The most effective exercises for losing weight, reducing the abdomen, hips, back and legs. A set of exercises for weight loss


It is not a secret that you can get rid of excess weight so that it does not come back, only by regularly doing sports.

Diet pills and teas give a temporary effect, you should not expect results from them for a long time.

How to find a slim figure and hold it?

The most effective weight loss exercises are the best way to get in shape.

They will help not only to forget about excess weight, but also have a positive effect on health.


Any workout involves a warm up. Muscles need to be prepared. If this is not done, the person will feel severe pain after class and will not be able to continue to exercise the next day.

1. We become even, hands rest on the belt. Slowly turn left, while spreading your arms to the sides. Then we return to the starting position. Further the same turn - only to the right. The exercise is repeated at least 10 times.

2. Simple push-ups are a great way to stretch your muscles. In the supine position, place on an elevation (you can use a chair or other furniture). 25-30 push-ups are performed.

3. Warm up with dumbbells. The arms are bent at the elbows, each containing a shell weighing 1.5 kg. Raise your hands up, then shrug. Exercise should be performed slowly to keep the muscles warm. At least 10 repetitions.

4. Squats - 15-20 times.

Having completed the cycle of the above exercises for warming up, you can be sure that the muscles have warmed up and are ready for the main workout.

Neglecting a warm-up leads to consequences such as:

• injuries;

• ligament breaks;

• slow metabolism.

The most effective weight loss exercises: shaping a beautiful waist

Most often, women are faced with the problem of fat formation in the waist area. Everyone wants to wear beautiful tight-fitting T-shirts and dresses. The most effective exercises for losing weight in the waist are the best way to make your dreams come true.

1. Accepted lying position, legs while it is important to fix. If the exercise is performed at home, they can be shoved under a sofa or chair. The body slowly rises, the back remains flat. Then the housing is lowered to its original position. The first few days, the press exercise is performed in 10-15 approaches, then their number can be slightly increased.

2. Starting position - standing, legs located shoulder width apart. A forward bend is performed with a straight back, we try to get our right knee with our left elbow. Then vice versa. Exercise is difficult, a woman should be flexible. Do not worry if it does not work out at first. Regular classes develop flexibility, the main thing is diligence and the desire to find a beautiful figure.

3. Starting position - lying down. Hands are wound behind the head, legs are bent at the knees. A deep breath is taken, then the shoulders and head rise slightly. In this position, you need to stay for 5-10 seconds, then return to its original position. The repetition cycle is 10 times.

It is important to understand that a beautiful waist will not appear after the first day of classes. To find a flat stomach, you need to exercise regularly, without missing a single day. It is advisable to carry out not one exercise, but the entire cycle listed above.

The most effective exercises for weight loss in the hips

Hated cellulite and extra pounds in the hips are the second problem that bothers women. I want the legs to look attractive, elastic, so you can afford to wear short shorts or a skirt.

Getting rid of cellulite is not so easy. The most effective exercises for weight loss in the hips will help bring your legs into shape, pump them up, as a result of which the "orange peel" will disappear.

1. The most useful exercise for legs and health is walking. Try to walk whenever possible. Forget about the elevator, because the ladder is an excellent "simulator" for the hips.

2. Squats. It is necessary to try every day three times a day to do 10-15 squats, the back must always remain flat.

3. Sitting on the floor, legs stretch forward, hands serve as a reference point. The legs rise upwards by about 10-15 cm, in this state we linger a little, then we part them to the sides and bring them back. Exercise is very useful. It not only strengthens the muscles of the hips, but also improves stretching.

4. If a woman spends all day on sedentary work, she especially does not have time to do herself. But from here you can benefit. During the working day, try to compress the muscles of the hips and buttocks for 20-30 seconds. So repeat 10-15 times a day.

Faster results can be achieved if the entire exercise cycle is repeated daily. Having elastic hips without an “orange” peel, a woman will feel elegant and attractive, will be able to afford short playful shorts in the summer.

The most effective exercises for losing weight: reducing hands in volume

Perhaps the hardest thing to bring to normal hands. Fat in this area accumulates very quickly and does not want to leave at all. The most effective exercises for losing weight will help tighten the skin, pump up muscles and get rid of the fat layer.

1. Push-ups. Of course, the best exercise is to do from the floor. However, not every girl can push up, so the first time you can try to do from a chair. So continue for a week. Then try to push up already from the floor - it will be much easier.

2. Dumbbells are now sold in any sports store at a low price. This inventory is perfect for putting your hands in order. To begin with, dumbbells of 1.5 kg each are purchased, then you can slightly increase the weight. Become straight. Hands with should be lowered down with dumbbells. We take a breath, bend our arms at the elbows. On exhalation, we return to the original position.

3. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Dumbbells are again taken as inventory. Keep your back straight, raise your straight arms to chest level, spread them slowly to the sides, then return them back.

4. We hold straight arms with dumbbells in front of us at chest level. The shoulders and back remain straight. Slowly raise your hands behind your head, raise them up, hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

It is worth noting that the exercises presented for putting hands in order are completely not complicated. They can be done at home every day and after a few weeks the first results will be noticeable. The skin will become not so "flabby", a beautiful relief will appear.

The most effective exercises for weight loss: awareness of the upcoming "fight"

Fat accumulating under the skin is the main enemy of the fair sex. It spoils the look and lowers self-esteem. However, if you learn how to build your day, it can be converted into energy.

The modern rhythm of life leaves ladies very little time for themselves. Many “hide behind” precisely this when it comes to their weight. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to visit the gym in order to find the figure of your dreams. The above exercises can be performed at home.

The first thing that needs to be realized is the need for training. Sport has a positive effect on overall health. A woman can diet and lose 10 kg, but they will return if she does not do basic exercises.

The duration of one lesson at home should be at least an hour. Fats begin to be processed into energy only after 15 minutes of training.

Another caveat - sports must be combined with the right diet, otherwise all efforts will be useless. This is not about fasting. In no case should you categorically refuse food. It will be more correct to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, focusing on foods enriched with minerals and vitamins.

Getting rid of extra pounds is a whole cycle of training aimed at bringing your waist, hips and arms into shape. Only with an integrated approach and regular exercises will a woman gain the figure of her dreams and be able to easily wear any clothes she likes.


Watch the video: FULL WEEK OF WORKOUTS. Monday - Friday Fitness Routine vlog (June 2024).