The best recipes and important rules: how to cook buckwheat in water. We cook buckwheat on the water in the microwave, slow cooker and oven


In order to preserve the useful substances that buckwheat groats are saturated with, you need to be able to cook it properly based on available recipes, in accordance with the necessary proportions and your own taste.

Buckwheat cooked on water should turn out not only tasty, but friable and nutritious, and also take a proper and worthy place on the table among other appetizers, side dishes and dishes.

In cooking, many methods and a lot of recipes for preparing this product on water are presented.

But for a true gourmet, some subtleties are also important, especially the process of turning such an ordinary cereal into a real masterpiece of taste and saturation.

How to cook buckwheat on the water - the general principles of cooking

• Before proceeding with the preparation of buckwheat, it is necessary to sort it out from possible grains — pebbles, small grains and husks of other types of grain and other “garbage”.

• If the purchased buckwheat grains are light, then they can be slightly fried in a hot frying pan without oil. Then, in the process, buckwheat will acquire an even more appetizing look, it will get a certain friability and originality of taste.

• For the preparation of buckwheat, it is more advisable to choose dishes in which the groats can evenly warm up and swell, it can be a pan with a thick bottom and walls, as well as a cauldron or ceramic pots.

• In order to cook buckwheat correctly, all proportions must be observed, namely the ratio of water to cereals (1: 2). And since buckwheat in the cooking process also increases in volume, then the dishes must be selected with certain dimensions.

• In order that buckwheat does not lose its taste, the shape of the grains and the piquant aroma need to determine the time of preparation of the dish. It is important not to digest the cereal and remove it from the heat on time.

• Buckwheat should not be stirred with a spoon during cooking, and also cook it with the lid open. First, before boiling water, the fire under the pan should be large. Then, after boiling, grits should be cooked over medium heat. Well, before the end of cooking, the fire must be reduced to a minimum for complete evaporation of the liquid, both from the surface of the cereal and from the bottom of the pan.

• After cooking buckwheat, the container with cereals must be wrapped in a blanket for 20 minutes for better steaming.

• It is recommended to serve the finished dish hot with a piece of butter.

Recipe 1. How to cook buckwheat on the water (a traditional dish)


• Buckwheat - 400 gr.

• Water - 800 ml.

• Oil (vegetable) - 50 ml.

• Salt - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

Buckwheat before cooking should be sorted out, and then washed several times in water and thoroughly dried.

Next, buckwheat should be put on a hot pan and fry for 5 minutes until golden brown.

Next, you need to pour water into a thick-walled pan, salt it a little, add buckwheat fried in a pan and bring the components to a boil over high heat.

After boiling water, it is necessary to remove the foam that has appeared on its surface with a slotted spoon or a special spoon. Then you need to reduce the heat and continue cooking buckwheat for another 10 minutes.

Then the pan with buckwheat must be removed from the heat and let the dish brew for a few minutes under a closed lid.

Also, after removing the pan from the fire, the cereal can also be wrapped in a blanket for steaming. When buckwheat, cooked on water, is ready, you can add a piece of butter to it to improve the taste, and then serve the dish to the table.

Recipe 2. How to cook buckwheat on water in a slow cooker


• Buckwheat - 1 glass from the slow cooker.

• Vodichka - 2 tbsp.

• Salt - 0.5 tsp

• Butter (cream) - 60 gr.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat needs to be washed thoroughly from unnecessary "garbage".

Then washed buckwheat should be poured into a special bowl of the slow cooker, salt to your own taste and pour some water.

Then you need to connect the crock-pot and set a special mode on it - "Buckwheat" or "Krupa". Next, you need to set the timer on the slow cooker to put on the cooking hour.

After the set time has elapsed, add a piece of oil to the prepared buckwheat, which should be lightly sprinkled on top of the cereal to better dissolve it.

Hot and crumbly buckwheat can be served.

Recipe 3. How to cook buckwheat on water in the microwave


• Boiling water - 400 ml.

• Buckwheat - 200 ml.

• Salt - 15 gr.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat must be washed, transferred to a special pan, slightly salted and pour boiling water.

Then install the pan with grits in the microwave, covering the container with a lid.

Important! When cooking buckwheat in the microwave, you need to put less salt in the prepared dish, otherwise you can easily salt the food.

The microwave oven must be set to maximum power. To prepare a dish for starters, you need an average of about 5 minutes.

After the time runs out, you need to open the microwave oven, remove the lid from the pan, setting the power somewhere around 600 watts and continue cooking buckwheat at the set power for about another 8 minutes. In the middle of the process, it will be necessary to mix the buckwheat well.

After this time, the water should completely evaporate, and the buckwheat should be cooked.

Recipe 4. How to cook buckwheat on water in the oven


• Buckwheat - 600 gr.

• Vodichka - 900 ml.

• Butter - 120 gr.

• Beam - 2 pcs.

• Salt.

• Greenery.

• Butter for frying.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat must be sorted out. Then you need to peel the bulbs from the husks and chop them finely, and then fry in oil in a pan. Next, the onions must be removed from the pan on a clean plate.

Sorted buckwheat should be poured into a frying pan, pour hot, salted water and send under the lid in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

While buckwheat is in the oven, you need to take greens, wash it and chop finely.

After half an hour, the fire must be extinguished, and the buckwheat should be left in the crashed oven under the lid for another hour.

After this time, buckwheat must be removed from the oven, add oil, fried onion and greens.

Thus cooked buckwheat will be an excellent side dish for cutlets and other meat dishes.

Recipe 5. How to cook buckwheat in water by steaming the product


• Buckwheat - 200 gr.

• Vodichka - 600 ml.

• Salt.

• Butter butter.

• Thermos or saucepan with a lid.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat needs to be sorted out, thoroughly washed and put in a pot or thermos.

Then buckwheat must be filled with water, it can be hot, but not lower than 60 degrees.

Further, the dishes with buckwheat should be wrapped in a towel or blanket and left in this form for 4, and preferably 8 hours.

After the set time has elapsed, add the oil to the buckwheat, then salt it and mix well. Now the porridge is ready to eat.

Recipe 6. How to cook buckwheat in water in a pot


• Buckwheat groats - 250 gr.

• Vodichka - 500 ml.

• Butter.

• Sugar, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat must be carefully sorted out for litter and various pebbles in it. Then you need to rinse it to clean water.

Then you need to put it in a pot, pour some water based on a 1: 2 ratio, add sugar and salt and close the lid.

After all the components in the pot you need to put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

After the set time has passed, the fire in the oven needs to be extinguished, a pot of buckwheat is added and a piece of butter is added, sent back for 25 minutes to infuse.

Thus prepared porridge can be used as an independent dish, or as a side dish for meat or fish.

Recipe 7. How to cook buckwheat on water in a pot with meat and mushrooms


• Pulp - 150/200 gr.

• Buckwheat - 200 gr.

• A handful of mushrooms.

• Greenery.

• Salt, spices.

Cooking method:

Before starting to cook buckwheat on the water, the selected pot must be poured with cold water. The pot is saturated with moisture, and then in the process of cooking will give it to the products.

Buckwheat needs to be sorted out and then rinsed thoroughly. Cut the meat into medium slices, peeled carrots with thin strips, mushrooms in small cubes.

On the bottom of the pot, the first thing you need to do is put the meat. On top of the meat put the carrots, pieces of mushrooms and fill everything with buckwheat and pour some water. After you need to salt all the ingredients, cover with spices and remove the pot with the available components in the oven.

Thus, buckwheat will be prepared in 40-50 minutes. After the set time has elapsed, you need to get a pot of buckwheat to season the resulting dish with herbs and serve hot to the table.

How to cook buckwheat on the water - small tricks and useful tips

• Buckwheat before production must be sorted out, from litter.

• Before cooking, it is better to soak buckwheat in cold water, so it will be boiled faster.

• In order to make the porridge friable, it is necessary to pour boiling water 2-3 times before cooking.

• In order for buckwheat to steam up and turn out tasty and soft, you need to wrap it in a blanket or a warm towel after cooking.

• It is not recommended to stir buckwheat during cooking.

• After buckwheat is cooked, it must be wrapped in a blanket for evaporation for 40-50 minutes.

• Buckwheat in the form of a side dish will be delicious with butter, stew, fried onion, herbs, mushrooms.


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