Thailand - recreation, places of interest, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Thailand occupies the southwestern part of Indochina and the northern part of the Malacca Peninsula. Its closest neighbors are Burma, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia. About 60 million people live in the country, of which about 80% are Thais, 10% are Chinese, and the ethnic composition of the Thai population is represented by Malays, Hmongs, Khmers and Vietnamese. Approximately 93% of the Thai population profess Buddhism, there are also Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and they all get along very peacefully.

The official language in Thailand is Thai, the currency is Baht (THB). There are practically no problems with the exchange of money among tourists, in addition, in Thailand almost everywhere you can pay for goods or services with all the major international credit cards and travelers checks.

Thailand - the capital and major cities

The capital of Thailand is Bangkok, which is home to about 15 million people. The main source of his income is tourism, in addition, industrial production is well developed there, there is a port. In total, Thailand has 136 cities, medium and small, with a population of less than 100 thousand people. Of these, the largest are Chiang Mai, Nakhon Ratchasima, Hat Yai. An important place in the life of Thailand is occupied by its resorts, the main of which is Pattaya with snow-white beaches, an excellent wave for surfing and a relaxing atmosphere.

Thailand - holidays and tours

The endless variety of leisure activities and sightseeing programs make tours to Thailand incredibly popular among tourists around the world. This country attracts them with magnificent natural beauties, rich cultural heritage, friendliness of local residents, exquisite cuisine, decent service in hotels, varied low-cost shopping and, finally, developed sex industry.

First of all, Thailand is loved by adherents of beach tourism, whose services include white sandy beaches, exotic vegetation, the gentle sea and luxurious hotels where everything is subject to the same goal - to please vacationers and make their stay as comfortable as possible. As for outdoor enthusiasts, the local resorts have everything you need for sailing, paddling and diving. Also, tourists can, if they wish, receive practical lessons of Muay Thai classical Thai martial art.

Tours to Thailand are also in demand among lovers of educational tourism, thanks to the opportunity to admire Buddhist temples and monasteries, as well as visit magnificent palaces and pagodas in Bangkok.

Those who are attracted to Thailand by the fame of Bangkok as the capital of sex tourism, there is a vibrant nightlife, a variety of shows and entertainment, as well as the famous Thai massage.

Thailand - Attractions

The unique history of Thailand can be traced to numerous historical sights scattered throughout the country. Of course, first of all, tourists seek to see its capital, Bangkok, where you can see the former royal Chakri palace and all the most important Buddhist monasteries, which are a real visiting card of the city. The oldest of them is the Pho Monastery, which contains the largest image of the reclining Buddha, having a length of 46 m and a height of 15 m. You should also visit Arun Monastery ("Temple of Dawn"), King's Palace, National Museum, Jim Thompson Ethnographic Museum, visit snake and crocodile farms, Dusit Zoo. Very popular with tourists is the "floating market", which is spread directly on the water.

In Chi-angmai, which used to be the capital of an independent Thai state, the Old Town is located, where there are also numerous temples. Here you can see various national holidays and admire the unique products of ancient folk crafts.

Another sacred place in Thailand is the Phra keo monastery with a statue of the "emerald Buddha", the most revered by believers.

Thailand - weather (climate)

Thailand is characterized by a humid tropical climate with an average annual temperature of 27 C and three distinct seasons: hot (from March to June), rainy (from July to October) and the so-called cold (from November to February), almost equally suitable for beach holidays. However, the ideal time for him is the European winter.

Weather in Thailand now:

Thailand - Cuisine

Thai cuisine is characterized by an abundance of fruits and various seasonings, which are sometimes used in the most unexpected combinations. Many recipes are based on the use of race, the most popular Thai side dish that replaces bread. In addition, Thais love noodles and a variety of pasta. Meat is a very rare guest on their table, and it is most often prepared by order of guests of the country. Typically, tourists are served dishes of duck, chicken, pickled pork. But in Thailand, fish and seafood are very popular.

Various salads are traditionally served with meat and fish. In the Thai restaurant you can enjoy unripe papaya salad, sour salad of chopped meat, rice salad with raw vegetables and fermented fish sauce and many other, no less original.

The true pride of Thai cuisine is a variety of sauces, among which the most popular is the famous burning "curry". Other Thai condiments are also known throughout the world: shrimp paste, fish sauce, lime juice, lemongrass, etc.

Thai desserts are most often represented by fruits, puddings, sweet cakes, ice cream, coconut mass with jelly. To quench your thirst in Thailand it is customary to use cold water, fresh juices or juices with ice and syrup.

Thailand - interesting facts

Some people mistakenly think that Thailand is a country of easy morals and permissiveness. However, going beyond the "tourist zone" of Pattaya or Phuket, we find ourselves in another Thailand, where very strict family values ​​and Buddhist religious morality reign, which tourists need to be respected so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

So, walking in shorts for both men and women is possible only on the beach or in the hotel. Men should not go to the mosque without a hat, and women should wear trousers or a long skirt, a shirt with long sleeves for this purpose, and cover their heads with a scarf. Shoes should be removed and left at the entrance to the temple.

In Thailand, you can’t sunbathe and swim naked, violators will face a large fine. The same fate will befall those who violate the ban on smoking in a public place or climb onto a sacred Buddha statue, for example, to take a picture.

In Thailand, it is customary to greet each other with folded “boat” palms; handshakes are not accepted here.

Another important point: here the king is sacredly honored and everything connected with it. Having heard the royal anthem, it is better to stand up or respectfully stop, even if it happens right on the street. Be very careful: in Thailand, disrespectful statements about the king or members of his family are punishable by 20 years of hard labor, regardless of the nationality of the offender.

It also does not welcome the public expression of feelings between a man and a woman. Women are not allowed
appeal to the monks. No need to try to pat Thai children on the head; this will offend their parents.

And a few more practical tips. In Thailand, great care must be taken on the roads, since there is a very chaotic traffic. Tap water should not be boiled or used to wash fruit without boiling. You should bargain in the market, so you can significantly, sometimes by half, reduce the cost of things.

In Thailand, tips are given to porters (from 5 to 10 baht), taxi drivers (rounding off the meter), and in hotels - at the discretion. In Thai restaurants, service charges are not included in the bill, therefore tips are required at a rate of 10%.

Thailand - visa application

Citizens of the Russian Federation who come to Thailand as tourists, having planned to stay in the country for no more than 30 days, may not apply for a visa, and at the border crossing, present a passport and a migration card. In this case, no tourist fees are charged.

For travel with a different purpose, you need to get a visa by contacting the Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand in Moscow. To apply for it, you need to present a passport and documents filled out in the prescribed manner, as well as pay a consular fee of $ 40.

Thailand - Embassy

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand in Russia is located in Moscow, on ul. Bolshaya Spasskaya, house 9. You can call there by calling (495) 608-0856, (495) 608-0817, (495) 608-6671, (495) 690-9659 (fax).

Map of thailand


Watch the video: Phuket, Thailand Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions (July 2024).