How to cook spaghetti to make it, like in an Italian restaurant? How long to cook spaghetti


Surely there is no such mistress who at least once in her life did not cook spaghetti.

As a rule, we break them and cook them in small pots, after which we wash them.

This is fundamentally wrong.

How to do it right and how much time to cook spaghetti?

We’ll talk about this.

How to cook spaghetti - the basic principles of cooking

To cook spaghetti correctly, you will need a large pot. A pound of spaghetti will need at least five liters of drinking water.

So, in a pan with a volume of at least seven liters, pour water and put it on the stove. Water must be salted immediately. As soon as she boils, spaghetti is spread in her fan. In no case do not break them!

After a while, the portion of spaghetti immersed in water will become soft. Spaghetti are bent until they are completely immersed in water. From this moment, the time indicated on the package is noted. After which the water is drained. Spaghetti are not washed. So that they do not stick together, add olive or butter and mix.

How long does it take to cook spaghetti? Cooking time depends on the shape and diameter of the spaghetti. So, round and thick spaghetti without a hole is cooked for 5 to 11 minutes, round spaghetti with a hole and flattened (medium thickness) is cooked for 8 minutes, the thinnest - 3 minutes.

This time is calculated so that the spaghetti are fully prepared.

Today, spaghetti is often cooked to the state of "al dente", that is, slightly undercooked. And many people wonder how long to cook spaghetti al dente. The difference between these two states is half a minute. In this case, it is very important to correctly calculate the time, otherwise, they will be simply undercooked.

The most delicious spaghetti are obtained with various sauces. They are cooked with meat, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, etc.

Recipe 1. Spaghetti in peanut sauce


50 g of Parmesan;

300 g of spaghetti;

1 g of freshly ground black pepper;

75 g butter;

3 g of salt;

120 g walnuts;

1 small bunch of parsley;

200 ml of 20% cream;

garlic - 1 clove.

Cooking method

1. Pour water into a large pot and send it to the stove. Bring it to a boil and salt.

2. Pour the walnut kernels into the blender bowl and grind them into small crumbs.

3. We put on a fire a pan with a thick bottom and put in it a piece of butter. As soon as it melts, pour the nut crumbs into it and fry it over a quiet fire, for three minutes, stirring constantly.

4. In a boiling water, put a fan of spaghetti, and gradually completely immerse them. Boil, following the recommendations on the packaging.

5. Pour cream into the roasted nuts and mix. A bunch of parsley is finely chopped and poured into a pan. We also squeeze the peeled garlic clove through the garlic press, pepper, salt and simmer together for about three minutes.

6. Throw the boiled spaghetti into a colander, while pouring a glass of broth. We send spaghetti in a pan with peanut sauce and mix. If necessary, pour a little decoction of spaghetti. Serve hot spaghetti.

Recipe 2. Spaghetti with Cherry Tomatoes and Almonds


a pinch of ground black pepper;

250 g of spaghetti;

5 g of salt;

200 g of cherry tomatoes;

80 ml of olive oil;

90 g Parmesan;

1 clove of garlic;

80 g of almonds;

a few leaves of basil.

Cooking method

1. Pour almonds into a preheated dry frying pan and lightly fry it. Pour roasted almonds into the blender's container and chop it into crumbs.

2. Parmesan finely three.

3. Peel a clove of garlic and pass through a garlic squeezer. Finely chop the basil leaves. Grind garlic with basil in a mortar.

4. Rinse the cherry and remove from the sprig. Wipe them with a towel and cut in half.

5. In a separate bowl, combine the cherry with almond crumbs, basil with garlic, parmesan. Add olive oil and mix, slightly crushing the tomatoes.

6. Boil spaghetti in a large amount of filtered water to the state of "al dente". We discard them in a colander and combine with the sauce.

Recipe 3. Spaghetti with Cheese and Spicy Vegetable Sauce


three tomatoes;

200 g of spaghetti;

vegetable oil;

three tomatoes;


table salt;

medium carrot;

ground black pepper;

onion head;

a pinch of dried basil;

100 g leek;

large clove of garlic;

50 ml of tomato paste.

Cooking method

1. We clean the carrots, wash them and cut them into short, thin straws. We clean the onion head with a quarter of the rings. Wash and wipe the tomato with a napkin. Finely chop it. Leek with tiny rings.

2. Put the cast-iron frying pan on the fire, pour in the oil and spread the prepared vegetables, except for the tomatoes. Fry them over medium heat until golden brown. Then add finely chopped tomato. Season with spices, mix and cook for another five minutes.

3. We shift the vegetable frying into the blender's container and interrupt everything together until smooth. Pour the resulting sauce into a pan and heat for five minutes, putting finely chopped garlic. Combine the tomato paste with water and pour into the pan.

4. Boil spaghetti in plenty of water, following the recommendations on the packaging. We take out with special forceps and arrange on plates. Pour the sauce and sprinkle with cheese chips abundantly.

Recipe 4. Spaghetti with Meat Sauce


30 g dried oregano;

230 g spaghetti;

5 g of table salt;

1 bell green pepper;

3 g ground black pepper;

400 g canned peeled tomatoes;

50 ml of olive oil;

onion head;

50 ml tomato paste;

1 clove of garlic;

two thirds of a glass of red dry wine.

Cooking method

1. We clean and wash all the vegetables. Finely chop them.

2. Put a deep frying pan on the stove, heat the olive oil in it and put chopped onions in it. Fry it until transparent. Add the minced meat and fry all together, stirring constantly, over high heat until golden brown.

3. Add chopped garlic and bell pepper to the fried minced meat. Mix, reduce heat and fry for about 5 minutes.

4. Put the chopped tomatoes and tomato paste in the pan. We season with oregano. Pour with wine, pepper, salt and mix. From the moment of boiling, prepare the sauce for another two minutes, cover with a lid and cook, stirring occasionally, for half an hour.

5. Following the recommendations on the packaging, boil spaghetti until cooked. We take them out with special tweezers and transfer to sauce. Mix and arrange on plates.

Recipe 5. Spaghetti with Bacon and Fennel


one and a half glasses of grated cheese;

450 g of spaghetti;

black pepper and salt;

two stalks of fennel;

80 ml of olive oil;

230 g of bacon;

7 g ground fennel seeds;

3 cloves of garlic;

freshly squeezed lemon juice - 50 ml;

2 pods of chili pepper;

one and a half glasses of broth;

a bunch of fresh parsley.

Cooking method

1. Bacon finely chop and fry in a pan until golden brown. We put the bacon on a paper towel to stack fat. Pour into a pan where the bacon and olive oil were fried. Spread finely chopped cloves of garlic and chili pepper, fry, stirring, for a minute.

2. Fennel cut into slices and put in a pan and cook, stirring, five minutes, until soft. Pour the broth into the pan, add chopped parsley, fennel seeds and lemon juice. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a minimum, and cook, covered with a lid, for 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, pepper and salt sauce.

3. Boil spaghetti in purified water, lightly salting it, until al dente, following the recommendations on the package. Throw spaghetti into a colander, pouring a glass of liquid. Return the spaghetti to the pan.

4. Put the saucepan in a saucepan over high heat and cook the sauce until all the liquid has evaporated. Transfer the sauce from the pan to spaghetti, pour two tablespoons of olive oil, add half a glass of grated cheese and fried ham. Pour a little broth and mix. Spaghetti spread on plates and sprinkle with plenty of grated cheese.

How to cook spaghetti - tips and tricks

  • Place spaghetti only in salted water.

  • When cooking, strictly adhere to the time indicated on the packaging.

  • Pour some vegetable oil into the water and your spaghetti will not stick together during the cooking process.

  • When cooking spaghetti, do not cover the pan with a lid.

  • Always pour out some of the water left over from cooking spaghetti. It can come in handy if the spaghetti is dry or the sauce is too thick.

  • Spaghetti is better not to recline in a colander, but to get them with special tongs. So it will be convenient to lay them out on plates.


Watch the video: How To Cook The Perfect Pasta - Gordon Ramsay (June 2024).