low in calories, so it is not surprising that it contains very few minerals and vitamins. If you adhere to the nutrition system for longer than 1-2 days, a person will feel weak and severely unwell. If losing weight has set a clear goal to lose weight, you need to purchase vitamin complexes and take them additionally.

2. As already mentioned, vegetables and fruits must be present in the diet. As for fruits, it is recommended to focus on citrus fruits and exclude too sweet fruits from the diet.

3. Do not forget about the drinking regime. During the day, the human body needs at least 1.5 liters of pure water for normal life.

4. Diet on fermented milk products weakens the body, therefore, about strong physical and mental stress temporarily need to be forgotten. From fitness yoga and pilates are allowed, swimming. Walking in the fresh air before bedtime will also be helpful.

5. It is important to learn not to eat 3 hours before going to bed - this stresses the stomach. Even if during the day a person drinks one kefir, and in the evening cannot resist the temptation in front of the refrigerator, the excess weight will not go away.

Sour-milk diet is a great way to cleanse your body of toxins and toxins and lose weight. Having chosen the optimal diet for himself, a person will be able to lose weight and find a figure that he always dreamed of.


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