The meaning of the name Leo


a lion - the name of ancient Greek origin, in the well-known version of "king of beasts." The Hebrew translation gives us a different interpretation - "heart". In Western Europe, analogues of the name are often found - Leo, Lyon, Levon. In Russia, it did not find wide distribution, or rather, it gradually leaves the everyday life of Russian society.

Bishop Leo of Catana, who lived in the 8th century, healed people with the power of prayer. He helped the destitute, remitted sins of the repentant. By giving, even a fire spared the holy Leo. Once, to confound the sorcerer, the bishop stood with him in the fire, but remained unharmed.

Leo - character traits

In childhood, Leo has conflicting qualities: he breaks into battle, but is afraid of weapons, kind, but can be unnecessarily cruel, and responsibility is adjacent to laziness. Many believe that his name should speak for itself, but Leo is not a leader, he does not seek to lead people. He studies medium, does not delve deeply into the school curriculum. Fair, fiercely defends the weak. How else? He must at least somehow correspond to the "brave" name!

Adult Leo - tolerant of people, diplomatic. But there is a limit to everything, and an angry Leo is able to brutally and decisively put the provocateur in place. Such qualities as vigor, ambition, craving for achievement of feats, desire to help old people are inherent in him.

Leo is decisive, intelligent, concrete, the work he has begun brings to a bold point, is persistent in achieving the goal, but for objective reasons he can refuse the idea. Not deprived of a sense of humor. Leo is sociable and innocent. Regardless of what position he occupies, what layer of society he belongs to, he will always be a simple, non-intrusive and generous person.

Leo will find himself in many areas of professional activity, but most of all he is attracted to such professions as a doctor, military man, writer, journalist. It can become a first-class hairdresser, has unique organizational skills. In any case, he will direct all his efforts to realize himself in the matter to which he decided to devote his life.

A practical and purposeful Leo, like air, needs support, approval from society and relatives. Otherwise, enthusiasm will fade away, doubts and insecurity will swallow it. It is likely that Leo will go astray and go along a curve path. It is especially important to support him at the beginning of his career, when the fear of starting is strong, and self-confidence is usually weak.

Leo - name compatibility

At a young age, Leo often changes partners - gaining experience. However, there comes a turning point when Leo is seriously thinking about creating a family. Looking for kindness, loyalty in a girl. He does not like cold and uninitiated women. Leo is a good father who does not shoulder his responsibilities for raising children on his wife's shoulders.

He can count on a happy marriage with Anna, Victoria, Irina, Polina, Olga, Tamara and Eleanor. But Lydia, Agnes, Marina, Olesya and Oksana, most likely, will not cause him interest.

Lion - famous namesake

Tolstoy, Yashin - football player, Landau - Soviet physicist, Durov - actor, people's artist, Leshchenko, Kulidzhanov - film director, Borisov - actor, Oshanin - poet, Prygunov, Kuleshov, Kassil - writer, Oborin - pianist, Ponomarev, etc.

Lion - interesting facts about the name

- the main features - good nature, pride, energy, reasonableness;
- the corresponding sign of the zodiac is Leo;
- heavenly body - Saturn, the Sun;
- favorable colors - blue, green, gold;
- plants - rose hips, cedar;
- animal - a lion;
- talisman - diamond;
- patron saints - L. Rimsky (name day March 3), L. Optinsky (October 24).


Leo 11/23/2016
I am Leo, and sometimes I regret that I have such a name ... I am the only Leo in my school.

Eugene 06/11/2016
I do not agree that the name is out of use. My second son is Leo. Among relatives and acquaintances, we don’t have a single Leo, this is exactly what my husband and I wanted - so that there would be a new name, not in honor of grandparents, so there would be no brothers and sisters of the same name. Among my cousins ​​I have 2 brothers Sasha, 2 brothers Lesha, 2 sisters Ira, 2 sisters Zhenya, 3 sisters Natasha, and they are free or not free, but they are constantly being compared. And in the class I had 5! Alekseev, and they were called by their last name - I would not want this for my son.

Valeria 04/15/2016
Leo is a beautiful, noble name. In itself, it causes respect and awe. I would highly recommend calling your son such a magnificent, strong name. Of course, upbringing should be on the level. From Leo, you can grow a real man, a "big" man.

Marishka 04/15/2016
It seems to me that Leo, the profession of a doctor would be very suitable. After all, such a representative name, and the corresponding position. You won’t begin to respect a lion freely, even before you meet him. And as a doctor, I think he would have achieved great success.

Veronica 04/15/2016
Not when I have never met a single Leo in my life. The name sounds very noble ... Of course. it imposes some obligations. In the sense of Leos, it is necessary to behave accordingly. I personally would not want my name to be binding on anything.
