Is it possible for nursing tea: its benefits and harm to health. Can lactating women use green tea with milk to enhance lactation?


When women become mothers, many women hear advice that you need to drink green tea with milk to increase the quantity and quality of milk.

However, there is an opinion that the substances contained in coffee and tea are strictly prohibited during lactation.

So is it possible to lactating tea?

Is it possible to nursing tea and how it is useful

During lactation, mother should drink as much fluid as possible. If before pregnancy she did not drink the daily norm of 1.5-2 liters, then during breastfeeding she will have to learn to do this. This drinking regimen helps maintain lactation.

Contrary to existing opinions, tea does not affect lactation. The only thing he can do is to stimulate a rush of milk. To do this, you need to drink a hot drink shortly before feeding. However, the same effect will give ordinary hot water.

Breastfeeding experts say that you should not get involved in tea. The norm is no more than 2-3 cups per day. However, for many tea drinking is a way to calm down, put in order thoughts, just to be alone with yourself and enjoy it. If the mother relaxes in this way, then this is beneficial not only for lactation, but also for the mood of the mother and baby.

In addition, the caffeine contained in tea is no worse than coffee and helps to cheer up in the morning. It helps to restore strength and is a source of antioxidants useful for the body.

What else is tea useful for:

● helps fight fatigue;

● uplifting;

● improves immunity;

● contributes to the normalization of metabolism;

● helps to cope with gastrointestinal upsets;

● improves digestion of food.

Can lactating tea: what is the danger

Moms who cannot live without tea need to be careful. The drink contains a substance such as thein. This is an analogue of caffeine, which is part of coffee, but in tea its effect depends on two other substances - theophylline and tannin. The latter - weakens the effect of thein, and theophylline prolongs its activity. It turns out, despite the fact that there is less caffeine in tea than in coffee, it has an effect on the body much longer.

From mother’s blood plasma, only 1% of this harmful substance gets into milk. This small amount can not cause serious harm to the health of the child, provided that the mother drinks no more than 3 glasses of tea per day (approximately 750 ml).

Tea is affected by mum in different ways for all children. Some are calm, others are starting to get excited, sleep badly, and act up. If this happens, you need to completely abandon the drink for a week, so that the child’s nervous system recovers. If during this time the child calms down and the mother is convinced that the matter is really in the tea, for a while it can be replaced with dried fruit compote or a rosehip broth.

Some mothers are very dependent on the drink, so a sharp rejection of it can negatively affect their condition: there will be a constant feeling of being overwhelmed, drowsy. In this case, the use of white tea is an excellent solution. In terms of useful properties, it surpasses high-quality green and black varieties, and the caffeine in it is several times less.

If mom is used to drinking tea with sugar, then during lactation it is better to replace it with fructose. It is much more useful and will help to avoid allergies in the baby.

Separately, I want to say about all kinds of flavored teas. For the period of feeding it is better to refuse them completely. Rarely are these teas natural. Most of what is sold on the shelves of modern supermarkets contains a wide chemical composition. These are artificial flavors, and dyes and other additives. They can cause severe allergies in the baby, upset intestines and even poisoning. While the baby is eating mother's milk, it is important that the woman feeds on as much as possible natural products.

Can lactating green tea with milk

Often, newly minted mothers turn to breastfeeding specialists with the question: is it possible for lactating green tea with milk and whether it can improve lactation. You should immediately answer it: no, green tea does not affect the quantity and quality of milk. If, for some reason, the mother begins to disappear, the green tea will definitely not help.

It has several times less caffeine than black. Such a drink is an excellent antioxidant, that is, it contains a large number of substances that protect cell membranes from damage by free radicals. This effect allows many experts to believe that green tea is able to fight cancer and prevent their development. Whether this is true or not is not exactly known, however, it can be said with certainty that it has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and heart function. But this is provided that milk is not added to tea. Firstly, milk added to the drink kills most of the beneficial properties of tea. Secondly, cow protein is one of the common causes of severe allergies in babies up to two years old.

Despite the benefits, green tea is not worth it. This is due to the fact that in such a drink (if it is really high-quality) contains a large number of substances that have stimulating effects on the body. If mom has chronic or temporary health problems, then green tea can aggravate the situation. Only 2 cups per day will be enough. With abuse, dizziness, nausea, headaches appear, which is not at all necessary for a young mother.

So is it possible to lactating tea green and black? It is possible if you follow the recommended daily intake. Do not drink as much tea as possible per day, hoping to maintain lactation. As we have already found out, it does not affect this in any way. But to improve the flush of milk before feeding is quite possible. To do this, 30 minutes before the start you need to drink a cup of hot drink. If the mother began to notice that after drinking tea, the baby does not behave as usual - begins to cry, there are problems with sleep - you should refuse the drink for a while or minimize its use. If the drunk cup does not affect the condition of the child, then mom can afford to relax with a tea party.


Watch the video: Breastfeeding Intake Assessment - Part 1, How to know if a baby is drinking enough milk. (July 2024).