Tips for girls how to make a beautiful selfie


Technology does not stand still, and finally there is an opportunity to freely engage in such an exciting business for anyone. What do we photograph? Yes all! Including ourselves, especially after the emergence of the Instagram network. For those who are not familiar with the main principles, we dedicate this review! We will tell you how to make cool pictures, for example, on avu. The main thing is that we will tell in detail and give advice on how to take selfies for girls (lessons, description).

How to take a selfie correctly and beautiful with your own hands

It is not always possible to ask the master to make a photo session for you, and is it necessary? The main thing is to have at hand was, let's say, a smartphone or camera, ideally with a good resolution, so it is better to use an android. The most successful in this regard, iPhone, Zenfon and Samsung Galaxy. For the camera the best option Gopro. And it would be great if you have a selfie stick.

However, sometimes you can do without it. Some manage to hold a phone or camera with the help of improvised means, for example, a wooden mop. By the way, many people take selfies using a laptop, tablet (they make a screenshot on a computer), etc. The company doesn’t really matter, Asus, Lenovo and everything that is at hand will do.

The right to be called the pioneers of the invention of the monopod (selfie stick) belongs to the Koreans, who appreciated the idea in time, adding a bit of convenience to the original version in the form of a button. This method allows you to take photos from a distance.

Basic rules for girls

For a beautiful picture two components are very important:

good camera - most use frontal, i.e. front (again, if we are talking about the phone). This is very convenient in all respects, for example, allows you to immediately see the future picture and evaluate (albeit approximately) its quality. Its only drawback is that it most often has the worst resolution, unlike the main one, which produces high-quality images;

properly selected background - for sure you have seen perfect shots that nullified the background (a naked man in the mirror, for example, or some kind of antics), so we recommend that, if possible, avoid being hit by unauthorized persons. Please note that if a photo is taken against any sights, it is important that it stands out well from the background, but does not overshadow her poseur, also make sure that the picture is not covered by the palm.

Successful selfie at home - the best poses

And now the most important thing is poses for a beautiful picture. You probably noticed that there are, as good pictures, and vice versa. The whole secret is precisely in the correctly chosen pose, and if the picture is taken in the company (regardless of the number of people), you should take care of each character. Some of the secrets we uncover. The instruction is:

1. Good angle. For an inexperienced photographer, this can be challenging. But everything is fixable. Learn to "feel" the lens. Shoot yourself in different angles and, as they say, feel the difference. Experiment with tilting your head, pick the most advantageous option. You can practice in front of the mirror.

2. The camera feels false, so try to be sincere: smile, laughter, joy, delight or grief - everything must be extremely natural, otherwise the most basic thing will go - naturalness.

3. Makeup or masking. We recommend using small tricks that will add zest to the image. These can be illuminated bases, meteorites, shimmers, illuminators, etc. If you create a cool picture, the disease interferes (swelling appeared in the morning, for example) mask with sunglasses and you must get normal shots.

4. Use celebrities. It's no secret that the coolest pictures with stars. This will add charm and immediately raise the rating, especially if they include Brian Spielberg, Casey, Cage, or actors from the movie “San Andreas”, model Kim Kardashian, etc. It’s not bad if Russian stars / supermodels get into the lens, for example , participants "Comedy woman".

5. Take pictures with animals. Animals (no matter what) are always cute, besides studies have shown that such photos are liked by the overwhelming majority of people. These ideas are very common in the advertising business, take advantage and you.

6. Use fantasy and sense of humor. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, this is a great move. Thus, you will attract more viewers to your account in instagramm or another network. Photograph against the background of computer games, such as GTA, MTA, RP, draine or minecraft (for boys) or pictures where you can depict yourself on paper, for example on a tank or on a rover. Add jokes, for example, draw pictures of a pupa or fold your sponge with a bantiktik (for girls), in a word, do not be afraid to dream and you should not be shy. Girls can take a photo with a friend, for example, in the dark under an umbrella and with flowers. In a word, look for interesting and unusual options.

7. Add extremebut make sure it is safe. Now it is considered the mainstream (fashionable direction) of fatalities - riding on the train roof or on the hood of a car. Take a few shots, capture a cool moment of euphoria in stages. You can make a panoramic video and put it on YouTube for viewing online. However, these options are more suitable for boys and boys a little older.

8. More relevant photos of a peasant (or guys), for example, in a pool (in water) with Japanese women or photo models. But do not forget - a slight hint of erotica and vulgar pictures are two different things. For example, if the father (typical dad Sasha) took a picture of how a young daughter is standing in her underwear, it went. Awesome male options - at high altitude (you can shoot with the help of a front-end, it is better to take a few pictures in a row).

Light erotic, not vulgar photo.

In a word - try experimenting and enjoy the process!


Watch the video: HOW TO TAKE or fake THE PERFECT SELFIE. Jessica Vu (July 2024).