May 21: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on May 21.


Holidays May 21

Day of the Pacific Fleet of Russia

The establishment of the holiday on May 21 is due to the fact that it was on this date in 1731 that the Senate for the Protection of Sea Trade Routes, Fisheries and Lands established the Okhotsk Military Flotilla and the Okhotsk Military Port in the Pacific Ocean. Since then, this day is considered the beginning of the existence of the Pacific Fleet, which in its entire history has experienced many military events. One of these was the participation of the fleet in the valiant defense of Petropavlovsk in the mid-nineteenth century. At present, the Pacific Fleet of Russia, being an integral part of the Russian Armed Forces as a whole, has concentrated a large number of naval equipment, including surface ships, diesel and nuclear submarines, missile submarines, naval aviation, etc. The main tasks of the Pacific Fleet, as the operational association of the Navy, include many functions that are combined into a single goal - to ensure security for the Russian state.

Military Translator Day in Russia

Military Translator's Day on the territory of the Russian Federation is celebrated annually on May 21, starting in 2000, by decision of the IIII (club of graduates of the Military Institute of Foreign Languages). And the event was timed to 1929, when the Deputy People's Commissar for Naval Affairs Joseph Unshlikhtem signed the corresponding Decree "On the approval of the rank of military translator." In fact, this decision officially legalized the profession, which began its existence several centuries before the signing of the decree. Military Translator's Day certainly deserves the attention of the public. This is a professional holiday not only for military translators, but also for all linguists in the country, and today, like no other, they deserve congratulations!

May 21 on the folk calendar

Ivan Dolgiy

On April 21, the Orthodox Church commemorates the great evangelist and one of the twelve apostles - John the Theologian. It was John and his elder brother Jacob that Jesus Christ made his favorite disciples. The theologian is the author of five chapters of the New Testament, in which the apostle reveals the whole truth about death and resurrection, as well as the coming of the Messiah and the end of human days.

On this day in Russia traditionally engaged in the sowing of wheat. In the evening, wealthy peasants baked sacrificial pies in honor of St. John and treated them to the poor. Often, women walked the streets and distributed pies to the poor and travelers. On May 21, the old men went to the nearest crossroads and read a special prayer so that the Lord would send kindness to their families, friends, and just people around. At the end of the prayer, they scattered pies crumbs brought from home on the way to feed the birds. It was impossible to use such pastries themselves, they all distributed to the poor, and crumbs to birds.

Today it was also customary to pray to John the Theologian to avoid various poisonings, since the apostle himself, according to the order, drank a glass of poison on the orders of the emperor Domitian, but the poisonous potion did not affect the righteous. He was still in good health.

Historical events of May 21

May 21, 1502 - St. Helena was discovered

The island, spreading in the South Atlantic, was discovered by Juan da Nova on St. Helena's Day. That is why the newfound land was given such a name. Saint Helena - was a volcanic area of ​​122 square kilometers. This land for many years remained unknown to other researchers, until the end of the sixteenth century, when the explorer Cavendish arrived on the island with his expedition during a trip around the world. The settlement and development of St. Helena began in the middle of the seventeenth century with a small colony of Dutch.

The island became a very important strategic object, since it played the role of a food and water supply point for ships sailing to India. The Dutch were the first settlers of the island, but soon as a result of a stubborn struggle, the ownership of land passed to the British. Especially this island is remembered by the majority as the last refuge of Napoleon Bonaparte. By the way, it was here that he died in 1821.

May 21, 1904 - Establishment in Paris of FIFA (International Federation of Football Associations)

In conditions of mass popularization of international football competitions, the need to form a single organization with the goal of managing and organizing all world football began to increase. Particularly acute was the question of creating such an organization at the beginning of the twentieth century. And in 1904, the International Federation of Football Associations was finally established in Paris. Its main goal was to unite and strengthen world football, as well as to facilitate the holding of world competitions. The first president of the federation was elected Robert Guerin. Today, FIFA is a nationwide football community that brings together more than 150 national football associations.

May 21, 1937 - The North Pole-1 station, drifting on an ice floe under the direction of I. Papanin, began its research activities

The development of aviation greatly facilitated the work of scientists studying the North Pole. The real study of this “dark” region of the globe began only in 1937 - from the moment the first scientific station “North Pole-1” landed on drift ice, headed by Ivan Papanin. Members of the expedition pursued noble goals, including the collection of scientific data on atmospheric phenomena, meteorology, hydrobiology and geophysics. Over the entire period of research, scientists have made many discoveries. First of all, they measured the depth of water under the ice - it was 4.29 km. After 274 days, the drifting ice floe was destroyed, in connection with which it was decided to evacuate the polar explorers. The expedition delivered to Leningrad provided the USSR Academy of Sciences with the results of its research, which were highly appreciated by specialists. It was the first expedition of Papanin that gave the start to further study of the North Pole.

May 21 were born

Plato (427 - 347 BC) - an ancient Greek philosopher. The exact date of birth of the great philosopher, unfortunately, is not known, but many historians and researchers are inclined to believe that Plato was born on May 21.

Sergey Gerasimov (1906 - 1985) - People's Artist of the USSR, screenwriter and film director. In 1974 he was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.

Andrey Sakharov (1921 - 1989) - an outstanding physicist who developed the project of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. He was also an ardent human rights activist. In 1953, Sakharov was elected a member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Soon for outstanding services to the state he was awarded the Stalin Prize of the First Degree, and in 1975 the scientist received the Nobel. For some time he was a deputy of the Supreme Council.

Anatoly Levchenko (1941 - 1988) - Honored Test Pilot, astronaut, who received the award "Hero of the Soviet Union". In 1987, he flew to the Mir orbital station, after which Levchenko was struck by an incurable disease.

Name Day May 21

Celebrate: John (or Ivan), Arseny, Stanislav, Elena, Konstantin, Emil, Seraphim.


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